Abstract operator that child classes implement COPY INTO <TABLE> SQL in Snowflake
Executes a COPY INTO command to load files from an external stage from clouds to Snowflake. |
Module Contents¶
- class airflow.providers.snowflake.transfers.copy_into_snowflake.CopyFromExternalStageToSnowflakeOperator(*, files=None, table, stage, prefix=None, file_format, schema=None, columns_array=None, pattern=None, warehouse=None, database=None, autocommit=True, snowflake_conn_id='snowflake_default', role=None, authenticator=None, session_parameters=None, copy_options=None, validation_mode=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Executes a COPY INTO command to load files from an external stage from clouds to Snowflake.
This operator requires the snowflake_conn_id connection. The snowflake host, login, and, password field must be setup in the connection. Other inputs can be defined in the connection or hook instantiation.
- Parameters:
namespace – snowflake namespace
table (str) – snowflake table
file_format (str) – file format name i.e. CSV, AVRO, etc
stage (str) – reference to a specific snowflake stage. If the stage’s schema is not the same as the table one, it must be specified
prefix (str | None) – cloud storage location specified to limit the set of files to load
files (list | None) – files to load into table
pattern (str | None) – pattern to load files from external location to table
snowflake_conn_id (str) – Reference to Snowflake connection id
account – snowflake account name
warehouse (str | None) – name of snowflake warehouse
database (str | None) – name of snowflake database
region – name of snowflake region
role (str | None) – name of snowflake role
schema (str | None) – name of snowflake schema
authenticator (str | None) – authenticator for Snowflake. ‘snowflake’ (default) to use the internal Snowflake authenticator ‘externalbrowser’ to authenticate using your web browser and Okta, ADFS or any other SAML 2.0-compliant identify provider (IdP) that has been defined for your account
to authenticate through native Okta.session_parameters (dict | None) – You can set session-level parameters at the time you connect to Snowflake
copy_options (str | None) – snowflake COPY INTO syntax copy options
validation_mode (str | None) – snowflake COPY INTO syntax validation mode
- template_fields:[str] = ('files',)[source]¶