Source code for airflow.providers.http.operators.http

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import pickle
from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable

from requests import Response

from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.providers.http.triggers.http import HttpTrigger
from airflow.utils.helpers import merge_dicts

    from requests.auth import AuthBase

    from airflow.providers.http.hooks.http import HttpHook

        from airflow.sdk.definitions.context import Context
    except ImportError:
        # TODO: Remove once provider drops support for Airflow 2
        from airflow.utils.context import Context

[docs] class HttpOperator(BaseOperator): """ Calls an endpoint on an HTTP system to execute an action. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:HttpOperator` :param http_conn_id: The :ref:`http connection<howto/connection:http>` to run the operator against :param endpoint: The relative part of the full url. (templated) :param method: The HTTP method to use, default = "POST" :param data: The data to pass. POST-data in POST/PUT and params in the URL for a GET request. (templated) :param headers: The HTTP headers to be added to the GET request :param pagination_function: A callable that generates the parameters used to call the API again, based on the previous response. Typically used when the API is paginated and returns for e.g a cursor, a 'next page id', or a 'next page URL'. When provided, the Operator will call the API repeatedly until this callable returns None. The result of the Operator will become by default a list of Response.text objects (instead of a single response object). Same with the other injected functions (like response_check, response_filter, ...) which will also receive a list of Response objects. This function receives a Response object form previous call, and should return a nested dictionary with the following optional keys: `endpoint`, `data`, `headers` and `extra_options. Those keys will be merged and/or override the parameters provided into the HttpOperator declaration. Parameters are merged when they are both a dictionary (e.g.: HttpOperator.headers will be merged with the `headers` dict provided by this function). When merging, dict items returned by this function will override initial ones (e.g: if both HttpOperator.headers and `headers` have a 'cookie' item, the one provided by `headers` is kept). Parameters are simply overridden when any of them are string (e.g.: HttpOperator.endpoint is overridden by `endpoint`). :param response_check: A check against the 'requests' response object. The callable takes the response object as the first positional argument and optionally any number of keyword arguments available in the context dictionary. It should return True for 'pass' and False otherwise. If a pagination_function is provided, this function will receive a list of response objects instead of a single response object. :param response_filter: A function allowing you to manipulate the response text. e.g response_filter=lambda response: json.loads(response.text). The callable takes the response object as the first positional argument and optionally any number of keyword arguments available in the context dictionary. If a pagination_function is provided, this function will receive a list of response object instead of a single response object. :param extra_options: Extra options for the 'requests' library, see the 'requests' documentation (options to modify timeout, ssl, etc.) :param log_response: Log the response (default: False) :param auth_type: The auth type for the service :param tcp_keep_alive: Enable TCP Keep Alive for the connection. :param tcp_keep_alive_idle: The TCP Keep Alive Idle parameter (corresponds to ``socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE``). :param tcp_keep_alive_count: The TCP Keep Alive count parameter (corresponds to ``socket.TCP_KEEPCNT``) :param tcp_keep_alive_interval: The TCP Keep Alive interval parameter (corresponds to ``socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL``) :param deferrable: Run operator in the deferrable mode :param retry_args: Arguments which define the retry behaviour. See Tenacity documentation at """
[docs] conn_id_field = "http_conn_id"
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ( "endpoint", "data", "headers", )
[docs] template_fields_renderers = {"headers": "json", "data": "py"}
[docs] template_ext: Sequence[str] = ()
[docs] ui_color = "#f4a460"
def __init__( self, *, endpoint: str | None = None, method: str = "POST", data: dict[str, Any] | str | None = None, headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, pagination_function: Callable[..., Any] | None = None, response_check: Callable[..., bool] | None = None, response_filter: Callable[..., Any] | None = None, extra_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None, request_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, http_conn_id: str = "http_default", log_response: bool = False, auth_type: type[AuthBase] | None = None, tcp_keep_alive: bool = True, tcp_keep_alive_idle: int = 120, tcp_keep_alive_count: int = 20, tcp_keep_alive_interval: int = 30, deferrable: bool = conf.getboolean("operators", "default_deferrable", fallback=False), retry_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] self.http_conn_id = http_conn_id
[docs] self.method = method
[docs] self.endpoint = endpoint
[docs] self.headers = headers or {}
[docs] = data or {}
[docs] self.pagination_function = pagination_function
[docs] self.response_check = response_check
[docs] self.response_filter = response_filter
[docs] self.extra_options = extra_options or {}
[docs] self.log_response = log_response
