# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import os
from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
from functools import cached_property
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, TypeVar, overload
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from snowflake import connector
from snowflake.connector import DictCursor, SnowflakeConnection, util_text
from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql import DbApiHook, return_single_query_results
from airflow.providers.snowflake.utils.openlineage import fix_snowflake_sqlalchemy_uri
from airflow.utils.strings import to_boolean
from airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors import OperatorLineage
from airflow.providers.openlineage.sqlparser import DatabaseInfo
def _try_to_boolean(value: Any):
if isinstance(value, (str, type(None))):
return to_boolean(value)
return value
class SnowflakeHook(DbApiHook):
A client to interact with Snowflake.
This hook requires the snowflake_conn_id connection. The snowflake account, login,
and, password field must be setup in the connection. Other inputs can be defined
in the connection or hook instantiation.
:param snowflake_conn_id: Reference to
:ref:`Snowflake connection id<howto/connection:snowflake>`
:param account: snowflake account name
:param authenticator: authenticator for Snowflake.
'snowflake' (default) to use the internal Snowflake authenticator
'externalbrowser' to authenticate using your web browser and
Okta, ADFS or any other SAML 2.0-compliant identify provider
(IdP) that has been defined for your account
``https://<your_okta_account_name>.okta.com`` to authenticate
through native Okta.
:param warehouse: name of snowflake warehouse
:param database: name of snowflake database
:param region: name of snowflake region
:param role: name of snowflake role
:param schema: name of snowflake schema
:param session_parameters: You can set session-level parameters at
the time you connect to Snowflake
:param insecure_mode: Turns off OCSP certificate checks.
For details, see: `How To: Turn Off OCSP Checking in Snowflake Client Drivers - Snowflake Community
.. note::
``get_sqlalchemy_engine()`` depends on ``snowflake-sqlalchemy``
conn_name_attr = "snowflake_conn_id"
default_conn_name = "snowflake_default"
conn_type = "snowflake"
hook_name = "Snowflake"
supports_autocommit = True
_test_connection_sql = "select 1"
def get_ui_field_behaviour(cls) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return custom field behaviour."""
import json
return {
"hidden_fields": ["port", "host"],
"relabeling": {},
"placeholders": {
"extra": json.dumps(
"authenticator": "snowflake oauth",
"private_key_file": "private key",
"session_parameters": "session parameters",
"client_request_mfa_token": "client request mfa token",
"client_store_temporary_credential": "client store temporary credential (externalbrowser mode)",
"schema": "snowflake schema",
"login": "snowflake username",
"password": "snowflake password",
"account": "snowflake account name",
"warehouse": "snowflake warehouse name",
"database": "snowflake db name",
"region": "snowflake hosted region",
"role": "snowflake role",
"private_key_file": "Path of snowflake private key (PEM Format)",
"private_key_content": "Content to snowflake private key (PEM format)",
"insecure_mode": "insecure mode",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.account = kwargs.pop("account", None)
self.warehouse = kwargs.pop("warehouse", None)
self.database = kwargs.pop("database", None)
self.region = kwargs.pop("region", None)
self.role = kwargs.pop("role", None)
self.schema = kwargs.pop("schema", None)
self.authenticator = kwargs.pop("authenticator", None)
self.session_parameters = kwargs.pop("session_parameters", None)
self.client_request_mfa_token = kwargs.pop("client_request_mfa_token", None)
self.client_store_temporary_credential = kwargs.pop("client_store_temporary_credential", None)
self.query_ids: list[str] = []
def _get_field(self, extra_dict, field_name):
backcompat_prefix = "extra__snowflake__"
backcompat_key = f"{backcompat_prefix}{field_name}"
if field_name.startswith("extra__"):
raise ValueError(
f"Got prefixed name {field_name}; please remove the '{backcompat_prefix}' prefix "
f"when using this method."
if field_name in extra_dict:
import warnings
if backcompat_key in extra_dict:
f"Conflicting params `{field_name}` and `{backcompat_key}` found in extras. "
f"Using value for `{field_name}`. Please ensure this is the correct "
f"value and remove the backcompat key `{backcompat_key}`.",
return extra_dict[field_name] or None
return extra_dict.get(backcompat_key) or None
def _get_conn_params(self) -> dict[str, str | None]:
Fetch connection params as a dict.
This is used in ``get_uri()`` and ``get_connection()``.
conn = self.get_connection(self.snowflake_conn_id) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
extra_dict = conn.extra_dejson
account = self._get_field(extra_dict, "account") or ""
warehouse = self._get_field(extra_dict, "warehouse") or ""
database = self._get_field(extra_dict, "database") or ""
region = self._get_field(extra_dict, "region") or ""
role = self._get_field(extra_dict, "role") or ""
insecure_mode = _try_to_boolean(self._get_field(extra_dict, "insecure_mode"))
json_result_force_utf8_decoding = _try_to_boolean(
self._get_field(extra_dict, "json_result_force_utf8_decoding")
schema = conn.schema or ""
client_request_mfa_token = _try_to_boolean(self._get_field(extra_dict, "client_request_mfa_token"))
client_store_temporary_credential = _try_to_boolean(
self._get_field(extra_dict, "client_store_temporary_credential")
# authenticator and session_parameters never supported long name so we don't use _get_field
authenticator = extra_dict.get("authenticator", "snowflake")
session_parameters = extra_dict.get("session_parameters")
conn_config = {
"user": conn.login,
"password": conn.password or "",
"schema": self.schema or schema,
"database": self.database or database,
"account": self.account or account,
"warehouse": self.warehouse or warehouse,
"region": self.region or region,
"role": self.role or role,
"authenticator": self.authenticator or authenticator,
"session_parameters": self.session_parameters or session_parameters,
# application is used to track origin of the requests
"application": os.environ.get("AIRFLOW_SNOWFLAKE_PARTNER", "AIRFLOW"),
if insecure_mode:
conn_config["insecure_mode"] = insecure_mode
if json_result_force_utf8_decoding:
conn_config["json_result_force_utf8_decoding"] = json_result_force_utf8_decoding
if client_request_mfa_token:
conn_config["client_request_mfa_token"] = client_request_mfa_token
if client_store_temporary_credential:
conn_config["client_store_temporary_credential"] = client_store_temporary_credential
