Base Slack Operator class. |
Post messages to a Slack channel. |
Send a file to a Slack channel. |
Module Contents¶
- class airflow.providers.slack.operators.slack.SlackAPIOperator(*, slack_conn_id=SlackHook.default_conn_name, method, api_params=None, base_url=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, retry_handlers=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Base Slack Operator class.
- Parameters:
slack_conn_id (str) – Slack API Connection which its password is Slack API token.
method (str) – The Slack API Method to Call (
api_params (dict | None) – API Method call parameters ( Optional
timeout (int | None) – The maximum number of seconds the client will wait to connect and receive a response from Slack. Optional
base_url (str | None) – A string representing the Slack API base URL. Optional
proxy (str | None) – Proxy to make the Slack API call. Optional
retry_handlers (list[slack_sdk.http_retry.RetryHandler] | None) – List of handlers to customize retry logic in
. Optional
- property hook: airflow.providers.slack.hooks.slack.SlackHook[source]¶
Slack Hook.
- abstract construct_api_call_params()[source]¶
Construct API call parameters used by the execute function.
Allow templating on the source fields of the
dict before construction.Child classes should override this. Each SlackAPIOperator child class is responsible for having function set
with a dict of API call parameters (
- class airflow.providers.slack.operators.slack.SlackAPIPostOperator(channel='#general', username='Airflow', text='No message has been set.\nHere is a cat video instead\n', icon_url='', blocks=None, attachments=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Post messages to a Slack channel.
slack = SlackAPIPostOperator( task_id="post_hello", dag=dag, text="hello there!", channel="#random", )
- Parameters:
channel (str) – channel in which to post message on slack name (#general) or ID (C12318391). (templated)
username (str) – Username that airflow will be posting to Slack as. (templated)
text (str) – message to send to slack. (templated)
icon_url (str) – URL to icon used for this message
blocks (list | None) – A list of blocks to send with the message. (templated) See
attachments (list | None) – (legacy) A list of attachments to send with the message. (templated) See
- template_fields:[str] = ('username', 'text', 'attachments', 'blocks', 'channel')[source]¶
- text = Multiline-String[source]¶
Show Value
"""No message has been set. Here is a cat video instead"""
- icon_url = ''[source]¶
- construct_api_call_params()[source]¶
Construct API call parameters used by the execute function.
Allow templating on the source fields of the
dict before construction.Child classes should override this. Each SlackAPIOperator child class is responsible for having function set
with a dict of API call parameters (
- class airflow.providers.slack.operators.slack.SlackAPIFileOperator(channels=None, initial_comment=None, filename=None, filetype=None, content=None, title=None, method_version='v2', snippet_type=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Send a file to a Slack channel.
# Send file with filename and filetype slack_operator_file = SlackAPIFileOperator( task_id="slack_file_upload_1", dag=dag, slack_conn_id="slack", channels="#general,#random", initial_comment="Hello World!", filename="/files/dags/test.txt", filetype="txt", ) # Send file content slack_operator_file_content = SlackAPIFileOperator( task_id="slack_file_upload_2", dag=dag, slack_conn_id="slack", channels="#general", initial_comment="Hello World!", content="file content in txt", )
- Parameters:
channels (str |[str] | None) – Comma-separated list of channel names or IDs where the file will be shared. If set this argument to None, then file will send to associated workspace. (templated)
initial_comment (str | None) – message to send to slack. (templated)
filename (str | None) – name of the file (templated)
filetype (str | None) – slack filetype. (templated) See:
content (str | None) – file content. (templated)
title (str | None) – title of file. (templated)
snippet_type (str | None) – Syntax type for the snippet being uploaded.(templated)
method_version (typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2]) – The version of the method of Slack SDK Client to be used, either “v1” or “v2”.
- template_fields:[str] = ('channels', 'initial_comment', 'filename', 'filetype', 'content', 'title', 'snippet_type')[source]¶