Source code for airflow.providers.openai.hooks.openai

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

import time
from enum import Enum
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, BinaryIO, Literal

from openai import OpenAI

    from openai.types import FileDeleted, FileObject
    from openai.types.batch import Batch
    from openai.types.beta import (
    from openai.types.beta.threads import Message, Run
    from openai.types.beta.vector_stores import VectorStoreFile, VectorStoreFileBatch, VectorStoreFileDeleted
    from import (
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from airflow.providers.openai.exceptions import OpenAIBatchJobException, OpenAIBatchTimeout

[docs] class BatchStatus(str, Enum): """Enum for the status of a batch."""
[docs] VALIDATING = "validating"
[docs] FAILED = "failed"
[docs] IN_PROGRESS = "in_progress"
[docs] FINALIZING = "finalizing"
[docs] COMPLETED = "completed"
[docs] EXPIRED = "expired"
[docs] CANCELLING = "cancelling"
[docs] CANCELLED = "cancelled"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.value)
[docs] def is_in_progress(cls, status: str) -> bool: """Check if the batch status is in progress.""" return status in (cls.VALIDATING, cls.IN_PROGRESS, cls.FINALIZING)
[docs] class OpenAIHook(BaseHook): """ Use OpenAI SDK to interact with OpenAI APIs. .. seealso:: :param conn_id: :ref:`OpenAI connection id <howto/connection:openai>` """
[docs] conn_name_attr = "conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "openai_default"
[docs] conn_type = "openai"
[docs] hook_name = "OpenAI"
def __init__(self, conn_id: str = default_conn_name, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] self.conn_id = conn_id
[docs] def get_ui_field_behaviour(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return custom field behaviour.""" return { "hidden_fields": ["schema", "port", "login"], "relabeling": {"password": "API Key"}, "placeholders": {}, }
[docs] def test_connection(self) -> tuple[bool, str]: try: self.conn.models.list() return True, "Connection established!" except Exception as e: return False, str(e)
[docs] def conn(self) -> OpenAI: """Return an OpenAI connection object.""" return self.get_conn()
[docs] def get_conn(self) -> OpenAI: """Return an OpenAI connection object.""" conn = self.get_connection(self.conn_id) extras = conn.extra_dejson openai_client_kwargs = extras.get("openai_client_kwargs", {}) api_key = openai_client_kwargs.pop("api_key", None) or conn.password base_url = openai_client_kwargs.pop("base_url", None) or or None return OpenAI( api_key=api_key, base_url=base_url, **openai_client_kwargs, )
[docs] def create_chat_completion( self, messages: list[ ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam | ChatCompletionUserMessageParam | ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam | ChatCompletionToolMessageParam | ChatCompletionFunctionMessageParam ], model: str = "gpt-3.5-turbo", **kwargs: Any, ) -> list[ChatCompletionMessage]: """ Create a model response for the given chat conversation and returns a list of chat completions. :param messages: A list of messages comprising the conversation so far :param model: ID of the model to use """ response =, messages=messages, **kwargs) return response.choices
[docs] def create_assistant(self, model: str = "gpt-3.5-turbo", **kwargs: Any) -> Assistant: """ Create an OpenAI assistant using the given model. :param model: The OpenAI model for the assistant to use. """ assistant = self.conn.beta.assistants.create(model=model, **kwargs) return assistant
[docs] def get_assistant(self, assistant_id: str) -> Assistant: """ Get an OpenAI assistant. :param assistant_id: The ID of the assistant to retrieve. """ assistant = self.conn.beta.assistants.retrieve(assistant_id=assistant_id) return assistant
[docs] def get_assistants(self, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Assistant]: """Get a list of Assistant objects.""" assistants = self.conn.beta.assistants.list(**kwargs) return
[docs] def modify_assistant(self, assistant_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Assistant: """ Modify an existing Assistant object. :param assistant_id: The ID of the assistant to be modified. """ assistant = self.conn.beta.assistants.update(assistant_id=assistant_id, **kwargs) return assistant
[docs] def delete_assistant(self, assistant_id: str) -> AssistantDeleted: """ Delete an OpenAI Assistant for a given ID. :param assistant_id: The ID of the assistant to delete. """ response = self.conn.beta.assistants.delete(assistant_id=assistant_id) return response
[docs] def create_thread(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Thread: """Create an OpenAI thread.""" thread = self.conn.beta.threads.create(**kwargs) return thread
[docs] def modify_thread(self, thread_id: str, metadata: dict[str, Any]) -> Thread: """ Modify an existing Thread object. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread to modify. Only the metadata can be modified. :param metadata: Set of 16 key-value pairs that can be attached to an object. """ thread = self.conn.beta.threads.update(thread_id=thread_id, metadata=metadata) return thread
