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"""This module contains Facebook Ads Reporting hooks."""

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from enum import Enum
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from facebook_business.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount
from facebook_business.adobjects.adreportrun import AdReportRun
from facebook_business.api import FacebookAdsApi

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook

    from facebook_business.adobjects.adsinsights import AdsInsights

[docs] class JobStatus(Enum): """Available options for facebook async task status."""
[docs] COMPLETED = "Job Completed"
[docs] STARTED = "Job Started"
[docs] RUNNING = "Job Running"
[docs] FAILED = "Job Failed"
[docs] SKIPPED = "Job Skipped"
[docs] class FacebookAdsReportingHook(BaseHook): """ Facebook Ads API. .. seealso:: For more information on the Facebook Ads API, take a look at the API docs: :param facebook_conn_id: Airflow Facebook Ads connection ID :param api_version: The version of Facebook API. Default to None. If it is None, it will use the Facebook business SDK default version. """
[docs] conn_name_attr = "facebook_conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "facebook_default"
[docs] conn_type = "facebook_social"
[docs] hook_name = "Facebook Ads"
def __init__( self, facebook_conn_id: str = default_conn_name, api_version: str | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__()
[docs] self.facebook_conn_id = facebook_conn_id
[docs] self.api_version = api_version
[docs] self.client_required_fields = ["app_id", "app_secret", "access_token", "account_id"]
def _get_service(self) -> FacebookAdsApi: """Return Facebook Ads Client using a service account.""" config = self.facebook_ads_config return FacebookAdsApi.init( app_id=config["app_id"], app_secret=config["app_secret"], access_token=config["access_token"], api_version=self.api_version, ) @cached_property
[docs] def multiple_accounts(self) -> bool: """Check whether provided account_id in the Facebook Ads Connection is provided as a list.""" return isinstance(self.facebook_ads_config["account_id"], list)
[docs] def facebook_ads_config(self) -> dict: """ Get the ``facebook_ads_config`` attribute. This fetches Facebook Ads connection from meta database, and sets the ``facebook_ads_config`` attribute with returned config file. """"Fetching fb connection: %s", self.facebook_conn_id) conn = self.get_connection(self.facebook_conn_id) config = conn.extra_dejson missing_keys = self.client_required_fields - config.keys() if missing_keys: message = f"{missing_keys} fields are missing" raise AirflowException(message) return config
[docs] def bulk_facebook_report( self, params: dict[str, Any] | None, fields: list[str], sleep_time: int = 5, ) -> list[AdsInsights] | dict[str, list[AdsInsights]]: """ Pull data from Facebook Ads API regarding Account ID with matching return type. The return type and value depends on the ``account_id`` configuration. If the configuration is a str representing a single Account ID, the return value is the list of reports for that ID. If the configuration is a list of str representing multiple Account IDs, the return value is a dict of Account IDs and their respective list of reports. :param fields: List of fields that is obtained from Facebook. Found in AdsInsights.Field class. :param params: Parameters that determine the query for Facebook :param sleep_time: Time to sleep when async call is happening :return: Facebook Ads API response, converted to Facebook Ads Row objects regarding given Account ID type """ api = self._get_service() if self.multiple_accounts: all_insights = {} for account_id in self.facebook_ads_config["account_id"]: all_insights[account_id] = self._facebook_report( account_id=account_id, api=api, params=params, fields=fields, sleep_time=sleep_time ) "%s Account Id used to extract data from Facebook Ads Iterators successfully", account_id ) return all_insights else: return self._facebook_report( account_id=self.facebook_ads_config["account_id"], api=api, params=params, fields=fields, sleep_time=sleep_time, )
def _facebook_report( self, account_id: str, api: FacebookAdsApi, params: dict[str, Any] | None, fields: list[str], sleep_time: int = 5, ) -> list[AdsInsights]: """ Pull data from the Facebook Ads API with given ``account_id``. :param account_id: Facebook Account ID that holds ads information :param api: FacebookAdsApi created in the hook :param fields: List of fields that is obtained from Facebook. Found in AdsInsights.Field class. :param params: Parameters that determine the query for Facebook :param sleep_time: Time to sleep when async call is happening """ ad_account = AdAccount(account_id, api=api) _async = ad_account.get_insights(params=params, fields=fields, is_async=True) while True: request = _async.api_get() async_status = request[AdReportRun.Field.async_status] percent = request[AdReportRun.Field.async_percent_completion]"%s %s completed, async_status: %s", percent, "%", async_status) if async_status == JobStatus.COMPLETED.value:"Job run completed") break if async_status in [JobStatus.SKIPPED.value, JobStatus.FAILED.value]: message = f"{async_status}. Please retry." raise AirflowException(message) time.sleep(sleep_time) report_run_id = _async.api_get()["report_run_id"] report_object = AdReportRun(report_run_id, api=api)"Extracting data from returned Facebook Ads Iterators") insights = report_object.get_insights() return list(insights)

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