# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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from __future__ import annotations
import json
import warnings
from collections.abc import Sequence
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypedDict
from slack_sdk import WebClient
from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowNotFoundException
from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from airflow.providers.slack.utils import ConnectionExtraConfig
from airflow.utils.helpers import exactly_one
from slack_sdk.http_retry import RetryHandler
from slack_sdk.web.slack_response import SlackResponse
[docs]class FileUploadTypeDef(TypedDict):
Represents the structure of the file upload data.
:ivar file: Optional. Path to file which need to be sent.
:ivar content: Optional. File contents. If omitting this parameter, you must provide a file.
:ivar filename: Optional. Displayed filename.
:ivar title: Optional. The title of the uploaded file.
:ivar alt_txt: Optional. Description of image for screen-reader.
:ivar snippet_type: Optional. Syntax type of the snippet being uploaded.
[docs] file: NotRequired[str | None]
[docs] content: NotRequired[str | None]
[docs] filename: NotRequired[str | None]
[docs] title: NotRequired[str | None]
[docs] alt_txt: NotRequired[str | None]
[docs] snippet_type: NotRequired[str | None]
[docs]class SlackHook(BaseHook):
Creates a Slack API Connection to be used for calls.
This class provide a thin wrapper around the ``slack_sdk.WebClient``.
.. seealso::
- :ref:`Slack API connection <howto/connection:slack>`
- https://api.slack.com/messaging
- https://slack.dev/python-slack-sdk/web/index.html
.. warning::
This hook intend to use `Slack API` connection
and might not work correctly with `Slack Incoming Webhook` and `HTTP` connections.
.. code-block:: python
# Create hook
slack_hook = SlackHook(slack_conn_id="slack_api_default")
# Call generic API with parameters (errors are handled by hook)
# For more details check https://api.slack.com/methods/chat.postMessage
slack_hook.call("chat.postMessage", json={"channel": "#random", "text": "Hello world!"})
# Call method from Slack SDK (you have to handle errors yourself)
# For more details check https://slack.dev/python-slack-sdk/web/index.html#messaging
slack_hook.client.chat_postMessage(channel="#random", text="Hello world!")
Additional arguments which are not listed into parameters exposed
into the rest of ``slack.WebClient`` constructor args.
:param slack_conn_id: :ref:`Slack connection id <howto/connection:slack>`
that has Slack API token in the password field.
:param timeout: The maximum number of seconds the client will wait to connect
and receive a response from Slack. If not set than default WebClient value will use.
:param base_url: A string representing the Slack API base URL.
If not set than default WebClient BASE_URL will use (``https://www.slack.com/api/``).
:param proxy: Proxy to make the Slack API call.
:param retry_handlers: List of handlers to customize retry logic in ``slack_sdk.WebClient``.
[docs] conn_name_attr = "slack_conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "slack_api_default"
[docs] hook_name = "Slack API"
def __init__(
slack_conn_id: str = default_conn_name,
base_url: str | None = None,
timeout: int | None = None,
proxy: str | None = None,
retry_handlers: list[RetryHandler] | None = None,
**extra_client_args: Any,
) -> None:
self.slack_conn_id = slack_conn_id
self.base_url = base_url
self.timeout = timeout
self.proxy = proxy
self.retry_handlers = retry_handlers
if "token" in extra_client_args:
f"Provide `token` as part of {type(self).__name__!r} parameters is disallowed, "
f"please use Airflow Connection.",
if "logger" not in extra_client_args:
extra_client_args["logger"] = self.log
self.extra_client_args = extra_client_args
# Use for caching channels result
self._channels_mapping: dict[str, str] = {}
[docs] def client(self) -> WebClient:
"""Get the underlying slack_sdk.WebClient (cached)."""
return WebClient(**self._get_conn_params())
[docs] def get_conn(self) -> WebClient:
"""Get the underlying slack_sdk.WebClient (cached)."""
return self.client
def _get_conn_params(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Fetch connection params as a dict and merge it with hook parameters."""
conn = self.get_connection(self.slack_conn_id)
if not conn.password:
raise AirflowNotFoundException(
f"Connection ID {self.slack_conn_id!r} does not contain password (Slack API Token)."
conn_params: dict[str, Any] = {"token": conn.password, "retry_handlers": self.retry_handlers}
extra_config = ConnectionExtraConfig(
conn_type=self.conn_type, conn_id=conn.conn_id, extra=conn.extra_dejson
# Merge Hook parameters with Connection config
"timeout": self.timeout or extra_config.getint("timeout", default=None),
"base_url": self.base_url or extra_config.get("base_url", default=None),
"proxy": self.proxy or extra_config.get("proxy", default=None),
# Add additional client args
return {k: v for k, v in conn_params.items() if v is not None}
[docs] def call(self, api_method: str, **kwargs) -> SlackResponse:
Call Slack WebClient `WebClient.api_call` with given arguments.
:param api_method: The target Slack API method. e.g. 'chat.postMessage'. Required.
