Source code for airflow.providers.apache.hive.transfers.s3_to_hive

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"""This module contains an operator to move data from an S3 bucket to Hive."""

from __future__ import annotations

import bz2
import gzip
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from import Sequence
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from import S3Hook
from airflow.providers.apache.hive.hooks.hive import HiveCliHook

    from airflow.utils.context import Context

[docs] class S3ToHiveOperator(BaseOperator): """ Moves data from S3 to Hive. The operator downloads a file from S3, stores the file locally before loading it into a Hive table. If the ``create`` or ``recreate`` arguments are set to ``True``, a ``CREATE TABLE`` and ``DROP TABLE`` statements are generated. Hive data types are inferred from the cursor's metadata from. Note that the table generated in Hive uses ``STORED AS textfile`` which isn't the most efficient serialization format. If a large amount of data is loaded and/or if the tables gets queried considerably, you may want to use this operator only to stage the data into a temporary table before loading it into its final destination using a ``HiveOperator``. :param s3_key: The key to be retrieved from S3. (templated) :param field_dict: A dictionary of the fields name in the file as keys and their Hive types as values :param hive_table: target Hive table, use dot notation to target a specific database. (templated) :param delimiter: field delimiter in the file :param create: whether to create the table if it doesn't exist :param recreate: whether to drop and recreate the table at every execution :param partition: target partition as a dict of partition columns and values. (templated) :param headers: whether the file contains column names on the first line :param check_headers: whether the column names on the first line should be checked against the keys of field_dict :param wildcard_match: whether the s3_key should be interpreted as a Unix wildcard pattern :param aws_conn_id: source s3 connection :param verify: Whether or not to verify SSL certificates for S3 connection. By default SSL certificates are verified. You can provide the following values: - ``False``: do not validate SSL certificates. SSL will still be used (unless use_ssl is False), but SSL certificates will not be verified. - ``path/to/cert/bundle.pem``: A filename of the CA cert bundle to uses. You can specify this argument if you want to use a different CA cert bundle than the one used by botocore. :param hive_cli_conn_id: Reference to the :ref:`Hive CLI connection id <howto/connection:hive_cli>`. :param input_compressed: Boolean to determine if file decompression is required to process headers :param tblproperties: TBLPROPERTIES of the hive table being created :param select_expression: S3 Select expression """
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ("s3_key", "partition", "hive_table")
[docs] template_ext: Sequence[str] = ()
[docs] ui_color = "#a0e08c"
def __init__( self, *, s3_key: str, field_dict: dict, hive_table: str, delimiter: str = ",", create: bool = True, recreate: bool = False, partition: dict | None = None, headers: bool = False, check_headers: bool = False, wildcard_match: bool = False, aws_conn_id: str | None = "aws_default", verify: bool | str | None = None, hive_cli_conn_id: str = "hive_cli_default", input_compressed: bool = False, tblproperties: dict | None = None, select_expression: str | None = None, hive_auth: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] self.s3_key = s3_key
[docs] self.field_dict = field_dict
[docs] self.hive_table = hive_table
[docs] self.delimiter = delimiter
[docs] self.create = create
[docs] self.recreate = recreate
[docs] self.partition = partition
[docs] self.headers = headers
[docs] self.check_headers = check_headers
[docs] self.wildcard_match = wildcard_match
[docs] self.hive_cli_conn_id = hive_cli_conn_id
[docs] self.aws_conn_id = aws_conn_id
[docs] self.verify = verify
[docs] self.input_compressed = input_compressed
[docs] self.tblproperties = tblproperties
[docs] self.select_expression = select_expression
[docs] self.hive_auth = hive_auth
if self.check_headers and not (self.field_dict is not None and self.headers): raise AirflowException("To check_headers provide field_dict and headers")
