# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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from __future__ import annotations
import ast
import json
import socket
import time
from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Union
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
import jenkins
from jenkins import Jenkins, JenkinsException
from requests import Request
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.providers.jenkins.hooks.jenkins import JenkinsHook
JenkinsRequest = Mapping[str, Any]
ParamType = Union[str, dict, list, None]
class JenkinsJobTriggerOperator(BaseOperator):
Trigger a Jenkins Job and monitor its execution.
This operator depend on the python-jenkins library version >= 0.4.15 to
communicate with the Jenkins server. You'll also need to configure a Jenkins
connection in the connections screen.
:param jenkins_connection_id: The jenkins connection to use for this job
:param job_name: The name of the job to trigger
:param parameters: The parameters block provided to jenkins for use in
the API call when triggering a build. (templated)
:param sleep_time: How long will the operator sleep between each status
request for the job (min 1, default 10)
:param max_try_before_job_appears: The maximum number of requests to make
while waiting for the job to appears on jenkins server (default 10)
:param allowed_jenkins_states: Iterable of allowed result jenkins states, default is ``['SUCCESS']``
template_fields: Sequence[str] = ("parameters",)
template_ext: Sequence[str] = (".json",)
def __init__(
jenkins_connection_id: str,
job_name: str,
parameters: ParamType = None,
sleep_time: int = 10,
max_try_before_job_appears: int = 10,
allowed_jenkins_states: Iterable[str] | None = None,
self.job_name = job_name
self.parameters = parameters
self.sleep_time = max(sleep_time, 1)
self.jenkins_connection_id = jenkins_connection_id
self.max_try_before_job_appears = max_try_before_job_appears
self.allowed_jenkins_states = list(allowed_jenkins_states) if allowed_jenkins_states else ["SUCCESS"]
def build_job(self, jenkins_server: Jenkins, params: ParamType = None) -> JenkinsRequest:
Trigger a build job.
This returns a dict with 2 keys ``body`` and ``headers``. ``headers``
contains also a dict-like object which can be queried to get the
location to poll in the queue.
:param jenkins_server: The jenkins server where the job should be triggered
:param params: The parameters block to provide to jenkins API call.
:return: Dict containing the response body (key body)
and the headers coming along (headers)
# Since params can be either JSON string, dictionary, or list,
# check type and pass to build_job_url
if params and isinstance(params, str):
params = ast.literal_eval(params)
request = Request(method="POST", url=jenkins_server.build_job_url(self.job_name, params, None))
return jenkins_request_with_headers(jenkins_server, request)
def poll_job_in_queue(self, location: str, jenkins_server: Jenkins) -> int:
Poll the jenkins queue until the job is executed.
When we trigger a job through an API call, the job is first put in the
queue without having a build number assigned. We have to wait until the
job exits the queue to know its build number.
To do so, we add ``/api/json`` (or ``/api/xml``) to the location
returned by the ``build_job`` call, and poll this file. When an
``executable`` block appears in the response, the job execution would
have started, and the field ``number`` would contains the build number.
:param location: Location to poll, returned in the header of the build_job call
:param jenkins_server: The jenkins server to poll
:return: The build_number corresponding to the triggered job
location += "/api/json"
# TODO Use get_queue_info instead
# once it will be available in python-jenkins (v > 0.4.15)
self.log.info("Polling jenkins queue at the url %s", location)
for attempt in range(self.max_try_before_job_appears):
if attempt:
location_answer = jenkins_request_with_headers(
jenkins_server, Request(method="POST", url=location)
# we don't want to fail the operator, this will continue to poll
# until max_try_before_job_appears reached
except (HTTPError, JenkinsException):
self.log.warning("polling failed, retrying", exc_info=True)
if location_answer is not None:
json_response = json.loads(location_answer["body"])
if (
"executable" in json_response
and json_response["executable"] is not None
and "number" in json_response["executable"]
build_number = json_response["executable"]["number"]
self.log.info("Job executed on Jenkins side with the build number %s", build_number)
return build_number
raise AirflowException(
f"The job hasn't been executed after polling the queue "
f"{self.max_try_before_job_appears} times"
def hook(self) -> JenkinsHook:
"""Instantiate the Jenkins hook."""
return JenkinsHook(self.jenkins_connection_id)
def execute(self, context: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> str | None:
"Triggering the job %s on the jenkins : %s with the parameters : %s",
jenkins_server = self.hook.get_jenkins_server()
jenkins_response = self.build_job(jenkins_server, self.parameters)
build_number = self.poll_job_in_queue(jenkins_response["headers"]["Location"], jenkins_server)
keep_polling_job = True
build_info = None
while keep_polling_job:
build_info = jenkins_server.get_build_info(name=self.job_name, number=build_number)
if build_info["result"] is not None:
keep_polling_job = False
# Check if job ended with not allowed state.
if build_info["result"] not in self.allowed_jenkins_states:
raise AirflowException(
f"Jenkins job failed, final state : {build_info['result']}. "
f"Find more information on job url : {build_info['url']}"
self.log.info("Waiting for job to complete : %s , build %s", self.job_name, build_number)
except jenkins.NotFoundException as err:
raise AirflowException(f"Jenkins job status check failed. Final error was: {err.resp.status}")
except jenkins.JenkinsException as err:
raise AirflowException(
f"Jenkins call failed with error : {err}, if you have parameters "
"double check them, jenkins sends back "
"this exception for unknown parameters"
"You can also check logs for more details on this exception "
if build_info:
# If we can we return the url of the job
# for later use (like retrieving an artifact)
return build_info["url"]
return None