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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

import json
import time
import warnings
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.models import BaseOperator, XCom
from airflow.providers.common.compat.version_compat import AIRFLOW_V_3_0_PLUS
from import (
from import DbtCloudRunJobTrigger
from import generate_openlineage_events_from_dbt_cloud_run

    from airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors import OperatorLineage
    from airflow.utils.context import Context

    from airflow.sdk import BaseOperatorLink
    from airflow.models.baseoperatorlink import BaseOperatorLink  # type: ignore[no-redef]

[docs] class DbtCloudRunJobOperator(BaseOperator): """ Executes a dbt Cloud job. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:DbtCloudRunJobOperator` :param dbt_cloud_conn_id: The connection ID for connecting to dbt Cloud. :param job_id: The ID of a dbt Cloud job. Required if project_name, environment_name, and job_name are not provided. :param project_name: Optional. The name of a dbt Cloud project. Used only if ``job_id`` is None. :param environment_name: Optional. The name of a dbt Cloud environment. Used only if ``job_id`` is None. :param job_name: Optional. The name of a dbt Cloud job. Used only if ``job_id`` is None. :param account_id: Optional. The ID of a dbt Cloud account. :param trigger_reason: Optional. Description of the reason to trigger the job. Defaults to "Triggered via Apache Airflow by task <task_id> in the <dag_id> DAG." :param steps_override: Optional. List of dbt commands to execute when triggering the job instead of those configured in dbt Cloud. :param schema_override: Optional. Override the destination schema in the configured target for this job. :param wait_for_termination: Flag to wait on a job run's termination. By default, this feature is enabled but could be disabled to perform an asynchronous wait for a long-running job run execution using the ``DbtCloudJobRunSensor``. :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for a job run to reach a terminal status for non-asynchronous waits. Used only if ``wait_for_termination`` is True. Defaults to 7 days. :param check_interval: Time in seconds to check on a job run's status for non-asynchronous waits. Used only if ``wait_for_termination`` is True. Defaults to 60 seconds. :param additional_run_config: Optional. Any additional parameters that should be included in the API request when triggering the job. :param reuse_existing_run: Flag to determine whether to reuse existing non terminal job run. If set to true and non terminal job runs found, it use the latest run without triggering a new job run. :param retry_from_failure: Flag to determine whether to retry the job run from failure. If set to true and the last job run has failed, it triggers a new job run with the same configuration as the failed run. For more information on retry logic, see: :param deferrable: Run operator in the deferrable mode :return: The ID of the triggered dbt Cloud job run. """
[docs] template_fields = ( "dbt_cloud_conn_id", "job_id", "project_name", "environment_name", "job_name", "account_id", "trigger_reason", "steps_override", "schema_override", "additional_run_config", )
def __init__( self, *, dbt_cloud_conn_id: str = DbtCloudHook.default_conn_name, job_id: int | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, environment_name: str | None = None, job_name: str | None = None, account_id: int | None = None, trigger_reason: str | None = None, steps_override: list[str] | None = None, schema_override: str | None = None, wait_for_termination: bool = True, timeout: int = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, check_interval: int = 60, additional_run_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None, reuse_existing_run: bool = False, retry_from_failure: bool = False, deferrable: bool = conf.getboolean("operators", "default_deferrable", fallback=False), **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] self.dbt_cloud_conn_id = dbt_cloud_conn_id
[docs] self.account_id = account_id
[docs] self.job_id = job_id
[docs] self.project_name = project_name
[docs] self.environment_name = environment_name
[docs] self.job_name = job_name
[docs] self.trigger_reason = trigger_reason
[docs] self.steps_override = steps_override
[docs] self.schema_override = schema_override
[docs] self.wait_for_termination = wait_for_termination