[docs] self.auth_type = auth_type
[docs] self.tcp_keep_alive = tcp_keep_alive
[docs] self.tcp_keep_alive_idle = tcp_keep_alive_idle
[docs] self.tcp_keep_alive_count = tcp_keep_alive_count
[docs] self.tcp_keep_alive_interval = tcp_keep_alive_interval
[docs] self.deferrable = deferrable
[docs] self.retry_args = retry_args
[docs] self.request_kwargs = request_kwargs or {}
[docs] def hook(self) -> HttpHook: """Get Http Hook based on connection type.""" conn_id = getattr(self, self.conn_id_field) self.log.debug("Get connection for %s", conn_id) conn = BaseHook.get_connection(conn_id) hook = conn.get_hook( hook_params=dict( method=self.method, auth_type=self.auth_type, tcp_keep_alive=self.tcp_keep_alive, tcp_keep_alive_idle=self.tcp_keep_alive_idle, tcp_keep_alive_count=self.tcp_keep_alive_count, tcp_keep_alive_interval=self.tcp_keep_alive_interval, ) ) return hook
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context) -> Any: if self.deferrable: self.execute_async(context=context) else: return self.execute_sync(context=context)
[docs] def execute_sync(self, context: Context) -> Any:"Calling HTTP method") if self.retry_args: response = self.hook.run_with_advanced_retry( self.retry_args, self.endpoint,, self.headers, self.extra_options, **self.request_kwargs, ) else: response = self.endpoint,, self.headers, self.extra_options, **self.request_kwargs, ) response = self.paginate_sync(response=response) return self.process_response(context=context, response=response)
[docs] def paginate_sync(self, response: Response) -> Response | list[Response]: if not self.pagination_function: return response all_responses = [response] while True: next_page_params = self.pagination_function(response) if not next_page_params: break if self.retry_args: response = self.hook.run_with_advanced_retry( self.retry_args, **self._merge_next_page_parameters(next_page_params), ) else: response =**self._merge_next_page_parameters(next_page_params)) all_responses.append(response) return all_responses
[docs] def execute_async(self, context: Context) -> None: self.defer( trigger=HttpTrigger( http_conn_id=self.http_conn_id, auth_type=self.auth_type, method=self.method, endpoint=self.endpoint, headers=self.headers,, extra_options=self.extra_options, ), method_name="execute_complete", )
[docs] def process_response(self, context: Context, response: Response | list[Response]) -> Any: """Process the response.""" from airflow.utils.operator_helpers import determine_kwargs make_default_response: Callable = self._default_response_maker(response=response) if self.log_response: if self.response_check: kwargs = determine_kwargs(self.response_check, [response], context) if not self.response_check(response, **kwargs): raise AirflowException("Response check returned False.") if self.response_filter: kwargs = determine_kwargs(self.response_filter, [response], context) return self.response_filter(response, **kwargs) return make_default_response()
@staticmethod def _default_response_maker(response: Response | list[Response]) -> Callable: """ Create a default response maker function based on the type of response. :param response: The response object or list of response objects. :return: A function that returns response text(s). """ if isinstance(response, Response): response_object = response # Makes mypy happy return lambda: response_object.text response_list: list[Response] = response # Makes mypy happy return lambda: [entry.text for entry in response_list]
[docs] def execute_complete( self, context: Context, event: dict, paginated_responses: None | list[Response] = None ): """ Execute callback when the trigger fires; returns immediately. Relies on trigger to throw an exception, otherwise it assumes execution was successful. """ if event["status"] == "success": response = pickle.loads(base64.standard_b64decode(event["response"])) self.paginate_async(context=context, response=response, previous_responses=paginated_responses) return self.process_response(context=context, response=response) else: raise AirflowException(f"Unexpected error in the operation: {event['message']}")
[docs] def paginate_async( self, context: Context, response: Response, previous_responses: None | list[Response] = None ): if self.pagination_function: all_responses = previous_responses or [] all_responses.append(response) next_page_params = self.pagination_function(response) if not next_page_params: return self.process_response(context=context, response=all_responses) self.defer( trigger=HttpTrigger( http_conn_id=self.http_conn_id, auth_type=self.auth_type, method=self.method, **self._merge_next_page_parameters(next_page_params), ), method_name="execute_complete", kwargs={"paginated_responses": all_responses}, )
def _merge_next_page_parameters(self, next_page_params: dict) -> dict: """ Merge initial request parameters with next page parameters. Merge initial requests parameters with the ones for the next page, generated by the pagination function. Items in the 'next_page_params' overrides those defined in the previous request. :param next_page_params: A dictionary containing the parameters for the next page. :return: A dictionary containing the merged parameters. """ data: str | dict | None = None # makes mypy happy next_page_data_param = next_page_params.get("data") if isinstance(, dict) and isinstance(next_page_data_param, dict): data = merge_dicts(, next_page_data_param) else: data = next_page_data_param or return dict( endpoint=next_page_params.get("endpoint") or self.endpoint, data=data, headers=merge_dicts(self.headers, next_page_params.get("headers", {})), extra_options=merge_dicts(self.extra_options, next_page_params.get("extra_options", {})), **self.request_kwargs, )

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