Source code for airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.triggers.job

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from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from import AsyncIterator
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.hooks.kubernetes import AsyncKubernetesHook, KubernetesHook
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager import PodManager
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.xcom_sidecar import PodDefaults
from airflow.triggers.base import BaseTrigger, TriggerEvent

    from kubernetes.client import V1Job

[docs] class KubernetesJobTrigger(BaseTrigger): """ KubernetesJobTrigger run on the trigger worker to check the state of Job. :param job_name: The name of the job. :param job_namespace: The namespace of the job. :param pod_name: The name of the Pod. :param pod_namespace: The namespace of the Pod. :param base_container_name: The name of the base container in the pod. :param kubernetes_conn_id: The :ref:`kubernetes connection id <howto/connection:kubernetes>` for the Kubernetes cluster. :param cluster_context: Context that points to kubernetes cluster. :param config_file: Path to kubeconfig file. :param poll_interval: Polling period in seconds to check for the status. :param in_cluster: run kubernetes client with in_cluster configuration. :param get_logs: get the stdout of the base container as logs of the tasks. :param do_xcom_push: If True, the content of the file /airflow/xcom/return.json in the container will also be pushed to an XCom when the container completes. """ def __init__( self, job_name: str, job_namespace: str, pod_name: str, pod_namespace: str, base_container_name: str, kubernetes_conn_id: str | None = None, poll_interval: float = 10.0, cluster_context: str | None = None, config_file: str | None = None, in_cluster: bool | None = None, get_logs: bool = True, do_xcom_push: bool = False, ): super().__init__()
[docs] self.job_name = job_name
[docs] self.job_namespace = job_namespace
[docs] self.pod_name = pod_name
[docs] self.pod_namespace = pod_namespace
[docs] self.base_container_name = base_container_name
[docs] self.kubernetes_conn_id = kubernetes_conn_id
[docs] self.poll_interval = poll_interval
[docs] self.cluster_context = cluster_context
[docs] self.config_file = config_file
[docs] self.in_cluster = in_cluster
[docs] self.get_logs = get_logs
[docs] self.do_xcom_push = do_xcom_push
[docs] def serialize(self) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Serialize KubernetesCreateJobTrigger arguments and classpath.""" return ( "airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.triggers.job.KubernetesJobTrigger", { "job_name": self.job_name, "job_namespace": self.job_namespace, "pod_name": self.pod_name, "pod_namespace": self.pod_namespace, "base_container_name": self.base_container_name, "kubernetes_conn_id": self.kubernetes_conn_id, "poll_interval": self.poll_interval, "cluster_context": self.cluster_context, "config_file": self.config_file, "in_cluster": self.in_cluster, "get_logs": self.get_logs, "do_xcom_push": self.do_xcom_push, }, )
[docs] async def run(self) -> AsyncIterator[TriggerEvent]: # type: ignore[override] """Get current job status and yield a TriggerEvent.""" if self.get_logs or self.do_xcom_push: pod = await self.hook.get_pod(name=self.pod_name, namespace=self.pod_namespace) if self.do_xcom_push: await self.hook.wait_until_container_complete( name=self.pod_name, namespace=self.pod_namespace, container_name=self.base_container_name )"Checking if xcom sidecar container is started.") await self.hook.wait_until_container_started( name=self.pod_name, namespace=self.pod_namespace, container_name=PodDefaults.SIDECAR_CONTAINER_NAME, )"Extracting result from xcom sidecar container.") loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() xcom_result = await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.pod_manager.extract_xcom, pod) job: V1Job = await self.hook.wait_until_job_complete(name=self.job_name, namespace=self.job_namespace) job_dict = job.to_dict() error_message = self.hook.is_job_failed(job=job) yield TriggerEvent( { "name":, "namespace": job.metadata.namespace, "pod_name": if self.get_logs else None, "pod_namespace": pod.metadata.namespace if self.get_logs else None, "status": "error" if error_message else "success", "message": f"Job failed with error: {error_message}" if error_message else "Job completed successfully", "job": job_dict, "xcom_result": xcom_result if self.do_xcom_push else None, } )
[docs] def hook(self) -> AsyncKubernetesHook: return AsyncKubernetesHook( conn_id=self.kubernetes_conn_id, in_cluster=self.in_cluster, config_file=self.config_file, cluster_context=self.cluster_context, )
[docs] def pod_manager(self) -> PodManager: sync_hook = KubernetesHook( conn_id=self.kubernetes_conn_id, in_cluster=self.in_cluster, config_file=self.config_file, cluster_context=self.cluster_context, ) return PodManager(kube_client=sync_hook.core_v1_client)

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