Slack Incoming Webhooks Notifier. |
Module Contents¶
- class airflow.providers.slack.notifications.slack_webhook.SlackWebhookNotifier(*, slack_webhook_conn_id=SlackWebhookHook.default_conn_name, text, blocks=None, unfurl_links=None, unfurl_media=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, attachments=None, retry_handlers=None)[source]¶
Slack Incoming Webhooks Notifier.
provide integration with Slack Incoming Webhooks, and may not function accurately within Legacy Slack Integration Incoming Webhook.- Parameters:
slack_webhook_conn_id (str) – Slack Incoming Webhook connection id that has Incoming Webhook token in the password field.
text (str) – The content of the message
blocks (list | None) – A list of blocks to send with the message. Optional
unfurl_links (bool | None) – Option to indicate whether text url should unfurl. Optional
unfurl_media (bool | None) – Option to indicate whether media url should unfurl. Optional
timeout (int | None) – The maximum number of seconds the client will wait to connect. Optional and receive a response from Slack. Optional
proxy (str | None) – Proxy to make the Slack Incoming Webhook call. Optional
attachments (list | None) – (legacy) A list of attachments to send with the message. Optional
retry_handlers (list[slack_sdk.http_retry.RetryHandler] | None) – List of handlers to customize retry logic in
. Optional
- template_fields = ('slack_webhook_conn_id', 'text', 'attachments', 'blocks', 'proxy', 'timeout')[source]¶
- property hook: airflow.providers.slack.hooks.slack_webhook.SlackWebhookHook[source]¶
Slack Incoming Webhook Hook.