Source code for airflow.providers.papermill.operators.papermill

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

from import Collection, Sequence
from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar

import attr
import papermill as pm

from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.providers.common.compat.lineage.entities import File
from airflow.providers.papermill.hooks.kernel import REMOTE_KERNEL_ENGINE, KernelHook

        from airflow.sdk.definitions.context import Context
    except ImportError:
        # TODO: Remove once provider drops support for Airflow 2
        from airflow.utils.context import Context

[docs] class NoteBook(File): """Jupyter notebook."""
[docs] template_fields: ClassVar[Collection[str]] = {"parameters", *File.template_fields}
[docs] type_hint: str | None = "jupyter_notebook"
[docs] parameters: dict | None = {}
[docs] meta_schema: str = __name__ + ".NoteBook"
[docs] class PapermillOperator(BaseOperator): """ Executes a jupyter notebook through papermill that is annotated with parameters. :param input_nb: input notebook, either path or NoteBook inlet. :param output_nb: output notebook, either path or NoteBook outlet. :param parameters: the notebook parameters to set :param kernel_name: (optional) name of kernel to execute the notebook against (ignores kernel name in the notebook document metadata) """
[docs] supports_lineage = True
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ( "input_nb", "output_nb", "parameters", "kernel_name", "language_name", "kernel_conn_id", )
def __init__( self, *, input_nb: str | NoteBook | None = None, output_nb: str | NoteBook | None = None, parameters: dict | None = None, kernel_name: str | None = None, language_name: str | None = None, kernel_conn_id: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] self.parameters = parameters
if not input_nb: raise ValueError("Input notebook is not specified")
[docs] self.input_nb = input_nb
if not output_nb: raise ValueError("Output notebook is not specified")
[docs] self.output_nb = output_nb
[docs] self.kernel_name = kernel_name
[docs] self.language_name = language_name
[docs] self.kernel_conn_id = kernel_conn_id
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context): if not isinstance(self.input_nb, NoteBook): self.input_nb = NoteBook(url=self.input_nb, parameters=self.parameters) # type: ignore[call-arg] if not isinstance(self.output_nb, NoteBook): self.output_nb = NoteBook(url=self.output_nb) # type: ignore[call-arg] self.inlets.append(self.input_nb) self.outlets.append(self.output_nb) remote_kernel_kwargs = {} kernel_hook = self.hook if kernel_hook: engine_name = REMOTE_KERNEL_ENGINE kernel_connection = kernel_hook.get_conn() remote_kernel_kwargs = { "kernel_ip": kernel_connection.ip, "kernel_shell_port": kernel_connection.shell_port, "kernel_iopub_port": kernel_connection.iopub_port, "kernel_stdin_port": kernel_connection.stdin_port, "kernel_control_port": kernel_connection.control_port, "kernel_hb_port": kernel_connection.hb_port, "kernel_session_key": kernel_connection.session_key, } else: engine_name = None pm.execute_notebook( self.input_nb.url, self.output_nb.url, parameters=self.input_nb.parameters, progress_bar=False, report_mode=True, kernel_name=self.kernel_name, language=self.language_name, engine_name=engine_name, **remote_kernel_kwargs, )
[docs] def hook(self) -> KernelHook | None: """Get valid hook.""" if self.kernel_conn_id: return KernelHook(kernel_conn_id=self.kernel_conn_id) else: return None

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