


Exempt certain blueprints/paths from autogenerated sessions.


Session interface that exempts some routes and stores session data in the database.


Session interface that exempts some routes and stores session data in a signed cookie.

Module Contents

class airflow.providers.fab.www.session.SessionExemptMixin[source]

Exempt certain blueprints/paths from autogenerated sessions.

save_session(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Prevent creating session from REST API and health requests.

class airflow.providers.fab.www.session.AirflowDatabaseSessionInterface(app, db, table, key_prefix, use_signer=False, permanent=True)[source]

Bases: SessionExemptMixin, flask_session.sessions.SqlAlchemySessionInterface

Session interface that exempts some routes and stores session data in the database.

class airflow.providers.fab.www.session.AirflowSecureCookieSessionInterface[source]

Bases: SessionExemptMixin, flask.sessions.SecureCookieSessionInterface

Session interface that exempts some routes and stores session data in a signed cookie.

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