Source code for airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.definition

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from __future__ import annotations

import textwrap

from airflow.cli.cli_config import (

# # ARGS # #

# users
[docs] ARG_USERNAME = Arg(("-u", "--username"), help="Username of the user", required=True, type=str)
[docs] ARG_USERNAME_OPTIONAL = Arg(("-u", "--username"), help="Username of the user", type=str)
[docs] ARG_FIRSTNAME = Arg(("-f", "--firstname"), help="First name of the user", required=True, type=str)
[docs] ARG_LASTNAME = Arg(("-l", "--lastname"), help="Last name of the user", required=True, type=str)
[docs] ARG_ROLE = Arg( ("-r", "--role"), help="Role of the user. Existing roles include Admin, User, Op, Viewer, and Public", required=True, type=str, )
[docs] ARG_EMAIL = Arg(("-e", "--email"), help="Email of the user", required=True, type=str)
[docs] ARG_EMAIL_OPTIONAL = Arg(("-e", "--email"), help="Email of the user", type=str)
[docs] ARG_PASSWORD = Arg( ("-p", "--password"), help="Password of the user, required to create a user without --use-random-password", type=str, )
[docs] ARG_USE_RANDOM_PASSWORD = Arg( ("--use-random-password",), help="Do not prompt for password. Use random string instead." " Required to create a user without --password ", default=False, action="store_true", )
[docs] ARG_USER_IMPORT = Arg( ("import",), metavar="FILEPATH", help="Import users from JSON file. Example format::\n" + textwrap.indent( textwrap.dedent( """ [ { "email": "", "firstname": "Jon", "lastname": "Doe", "roles": ["Public"], "username": "jondoe" } ]""" ), " " * 4, ), )
[docs] ARG_USER_EXPORT = Arg(("export",), metavar="FILEPATH", help="Export all users to JSON file")
# roles
[docs] ARG_CREATE_ROLE = Arg(("-c", "--create"), help="Create a new role", action="store_true")
[docs] ARG_LIST_ROLES = Arg(("-l", "--list"), help="List roles", action="store_true")
[docs] ARG_ROLES = Arg(("role",), help="The name of a role", nargs="*")
[docs] ARG_PERMISSIONS = Arg(("-p", "--permission"), help="Show role permissions", action="store_true")
[docs] ARG_ROLE_RESOURCE = Arg(("-r", "--resource"), help="The name of permissions", nargs="*", required=True)
[docs] ARG_ROLE_ACTION = Arg(("-a", "--action"), help="The action of permissions", nargs="*")
[docs] ARG_ROLE_ACTION_REQUIRED = Arg(("-a", "--action"), help="The action of permissions", nargs="*", required=True)
[docs] ARG_ROLE_IMPORT = Arg(("file",), help="Import roles from JSON file", nargs=None)
[docs] ARG_ROLE_EXPORT = Arg(("file",), help="Export all roles to JSON file", nargs=None)
[docs] ARG_ROLE_EXPORT_FMT = Arg( ("-p", "--pretty"), help="Format output JSON file by sorting role names and indenting by 4 spaces", action="store_true", )
# sync-perm
[docs] ARG_INCLUDE_DAGS = Arg( ("--include-dags",), help="If passed, DAG specific permissions will also be synced.", action="store_true" )
################ # # COMMANDS # # ################
[docs] USERS_COMMANDS = ( ActionCommand( name="list", help="List users", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.user_command.users_list"), args=(ARG_OUTPUT, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="create", help="Create a user", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.user_command.users_create"), args=( ARG_ROLE, ARG_USERNAME, ARG_EMAIL, ARG_FIRSTNAME, ARG_LASTNAME, ARG_PASSWORD, ARG_USE_RANDOM_PASSWORD, ARG_VERBOSE, ), epilog=( "examples:\n" 'To create an user with "Admin" role and username equals to "admin", run:\n' "\n" " $ airflow users create \\\n" " --username admin \\\n" " --firstname FIRST_NAME \\\n" " --lastname LAST_NAME \\\n" " --role Admin \\\n" " --email" ), ), ActionCommand( name="reset-password", help="Reset a user's password", func=lazy_load_command( "airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.user_command.user_reset_password" ), args=( ARG_USERNAME_OPTIONAL, ARG_EMAIL_OPTIONAL, ARG_PASSWORD, ARG_USE_RANDOM_PASSWORD, ARG_VERBOSE, ), epilog=( "examples:\n" 'To reset an user with username equals to "admin", run:\n' "\n" " $ airflow users reset-password \\\n" " --username admin" ), ), ActionCommand( name="delete", help="Delete a user", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.user_command.users_delete"), args=(ARG_USERNAME_OPTIONAL, ARG_EMAIL_OPTIONAL, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="add-role", help="Add