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context): # Downloading file from S3 s3_hook = S3Hook(aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id, verify=self.verify) hive_hook = HiveCliHook(hive_cli_conn_id=self.hive_cli_conn_id, auth=self.hive_auth)"Downloading S3 file") if self.wildcard_match: if not s3_hook.check_for_wildcard_key(self.s3_key): raise AirflowException(f"No key matches {self.s3_key}") s3_key_object = s3_hook.get_wildcard_key(self.s3_key) elif s3_hook.check_for_key(self.s3_key): s3_key_object = s3_hook.get_key(self.s3_key) else: raise AirflowException(f"The key {self.s3_key} does not exists") if TYPE_CHECKING: assert s3_key_object _, file_ext = os.path.splitext(s3_key_object.key) if self.select_expression and self.input_compressed and file_ext.lower() != ".gz": raise AirflowException("GZIP is the only compression format Amazon S3 Select supports") with ( TemporaryDirectory(prefix="tmps32hive_") as tmp_dir, NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", dir=tmp_dir, suffix=file_ext) as f, ):"Dumping S3 key %s contents to local file %s", s3_key_object.key, if self.select_expression: option = {} if self.headers: option["FileHeaderInfo"] = "USE" if self.delimiter: option["FieldDelimiter"] = self.delimiter input_serialization: dict[str, Any] = {"CSV": option} if self.input_compressed: input_serialization["CompressionType"] = "GZIP" content = s3_hook.select_key( bucket_name=s3_key_object.bucket_name, key=s3_key_object.key, expression=self.select_expression, input_serialization=input_serialization, ) f.write(content.encode("utf-8")) else: s3_key_object.download_fileobj(f) f.flush() if self.select_expression or not self.headers:"Loading file %s into Hive", hive_hook.load_file(, self.hive_table, field_dict=self.field_dict, create=self.create, partition=self.partition, delimiter=self.delimiter, recreate=self.recreate, tblproperties=self.tblproperties, ) else: # Decompressing file if self.input_compressed:"Uncompressing file %s", fn_uncompressed = uncompress_file(, file_ext, tmp_dir)"Uncompressed to %s", fn_uncompressed) # uncompressed file available now so deleting # compressed file to save disk space f.close() else: fn_uncompressed = # Testing if header matches field_dict if self.check_headers:"Matching file header against field_dict") header_list = self._get_top_row_as_list(fn_uncompressed) if not self._match_headers(header_list): raise AirflowException("Header check failed") # Deleting top header row"Removing header from file %s", fn_uncompressed) headless_file = self._delete_top_row_and_compress(fn_uncompressed, file_ext, tmp_dir)"Headless file %s", headless_file)"Loading file %s into Hive", headless_file) hive_hook.load_file( headless_file, self.hive_table, field_dict=self.field_dict, create=self.create, partition=self.partition, delimiter=self.delimiter, recreate=self.recreate, tblproperties=self.tblproperties, )
def _get_top_row_as_list(self, file_name): with open(file_name) as file: header_line = file.readline().strip() return header_line.split(self.delimiter) def _match_headers(self, header_list): if not header_list: raise AirflowException("Unable to retrieve header row from file") field_names = self.field_dict.keys() if len(field_names) != len(header_list): self.log.warning( "Headers count mismatch File headers:\n %s\nField names: \n %s\n", header_list, field_names ) return False test_field_match = all(h1.lower() == h2.lower() for h1, h2 in zip(header_list, field_names)) if test_field_match: return True else: self.log.warning( "Headers do not match field names File headers:\n %s\nField names: \n %s\n", header_list, field_names, ) return False @staticmethod def _delete_top_row_and_compress(input_file_name, output_file_ext, dest_dir): # When output_file_ext is not defined, file is not compressed open_fn = open if output_file_ext.lower() == ".gz": open_fn = gzip.GzipFile elif output_file_ext.lower() == ".bz2": open_fn = bz2.BZ2File _, fn_output = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=output_file_ext, dir=dest_dir) with open(input_file_name, "rb") as f_in, open_fn(fn_output, "wb") as f_out: next(f_in) for line in f_in: f_out.write(line) return fn_output
[docs] def uncompress_file(input_file_name, file_extension, dest_dir): """Uncompress gz and bz2 files.""" if file_extension.lower() not in (".gz", ".bz2"): raise NotImplementedError( f"Received {file_extension} format. Only gz and bz2 files can currently be uncompressed." ) if file_extension.lower() == ".gz": fmodule = gzip.GzipFile elif file_extension.lower() == ".bz2": fmodule = bz2.BZ2File with ( fmodule(input_file_name, mode="rb") as f_compressed, NamedTemporaryFile(dir=dest_dir, mode="wb", delete=False) as f_uncompressed, ): shutil.copyfileobj(f_compressed, f_uncompressed) return

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