Apache Cassandra Connection

The Apache Cassandra connection type enables connection to Apache Cassandra.

Default Connection IDs

Cassandra hook and Cassandra operators use cassandra_default by default.

Configuring the Connection

Host (required)

The host to connect to. It is possible to specify multiple hosts as a comma-separated list.

Schema (required)

The schema (keyspace) name to be used in the database.

Login (required)

The user name to connect.

Password (required)

The password to connect.

Port (required)

The port to connect.

Extra (optional)

The extra parameters (as json dictionary) that can be used in cassandra connection. The following parameters out of the standard python parameters are supported:

  • load_balancing_policy - This parameter specifies the load balancing policy to be used. There are four available policies: RoundRobinPolicy, DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy, AllowListRoundRobinPolicy and TokenAwarePolicy. RoundRobinPolicy is the default load balancing policy.

  • load_balancing_policy_args - This parameter specifies the arguments for the load balancing policy being used.

  • cql_version - This parameter specifies the CQL version of cassandra.

  • protocol_version - This parameter specifies the maximum version of the native protocol to use.

  • ssl_options - This parameter specifies the details related to SSL, if it’s enabled in Cassandra.

Examples for the Extra field

  1. Specifying ssl_options

If SSL is enabled in Cassandra, pass in a dict in the extra field as kwargs for ssl.wrap_socket(). For example:

  "ssl_options": {
    "ca_certs": "PATH/TO/CA_CERTS"
  1. Specifying load_balancing_policy and load_balancing_policy_args

Default load balancing policy is RoundRobinPolicy. Following are a few samples to specify a different LB policy:


  "load_balancing_policy": "DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy",
  "load_balancing_policy_args": {
    "local_dc": "LOCAL_DC_NAME",
    "used_hosts_per_remote_dc": "SOME_INT_VALUE"


  "load_balancing_policy": "AllowListRoundRobinPolicy",
  "load_balancing_policy_args": {
    "hosts": ["HOST1", "HOST2", "HOST3"]


  "load_balancing_policy": "TokenAwarePolicy",
  "load_balancing_policy_args": {
    "child_load_balancing_policy": "CHILD_POLICY_NAME",
    "child_load_balancing_policy_args": {}

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