role to a user", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.user_command.add_role"), args=(ARG_USERNAME_OPTIONAL, ARG_EMAIL_OPTIONAL, ARG_ROLE, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="remove-role", help="Remove role from a user", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.user_command.remove_role"), args=(ARG_USERNAME_OPTIONAL, ARG_EMAIL_OPTIONAL, ARG_ROLE, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="import", help="Import users", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.user_command.users_import"), args=(ARG_USER_IMPORT, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="export", help="Export all users", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.user_command.users_export"), args=(ARG_USER_EXPORT, ARG_VERBOSE), ), )
[docs] ROLES_COMMANDS = ( ActionCommand( name="list", help="List roles", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.role_command.roles_list"), args=(ARG_PERMISSIONS, ARG_OUTPUT, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="create", help="Create role", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.role_command.roles_create"), args=(ARG_ROLES, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="delete", help="Delete role", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.role_command.roles_delete"), args=(ARG_ROLES, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="add-perms", help="Add roles permissions", func=lazy_load_command( "airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.role_command.roles_add_perms" ), args=(ARG_ROLES, ARG_ROLE_RESOURCE, ARG_ROLE_ACTION_REQUIRED, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="del-perms", help="Delete roles permissions", func=lazy_load_command( "airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.role_command.roles_del_perms" ), args=(ARG_ROLES, ARG_ROLE_RESOURCE, ARG_ROLE_ACTION, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="export", help="Export roles (without permissions) from db to JSON file", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.role_command.roles_export"), args=(ARG_ROLE_EXPORT, ARG_ROLE_EXPORT_FMT, ARG_VERBOSE), ), ActionCommand( name="import", help="Import roles (without permissions) from JSON file to db", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.role_command.roles_import"), args=(ARG_ROLE_IMPORT, ARG_VERBOSE), ), )
[docs] SYNC_PERM_COMMAND = ActionCommand( name="sync-perm", help="Update permissions for existing roles and optionally DAGs", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.sync_perm_command.sync_perm"), args=(ARG_INCLUDE_DAGS, ARG_VERBOSE), )
[docs] DB_COMMANDS = ( ActionCommand( name="migrate", help="Migrates the FAB metadata database to the latest version", description=( "Migrate the schema of the FAB metadata database. " "Create the database if it does not exist " "To print but not execute commands, use option ``--show-sql-only``. " "If using options ``--from-revision`` or ``--from-version``, you must also use " "``--show-sql-only``, because if actually *running* migrations, we should only " "migrate from the *current* Alembic revision." ), func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.db_command.migratedb"), args=( ARG_DB_REVISION__UPGRADE, ARG_DB_VERSION__UPGRADE, ARG_DB_SQL_ONLY, ARG_DB_FROM_REVISION, ARG_DB_FROM_VERSION, ARG_VERBOSE, ), ), ActionCommand( name="downgrade", help="Downgrade the schema of the FAB metadata database.", description=( "Downgrade the schema of the FAB metadata database. " "You must provide either `--to-revision` or `--to-version`. " "To print but not execute commands, use option `--show-sql-only`. " "If using options `--from-revision` or `--from-version`, you must also use `--show-sql-only`, " "because if actually *running* migrations, we should only migrate from the *current* Alembic " "revision." ), func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.db_command.downgrade"), args=( ARG_DB_REVISION__DOWNGRADE, ARG_DB_VERSION__DOWNGRADE, ARG_DB_SQL_ONLY, ARG_YES, ARG_DB_FROM_REVISION, ARG_DB_FROM_VERSION, ARG_VERBOSE, ), ), ActionCommand( name="reset", help="Burn down and rebuild the FAB metadata database", func=lazy_load_command("airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.cli_commands.db_command.resetdb"), args=(ARG_YES, ARG_DB_SKIP_INIT, ARG_VERBOSE), ), )

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