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"""This module contains ODBC hook."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import namedtuple
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Any, cast
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from pyodbc import Connection, Row, connect
from airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql import DbApiHook
from airflow.utils.helpers import merge_dicts
class OdbcHook(DbApiHook):
Interact with odbc data sources using pyodbc.
To configure driver, in addition to supplying as constructor arg, the following are also supported:
* set ``driver`` parameter in ``hook_params`` dictionary when instantiating hook by SQL operators.
* set ``driver`` extra in the connection and set ``allow_driver_in_extra`` to True in
section ``providers.odbc`` section of airflow config.
* patch ``OdbcHook.default_driver`` in ``local_settings.py`` file.
See :doc:`/connections/odbc` for full documentation.
:param args: passed to DbApiHook
:param database: database to use -- overrides connection ``schema``
:param driver: name of driver or path to driver. see above for more info
:param dsn: name of DSN to use. overrides DSN supplied in connection ``extra``
:param connect_kwargs: keyword arguments passed to ``pyodbc.connect``
:param sqlalchemy_scheme: Scheme sqlalchemy connection. Default is ``mssql+pyodbc`` Only used for
``get_sqlalchemy_engine`` and ``get_sqlalchemy_connection`` methods.
:param kwargs: passed to DbApiHook
conn_name_attr = "odbc_conn_id"
default_conn_name = "odbc_default"
supports_autocommit = True
supports_executemany = True
default_driver: str | None = None
def __init__(
database: str | None = None,
driver: str | None = None,
dsn: str | None = None,
connect_kwargs: dict | None = None,
sqlalchemy_scheme: str | None = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._database = database
self._driver = driver
self._dsn = dsn
self._conn_str = None
self._sqlalchemy_scheme = sqlalchemy_scheme
self._connection = None
self._connect_kwargs = connect_kwargs
def database(self) -> str | None:
"""Database provided in init if exists; otherwise, ``schema`` from ``Connection`` object."""
return self._database or self.connection.schema
def sqlalchemy_scheme(self) -> str:
"""SQLAlchemy scheme either from constructor, connection extras or default."""
extra_scheme = self.connection_extra_lower.get("sqlalchemy_scheme")
if not self._sqlalchemy_scheme and extra_scheme and (":" in extra_scheme or "/" in extra_scheme):
raise RuntimeError("sqlalchemy_scheme in connection extra should not contain : or / characters")
return self._sqlalchemy_scheme or extra_scheme or self.DEFAULT_SQLALCHEMY_SCHEME
def driver(self) -> str | None:
"""Driver from init param if given; else try to find one in connection extra."""
extra_driver = self.connection_extra_lower.get("driver")
from airflow.configuration import conf
if extra_driver and conf.getboolean("providers.odbc", "allow_driver_in_extra", fallback=False):
self._driver = extra_driver
"You have supplied 'driver' via connection extra but it will not be used. In order to "
"use 'driver' from extra you must set airflow config setting `allow_driver_in_extra = True` "
"in section `providers.odbc`. Alternatively you may specify driver via 'driver' parameter of "
"the hook constructor or via 'hook_params' dictionary with key 'driver' if using SQL "
if not self._driver:
self._driver = self.default_driver
return self._driver.strip().lstrip("{").rstrip("}").strip() if self._driver else None
def dsn(self) -> str | None:
"""DSN from init param if given; else try to find one in connection extra."""
if not self._dsn:
dsn = self.connection_extra_lower.get("dsn")
if dsn:
self._dsn = dsn.strip()
return self._dsn
def odbc_connection_string(self):
ODBC connection string.
We build connection string instead of using ``pyodbc.connect`` params
because, for example, there is no param representing
``ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly``. Any key-value pairs provided in
``Connection.extra`` will be added to the connection string.
if not self._conn_str:
conn_str = ""
if self.driver:
conn_str += f"DRIVER={{{self.driver}}};"
if self.dsn:
conn_str += f"DSN={self.dsn};"
if self.connection.host:
conn_str += f"SERVER={self.connection.host};"
database = self.database or self.connection.schema
if database:
conn_str += f"DATABASE={database};"
if self.connection.login:
conn_str += f"UID={self.connection.login};"
if self.connection.password:
conn_str += f"PWD={self.connection.password};"
if self.connection.port:
conn_str += f"PORT={self.connection.port};"
extra_exclude = {"driver", "dsn", "connect_kwargs", "sqlalchemy_scheme", "placeholder"}
extra_params = {k: v for k, v in self.connection_extra.items() if k.lower() not in extra_exclude}
for k, v in extra_params.items():
conn_str += f"{k}={v};"
self._conn_str = conn_str
return self._conn_str
def connect_kwargs(self) -> dict:
Effective kwargs to be passed to ``pyodbc.connect``.
The kwargs are merged from connection extra, ``connect_kwargs``, and
the hook's init arguments. Values received to the hook precede those
from the connection.
If ``attrs_before`` is provided, keys and values are converted to int,
as required by pyodbc.
conn_connect_kwargs = self.connection_extra_lower.get("connect_kwargs", {})
hook_connect_kwargs = self._connect_kwargs or {}
merged_connect_kwargs = merge_dicts(conn_connect_kwargs, hook_connect_kwargs)
if "attrs_before" in merged_connect_kwargs:
merged_connect_kwargs["attrs_before"] = {
int(k): int(v) for k, v in merged_connect_kwargs["attrs_before"].items()
return merged_connect_kwargs
def get_sqlalchemy_engine(self, engine_kwargs=None):
Get an sqlalchemy_engine object.
:param engine_kwargs: Kwargs used in :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine`.
:return: the created engine.
if engine_kwargs is None:
engine_kwargs = {}
engine_kwargs["creator"] = self.get_conn
return super().get_sqlalchemy_engine(engine_kwargs)
def get_conn(self) -> Connection:
"""Return ``pyodbc`` connection object."""
conn = connect(self.odbc_connection_string, **self.connect_kwargs)
return conn
def get_uri(self) -> str:
"""URI invoked in :meth:`~airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql.DbApiHook.get_sqlalchemy_engine`."""
quoted_conn_str = quote_plus(self.odbc_connection_string)
uri = f"{self.sqlalchemy_scheme}:///?odbc_connect={quoted_conn_str}"
return uri
def get_sqlalchemy_connection(
self, connect_kwargs: dict | None = None, engine_kwargs: dict | None = None
) -> Any:
"""SQLAlchemy connection object."""
engine = self.get_sqlalchemy_engine(engine_kwargs=engine_kwargs)
cnx = engine.connect(**(connect_kwargs or {}))
return cnx
def _make_common_data_structure(self, result: Sequence[Row] | Row) -> list[tuple] | tuple:
"""Transform the pyodbc.Row objects returned from an SQL command into namedtuples."""
# Below ignored lines respect namedtuple docstring, but mypy do not support dynamically
# instantiated namedtuple, and will never do: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/848
field_names: list[tuple[str, type]] | None = None
if not result:
return []
if isinstance(result, Sequence):
field_names = [col[0] for col in result[0].cursor_description]
row_object = namedtuple("Row", field_names, rename=True) # type: ignore
return cast(list[tuple], [row_object(*row) for row in result])
field_names = [col[0] for col in result.cursor_description]
return cast(tuple, namedtuple("Row", field_names, rename=True)(*result)) # type: ignore