:param http_verb: HTTP Verb. Optional (defaults to 'POST')
:param files: Files to multipart upload. e.g. {imageORfile: file_objectORfile_path}
:param data: The body to attach to the request. If a dictionary is provided,
form-encoding will take place. Optional.
:param params: The URL parameters to append to the URL. Optional.
:param json: JSON for the body to attach to the request. Optional.
:return: The server's response to an HTTP request. Data from the response can be
accessed like a dict. If the response included 'next_cursor' it can be
iterated on to execute subsequent requests.
return self.client.api_call(api_method, **kwargs)
[docs] def send_file_v2(
channel_id: str | None = None,
file_uploads: FileUploadTypeDef | list[FileUploadTypeDef],
initial_comment: str | None = None,
) -> SlackResponse:
Send one or more files to a Slack channel using the Slack SDK Client method `files_upload_v2`.
:param channel_id: The ID of the channel to send the file to.
If omitting this parameter, then file will send to workspace.
:param file_uploads: The file(s) specification to upload.
:param initial_comment: The message text introducing the file in specified ``channel``.
if channel_id and channel_id.startswith("#"):
retried_channel_id = self.get_channel_id(channel_id[1:])
"The method `files_upload_v2` in the Slack SDK Client expects a Slack Channel ID, "
f"but received a Slack Channel Name. To resolve this, consider replacing {channel_id!r} "
f"with the corresponding Channel ID {retried_channel_id!r}.",
channel_id = retried_channel_id
if not isinstance(file_uploads, list):
file_uploads = [file_uploads]
for file_upload in file_uploads:
if not file_upload.get("filename"):
# Some of early version of Slack SDK (such as 3.19.0) raise an error if ``filename`` not set.
file_upload["filename"] = "Uploaded file"
return self.client.files_upload_v2(
# mypy doesn't happy even if TypedDict used instead of dict[str, Any]
# see: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4976
file_uploads=file_uploads, # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def send_file_v1_to_v2(
channels: str | Sequence[str] | None = None,
file: str | Path | None = None,
content: str | None = None,
filename: str | None = None,
initial_comment: str | None = None,
title: str | None = None,
snippet_type: str | None = None,
) -> list[SlackResponse]:
Smooth transition between ``send_file`` and ``send_file_v2`` methods.
:param channels: Comma-separated list of channel names or IDs where the file will be shared.
If omitting this parameter, then file will send to workspace.
File would be uploaded for each channel individually.
:param file: Path to file which need to be sent.
:param content: File contents. If omitting this parameter, you must provide a file.
:param filename: Displayed filename.
:param initial_comment: The message text introducing the file in specified ``channels``.
:param title: Title of the file.
:param snippet_type: Syntax type for the content being uploaded.
if not exactly_one(file, content):
raise ValueError("Either `file` or `content` must be provided, not both.")
if file:
file = Path(file)
file_uploads: FileUploadTypeDef = {"file": file.__fspath__(), "filename": filename or file.name}
file_uploads = {"content": content, "filename": filename}
file_uploads.update({"title": title, "snippet_type": snippet_type})
if channels:
if isinstance(channels, str):
channels = channels.split(",")
channels_to_share: list[str | None] = list(map(str.strip, channels))
channels_to_share = [None]
responses = []
for channel in channels_to_share:
channel_id=channel, file_uploads=file_uploads, initial_comment=initial_comment
return responses
[docs] def get_channel_id(self, channel_name: str) -> str:
Retrieve a Slack channel id by a channel name.
It continuously iterates over all Slack channels (public and private)
until it finds the desired channel name in addition cache results for further usage.
.. seealso::
:param channel_name: The name of the Slack channel for which ID has to be found.
next_cursor = None
while not (channel_id := self._channels_mapping.get(channel_name)):
res = self.client.conversations_list(cursor=next_cursor, types="public_channel,private_channel")
# Slack SDK response type too broad, this should make mypy happy
assert isinstance(res.data, dict)
for channel_data in res.data.get("channels", []):
self._channels_mapping[channel_data["name"]] = channel_data["id"]
if not (next_cursor := res.data.get("response_metadata", {}).get("next_cursor")):
channel_id = self._channels_mapping.get(channel_name)
if not channel_id:
msg = f"Unable to find slack channel with name: {channel_name!r}"
raise LookupError(msg)
return channel_id
[docs] def test_connection(self):
Tests the Slack API connection.
.. seealso::
response = self.call("auth.test")
except SlackApiError as e:
return False, str(e)
except Exception as e:
return False, f"Unknown error occurred while testing connection: {e}"
if isinstance(response.data, bytes):
# If response data binary then return simple message
return True, f"Connection successfully tested (url: {response.api_url})."
return True, json.dumps(response.data)
except TypeError:
return True, str(response)
[docs] def get_ui_field_behaviour(cls) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return custom field behaviour."""
return {
"hidden_fields": ["login", "port", "host", "schema", "extra"],
"relabeling": {
"password": "Slack API Token",
"placeholders": {
"password": "xoxb-1234567890123-09876543210987-AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWx",
"timeout": "30",
"base_url": "https://www.slack.com/api/",
"proxy": "http://localhost:9000",