# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from urllib import parse
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql import DbApiHook
from elastic_transport import ObjectApiResponse
from airflow.models.connection import Connection as AirflowConnection
def connect(
host: str = "localhost",
port: int = 9200,
user: str | None = None,
password: str | None = None,
scheme: str = "http",
**kwargs: Any,
) -> ESConnection:
return ESConnection(host, port, user, password, scheme, **kwargs)
class ElasticsearchSQLCursor:
"""A PEP 249-like Cursor class for Elasticsearch SQL API."""
def __init__(self, es: Elasticsearch, **kwargs):
self.body = {
"fetch_size": kwargs.get("fetch_size", 1000),
"field_multi_value_leniency": kwargs.get("field_multi_value_leniency", False),
self._response: ObjectApiResponse | None = None
def response(self) -> ObjectApiResponse:
return self._response or {} # type: ignore
def response(self, value):
self._response = value
def cursor(self):
return self.response.get("cursor")
def rows(self):
return self.response.get("rows", [])
def rowcount(self) -> int:
return len(self.rows)
def description(self) -> list[tuple]:
return [(column["name"], column["type"]) for column in self.response.get("columns", [])]
def execute(
self, statement: str, params: Iterable | Mapping[str, Any] | None = None
) -> ObjectApiResponse:
self.body["query"] = statement
if params:
self.body["params"] = params
self.response = self.es.sql.query(body=self.body)
if self.cursor:
self.body["cursor"] = self.cursor
self.body.pop("cursor", None)
return self.response
def fetchone(self):
if self.rows:
return self.rows[0]
return None
def fetchmany(self, size: int | None = None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def fetchall(self):
results = self.rows
while self.cursor:
return results
def close(self):
self._response = None
class ESConnection:
"""wrapper class for elasticsearch.Elasticsearch."""
def __init__(
host: str = "localhost",
port: int = 9200,
user: str | None = None,
password: str | None = None,
scheme: str = "http",
**kwargs: Any,
self.password = password
netloc = f"{host}:{port}"
self.url = parse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, "/", None, None, None))
if user and password:
self.es = Elasticsearch(self.url, http_auth=(user, password), **self.kwargs)
self.es = Elasticsearch(self.url, **self.kwargs)
def cursor(self) -> ElasticsearchSQLCursor:
return ElasticsearchSQLCursor(self.es, **self.kwargs)
def close(self):
def execute_sql(
self, query: str, params: Iterable | Mapping[str, Any] | None = None
) -> ObjectApiResponse:
return self.cursor().execute(query, params)
class ElasticsearchSQLHook(DbApiHook):
Interact with Elasticsearch through the elasticsearch-dbapi.
This hook uses the Elasticsearch conn_id.
:param elasticsearch_conn_id: The :ref:`ElasticSearch connection id <howto/connection:elasticsearch>`
used for Elasticsearch credentials.
conn_name_attr = "elasticsearch_conn_id"
default_conn_name = "elasticsearch_default"
connector = ESConnection
conn_type = "elasticsearch"
hook_name = "Elasticsearch"
def __init__(self, schema: str = "http", connection: AirflowConnection | None = None, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_conn(self) -> ESConnection:
"""Return an elasticsearch connection object."""
conn = self.connection
conn_args = {
"host": conn.host,
"port": conn.port,
"user": conn.login or None,
"password": conn.password or None,
"scheme": conn.schema or "http",
if conn_args.get("http_compress", False):
conn_args["http_compress"] = bool(conn_args["http_compress"])
return connect(**conn_args)
def get_uri(self) -> str:
conn = self.connection
login = ""
if conn.login:
login = f"{conn.login}:{conn.password}@"
host = conn.host
if conn.port is not None:
host += f":{conn.port}"
uri = f"{conn.conn_type}+{conn.schema}://{login}{host}/"
extras_length = len(conn.extra_dejson)
if not extras_length:
return uri
uri += "?"
for arg_key, arg_value in conn.extra_dejson.items():
extras_length -= 1
uri += f"{arg_key}={arg_value}"
if extras_length:
uri += "&"
return uri
class ElasticsearchPythonHook(BaseHook):
Interacts with Elasticsearch. This hook uses the official Elasticsearch Python Client.
:param hosts: list: A list of a single or many Elasticsearch instances. Example: ["http://localhost:9200"]
:param es_conn_args: dict: Additional arguments you might need to enter to connect to Elasticsearch.
Example: {"ca_cert":"/path/to/cert", "basic_auth": "(user, pass)"}
def __init__(self, hosts: list[Any], es_conn_args: dict | None = None):
self.es_conn_args = es_conn_args or {}
def _get_elastic_connection(self):
"""Return the Elasticsearch client."""
client = Elasticsearch(self.hosts, **self.es_conn_args)
return client
def get_conn(self):
"""Return the Elasticsearch client (cached)."""
return self._get_elastic_connection()
def search(self, query: dict[Any, Any], index: str = "_all") -> dict:
Return results matching a query using Elasticsearch DSL.
:param index: str: The index you want to query
:param query: dict: The query you want to run
:returns: dict: The response 'hits' object from Elasticsearch
es_client = self.get_conn
result = es_client.search(index=index, body=query)
return result["hits"]