[docs] self.timeout = timeout
[docs] self.check_interval = check_interval
[docs] self.additional_run_config = additional_run_config or {}
[docs] self.run_id: int | None = None
[docs] self.reuse_existing_run = reuse_existing_run
[docs] self.retry_from_failure = retry_from_failure
[docs] self.deferrable = deferrable
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context): if self.trigger_reason is None: self.trigger_reason = ( f"Triggered via Apache Airflow by task {self.task_id!r} in the {self.dag.dag_id} DAG." ) if self.job_id is None: if not all([self.project_name, self.environment_name, self.job_name]): raise ValueError( "Either job_id or project_name, environment_name, and job_name must be provided." ) self.job_id = self.hook.get_job_by_name( account_id=self.account_id, project_name=self.project_name, environment_name=self.environment_name, job_name=self.job_name, )["id"] non_terminal_runs = None if self.reuse_existing_run: non_terminal_runs = self.hook.get_job_runs( account_id=self.account_id, payload={ "job_definition_id": self.job_id, "status__in": str(list(DbtCloudJobRunStatus.NON_TERMINAL_STATUSES.value)), "order_by": "-created_at", }, ).json()["data"] if non_terminal_runs: self.run_id = non_terminal_runs[0]["id"] job_run_url = non_terminal_runs[0]["href"] is_retry = context["ti"].try_number != 1 if not self.reuse_existing_run or not non_terminal_runs: trigger_job_response = self.hook.trigger_job_run( account_id=self.account_id, job_id=self.job_id, cause=self.trigger_reason, steps_override=self.steps_override, schema_override=self.schema_override, retry_from_failure=is_retry and self.retry_from_failure, additional_run_config=self.additional_run_config, ) self.run_id = trigger_job_response.json()["data"]["id"] job_run_url = trigger_job_response.json()["data"]["href"] # Push the ``job_run_url`` value to XCom regardless of what happens during execution so that the job # run can be monitored via the operator link. context["ti"].xcom_push(key="job_run_url", value=job_run_url) if self.wait_for_termination and isinstance(self.run_id, int): if self.deferrable is False:"Waiting for job run %s to terminate.", self.run_id) if self.hook.wait_for_job_run_status( run_id=self.run_id, account_id=self.account_id, expected_statuses=DbtCloudJobRunStatus.SUCCESS.value, check_interval=self.check_interval, timeout=self.timeout, ):"Job run %s has completed successfully.", self.run_id) else: raise DbtCloudJobRunException(f"Job run {self.run_id} has failed or has been cancelled.") return self.run_id else: end_time = time.time() + self.timeout job_run_info = JobRunInfo(account_id=self.account_id, run_id=self.run_id) job_run_status = self.hook.get_job_run_status(**job_run_info) if not DbtCloudJobRunStatus.is_terminal(job_run_status): self.defer( timeout=self.execution_timeout, trigger=DbtCloudRunJobTrigger( conn_id=self.dbt_cloud_conn_id, run_id=self.run_id, end_time=end_time, account_id=self.account_id, poll_interval=self.check_interval, ), method_name="execute_complete", ) elif job_run_status == DbtCloudJobRunStatus.SUCCESS.value:"Job run %s has completed successfully.", self.run_id) return self.run_id elif job_run_status in ( DbtCloudJobRunStatus.CANCELLED.value, DbtCloudJobRunStatus.ERROR.value, ): raise DbtCloudJobRunException(f"Job run {self.run_id} has failed or has been cancelled.") else: if self.deferrable is True: warnings.warn( "Argument `wait_for_termination` is False and `deferrable` is True , hence " "`deferrable` parameter doesn't have any effect", UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.run_id
[docs] def execute_complete(self, context: Context, event: dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Execute when the trigger fires - returns immediately.""" self.run_id = event["run_id"] if event["status"] == "cancelled": raise DbtCloudJobRunException(f"Job run {self.run_id} has been cancelled.") elif event["status"] == "error": raise DbtCloudJobRunException(f"Job run {self.run_id} has failed.")["message"]) return int(event["run_id"])
[docs] def on_kill(self) -> None: if self.run_id: self.hook.cancel_job_run(account_id=self.account_id, run_id=self.run_id) if self.hook.wait_for_job_run_status( run_id=self.run_id, account_id=self.account_id, expected_statuses=DbtCloudJobRunStatus.CANCELLED.value, check_interval=self.check_interval, timeout=self.timeout, ):"Job run %s has been cancelled successfully.", self.run_id)
[docs] def hook(self): """Returns DBT Cloud hook.""" return DbtCloudHook(self.dbt_cloud_conn_id)