[docs] def delete_thread(self, thread_id: str) -> ThreadDeleted: """ Delete an OpenAI thread for a given thread_id. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread to delete. """ response = self.conn.beta.threads.delete(thread_id=thread_id) return response
[docs] def create_message( self, thread_id: str, role: Literal["user", "assistant"], content: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> Message: """ Create a message for a given Thread. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread to create a message for. :param role: The role of the entity that is creating the message. Allowed values include: 'user', 'assistant'. :param content: The content of the message. """ thread_message = self.conn.beta.threads.messages.create( thread_id=thread_id, role=role, content=content, **kwargs ) return thread_message
[docs] def get_messages(self, thread_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Message]: """ Return a list of messages for a given Thread. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread the messages belong to. """ messages = self.conn.beta.threads.messages.list(thread_id=thread_id, **kwargs) return
[docs] def modify_message(self, thread_id: str, message_id, **kwargs: Any) -> Message: """ Modify an existing message for a given Thread. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread to which this message belongs. :param message_id: The ID of the message to modify. """ thread_message = self.conn.beta.threads.messages.update( thread_id=thread_id, message_id=message_id, **kwargs ) return thread_message
[docs] def create_run(self, thread_id: str, assistant_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Run: """ Create a run for a given thread and assistant. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread to run. :param assistant_id: The ID of the assistant to use to execute this run. """ run = self.conn.beta.threads.runs.create(thread_id=thread_id, assistant_id=assistant_id, **kwargs) return run
[docs] def create_run_and_poll(self, thread_id: str, assistant_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Run: """ Create a run for a given thread and assistant and then polls until completion. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread to run. :param assistant_id: The ID of the assistant to use to execute this run. :return: An OpenAI Run object """ run = self.conn.beta.threads.runs.create_and_poll( thread_id=thread_id, assistant_id=assistant_id, **kwargs ) return run
[docs] def get_run(self, thread_id: str, run_id: str) -> Run: """ Retrieve a run for a given thread and run. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread that was run. :param run_id: The ID of the run to retrieve. """ run = self.conn.beta.threads.runs.retrieve(thread_id=thread_id, run_id=run_id) return run
[docs] def get_runs(self, thread_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Run]: """ Return a list of runs belonging to a thread. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread the run belongs to. """ runs = self.conn.beta.threads.runs.list(thread_id=thread_id, **kwargs) return
[docs] def modify_run(self, thread_id: str, run_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Run: """ Modify a run on a given thread. :param thread_id: The ID of the thread that was run. :param run_id: The ID of the run to modify. """ run = self.conn.beta.threads.runs.update(thread_id=thread_id, run_id=run_id, **kwargs) return run
[docs] def create_embeddings( self, text: str | list[str] | list[int] | list[list[int]], model: str = "text-embedding-ada-002", **kwargs: Any, ) -> list[float]: """ Generate embeddings for the given text using the given model. :param text: The text to generate embeddings for. :param model: The model to use for generating embeddings. """ response = self.conn.embeddings.create(model=model, input=text, **kwargs) embeddings: list[float] =[0].embedding return embeddings
[docs] def upload_file(self, file: str, purpose: Literal["fine-tune", "assistants", "batch"]) -> FileObject: """ Upload a file that can be used across various endpoints. The size of all the files uploaded by one organization can be up to 100 GB. :param file: The File object (not file name) to be uploaded. :param purpose: The intended purpose of the uploaded file. Use "fine-tune" for Fine-tuning, "assistants" for Assistants and Messages, and "batch" for Batch API. """ with open(file, "rb") as file_stream: file_object = self.conn.files.create(file=file_stream, purpose=purpose) return file_object
[docs] def get_file(self, file_id: str) -> FileObject: """ Return information about a specific file. :param file_id: The ID of the file to use for this request. """ file = self.conn.files.retrieve(file_id=file_id) return file
[docs] def get_files(self) -> list[FileObject]: """Return a list of files that belong to the user's organization.""" files = self.conn.files.list() return