[docs] def get_openlineage_facets_on_complete(self, task_instance) -> OperatorLineage: """ Implement _on_complete because job_run needs to be triggered first in execute method. This should send additional events only if operator `wait_for_termination` is set to True. """ from airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors import OperatorLineage if not isinstance(self.run_id, int):"Skipping OpenLineage event extraction: `self.run_id` is not set.") return OperatorLineage() if not self.wait_for_termination:"Skipping OpenLineage event extraction: `self.wait_for_termination` is False.") return OperatorLineage() return generate_openlineage_events_from_dbt_cloud_run(operator=self, task_instance=task_instance)
[docs] class DbtCloudGetJobRunArtifactOperator(BaseOperator): """ Download artifacts from a dbt Cloud job run. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:DbtCloudGetJobRunArtifactOperator` :param dbt_cloud_conn_id: The connection ID for connecting to dbt Cloud. :param run_id: The ID of a dbt Cloud job run. :param path: The file path related to the artifact file. Paths are rooted at the target/ directory. Use "manifest.json", "catalog.json", or "run_results.json" to download dbt-generated artifacts for the run. :param account_id: Optional. The ID of a dbt Cloud account. :param step: Optional. The index of the Step in the Run to query for artifacts. The first step in the run has the index 1. If the step parameter is omitted, artifacts for the last step in the run will be returned. :param output_file_name: Optional. The desired file name for the download artifact file. Defaults to <run_id>_<path> (e.g. "728368_run_results.json"). """
[docs] template_fields = ("dbt_cloud_conn_id", "run_id", "path", "account_id", "output_file_name")
def __init__( self, *, dbt_cloud_conn_id: str = DbtCloudHook.default_conn_name, run_id: int, path: str, account_id: int | None = None, step: int | None = None, output_file_name: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] self.dbt_cloud_conn_id = dbt_cloud_conn_id
[docs] self.run_id = run_id
[docs] self.path = path
[docs] self.account_id = account_id
[docs] self.step = step
[docs] self.output_file_name = output_file_name or f"{self.run_id}_{self.path}".replace("/", "-")
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context) -> str: hook = DbtCloudHook(self.dbt_cloud_conn_id) response = hook.get_job_run_artifact( run_id=self.run_id, path=self.path, account_id=self.account_id, step=self.step ) output_file_path = Path(self.output_file_name) output_file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with"w") as file: "Writing %s artifact for job run %s to %s.", self.path, self.run_id, self.output_file_name ) if self.path.endswith(".json"): json.dump(response.json(), file) else: file.write(response.text) return self.output_file_name
[docs] class DbtCloudListJobsOperator(BaseOperator): """ List jobs in a dbt Cloud project. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:DbtCloudListJobsOperator` Retrieves metadata for all jobs tied to a specified dbt Cloud account. If a ``project_id`` is supplied, only jobs pertaining to this project id will be retrieved. :param account_id: Optional. If an account ID is not provided explicitly, the account ID from the dbt Cloud connection will be used. :param order_by: Optional. Field to order the result by. Use '-' to indicate reverse order. For example, to use reverse order by the run ID use ``order_by=-id``. :param project_id: Optional. The ID of a dbt Cloud project. """
[docs] template_fields = ( "account_id", "project_id", )
def __init__( self, *, dbt_cloud_conn_id: str = DbtCloudHook.default_conn_name, account_id: int | None = None, project_id: int | None = None, order_by: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] self.dbt_cloud_conn_id = dbt_cloud_conn_id
[docs] self.account_id = account_id
[docs] self.project_id = project_id
[docs] self.order_by = order_by
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context) -> list: hook = DbtCloudHook(self.dbt_cloud_conn_id) list_jobs_response = hook.list_jobs( account_id=self.account_id, order_by=self.order_by, project_id=self.project_id ) buffer = [] for job_metadata in list_jobs_response: for job in job_metadata.json()["data"]: buffer.append(job["id"])"Jobs in the specified dbt Cloud account are: %s", ", ".join(map(str, buffer))) return buffer

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