[docs] def delete_file(self, file_id: str) -> FileDeleted: """ Delete a file. :param file_id: The ID of the file to be deleted. """ response = self.conn.files.delete(file_id=file_id) return response
[docs] def create_vector_store(self, **kwargs: Any) -> VectorStore: """Create a vector store.""" vector_store = self.conn.beta.vector_stores.create(**kwargs) return vector_store
[docs] def get_vector_stores(self, **kwargs: Any) -> list[VectorStore]: """Return a list of vector stores.""" vector_stores = self.conn.beta.vector_stores.list(**kwargs) return
[docs] def get_vector_store(self, vector_store_id: str) -> VectorStore: """ Retrieve a vector store. :param vector_store_id: The ID of the vector store to retrieve. """ vector_store = self.conn.beta.vector_stores.retrieve(vector_store_id=vector_store_id) return vector_store
[docs] def modify_vector_store(self, vector_store_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> VectorStore: """ Modify a vector store. :param vector_store_id: The ID of the vector store to modify. """ vector_store = self.conn.beta.vector_stores.update(vector_store_id=vector_store_id, **kwargs) return vector_store
[docs] def delete_vector_store(self, vector_store_id: str) -> VectorStoreDeleted: """ Delete a vector store. :param vector_store_id: The ID of the vector store to delete. """ response = self.conn.beta.vector_stores.delete(vector_store_id=vector_store_id) return response
[docs] def upload_files_to_vector_store( self, vector_store_id: str, files: list[BinaryIO] ) -> VectorStoreFileBatch: """ Upload files to a vector store and poll until completion. :param vector_store_id: The ID of the vector store the files are to be uploaded to. :param files: A list of binary files to upload. """ file_batch = self.conn.beta.vector_stores.file_batches.upload_and_poll( vector_store_id=vector_store_id, files=files ) return file_batch
[docs] def get_vector_store_files(self, vector_store_id: str) -> list[VectorStoreFile]: """ Return a list of vector store files. :param vector_store_id: """ vector_store_files = self.conn.beta.vector_stores.files.list(vector_store_id=vector_store_id) return
[docs] def delete_vector_store_file(self, vector_store_id: str, file_id: str) -> VectorStoreFileDeleted: """ Delete a vector store file. This will remove the file from the vector store but the file itself will not be deleted. To delete the file, use delete_file. :param vector_store_id: The ID of the vector store that the file belongs to. :param file_id: The ID of the file to delete. """ response = self.conn.beta.vector_stores.files.delete(vector_store_id=vector_store_id, file_id=file_id) return response
[docs] def create_batch( self, file_id: str, endpoint: Literal["/v1/chat/completions", "/v1/embeddings", "/v1/completions"], metadata: dict[str, str] | None = None, completion_window: Literal["24h"] = "24h", ) -> Batch: """ Create a batch for a given model and files. :param file_id: The ID of the file to be used for this batch. :param endpoint: The endpoint to use for this batch. Allowed values include: '/v1/chat/completions', '/v1/embeddings', '/v1/completions'. :param metadata: A set of key-value pairs that can be attached to an object. :param completion_window: The time window for the batch to complete. Default is 24 hours. """ batch = self.conn.batches.create( input_file_id=file_id, endpoint=endpoint, metadata=metadata, completion_window=completion_window ) return batch
[docs] def get_batch(self, batch_id: str) -> Batch: """ Get the status of a batch. :param batch_id: The ID of the batch to get the status of. """ batch = self.conn.batches.retrieve(batch_id=batch_id) return batch
[docs] def wait_for_batch(self, batch_id: str, wait_seconds: float = 3, timeout: float = 3600) -> None: """ Poll a batch to check if it finishes. :param batch_id: Id of the Batch to wait for. :param wait_seconds: Optional. Number of seconds between checks. :param timeout: Optional. How many seconds wait for batch to be ready. Used only if not ran in deferred operator. """ start = time.monotonic() while True: if start + timeout < time.monotonic(): self.cancel_batch(batch_id=batch_id) raise OpenAIBatchTimeout(f"Timeout: OpenAI Batch {batch_id} is not ready after {timeout}s") batch = self.get_batch(batch_id=batch_id) if BatchStatus.is_in_progress(batch.status): time.sleep(wait_seconds) continue if batch.status == BatchStatus.COMPLETED: return if batch.status == BatchStatus.FAILED: raise OpenAIBatchJobException(f"Batch failed - \n{batch_id}") elif batch.status in (BatchStatus.CANCELLED, BatchStatus.CANCELLING): raise OpenAIBatchJobException(f"Batch failed - batch was cancelled:\n{batch_id}") elif batch.status == BatchStatus.EXPIRED: raise OpenAIBatchJobException( f"Batch failed - batch couldn't be completed within the hour time window :\n{batch_id}" ) raise OpenAIBatchJobException( f"Batch failed - encountered unexpected status `{batch.status}` for batch_id `{batch_id}`" )
[docs] def cancel_batch(self, batch_id: str) -> Batch: """ Cancel a batch. :param batch_id: The ID of the batch to delete. """ batch = self.conn.batches.cancel(batch_id=batch_id) return batch

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