# If private_key_file is specified in the extra json, load the contents of the file as a private key.
# If private_key_content is specified in the extra json, use it as a private key.
# As a next step, specify this private key in the connection configuration.
# The connection password then becomes the passphrase for the private key.
# If your private key is not encrypted (not recommended), then leave the password empty.
private_key_file = self._get_field(extra_dict, "private_key_file")
private_key_content = self._get_field(extra_dict, "private_key_content")
private_key_pem = None
if private_key_content and private_key_file:
raise AirflowException(
"The private_key_file and private_key_content extra fields are mutually exclusive. "
"Please remove one."
elif private_key_file:
private_key_file_path = Path(private_key_file)
if not private_key_file_path.is_file() or private_key_file_path.stat().st_size == 0:
raise ValueError("The private_key_file path points to an empty or invalid file.")
if private_key_file_path.stat().st_size > 4096:
raise ValueError("The private_key_file size is too big. Please keep it less than 4 KB.")
private_key_pem = Path(private_key_file_path).read_bytes()
elif private_key_content:
private_key_pem = private_key_content.encode()
if private_key_pem:
passphrase = None
if conn.password:
passphrase = conn.password.strip().encode()
p_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
private_key_pem, password=passphrase, backend=default_backend()
pkb = p_key.private_bytes(
conn_config["private_key"] = pkb
conn_config.pop("password", None)
refresh_token = self._get_field(extra_dict, "refresh_token") or ""
if refresh_token:
conn_config["refresh_token"] = refresh_token
conn_config["authenticator"] = "oauth"
conn_config["client_id"] = conn.login
conn_config["client_secret"] = conn.password
conn_config.pop("login", None)
conn_config.pop("password", None)
# configure custom target hostname and port, if specified
snowflake_host = extra_dict.get("host")
snowflake_port = extra_dict.get("port")
if snowflake_host:
conn_config["host"] = snowflake_host
if snowflake_port:
conn_config["port"] = snowflake_port
# if a value for ocsp_fail_open is set, pass it along.
# Note the check is for `is not None` so that we can pass along `False` as a value.
ocsp_fail_open = extra_dict.get("ocsp_fail_open")
if ocsp_fail_open is not None:
conn_config["ocsp_fail_open"] = _try_to_boolean(ocsp_fail_open)
return conn_config
def get_uri(self) -> str:
"""Override DbApiHook get_uri method for get_sqlalchemy_engine()."""
conn_params = self._get_conn_params
return self._conn_params_to_sqlalchemy_uri(conn_params)
def _conn_params_to_sqlalchemy_uri(self, conn_params: dict) -> str:
return URL(
k: v
for k, v in conn_params.items()
if v
and k
not in [
def get_conn(self) -> SnowflakeConnection:
"""Return a snowflake.connection object."""
conn_config = self._get_conn_params
conn = connector.connect(**conn_config)
return conn
def get_sqlalchemy_engine(self, engine_kwargs=None):
Get an sqlalchemy_engine object.
:param engine_kwargs: Kwargs used in :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine`.
:return: the created engine.
engine_kwargs = engine_kwargs or {}
conn_params = self._get_conn_params
if "insecure_mode" in conn_params:
engine_kwargs.setdefault("connect_args", {})
engine_kwargs["connect_args"]["insecure_mode"] = True
if "json_result_force_utf8_decoding" in conn_params:
engine_kwargs.setdefault("connect_args", {})
engine_kwargs["connect_args"]["json_result_force_utf8_decoding"] = True
if "ocsp_fail_open" in conn_params:
engine_kwargs.setdefault("connect_args", {})
engine_kwargs["connect_args"]["ocsp_fail_open"] = conn_params["ocsp_fail_open"]
for key in ["session_parameters", "private_key"]:
if conn_params.get(key):
engine_kwargs.setdefault("connect_args", {})
engine_kwargs["connect_args"][key] = conn_params[key]
return create_engine(self._conn_params_to_sqlalchemy_uri(conn_params), **engine_kwargs)
def get_snowpark_session(self):
Get a Snowpark session object.
:return: the created session.
from snowflake.snowpark import Session
from airflow import __version__ as airflow_version
from airflow.providers.snowflake import __version__ as provider_version
conn_config = self._get_conn_params
session = Session.builder.configs(conn_config).create()
# add query tag for observability
"airflow_version": airflow_version,
"airflow_provider_version": provider_version,
return session
def set_autocommit(self, conn, autocommit: Any) -> None:
conn.autocommit_mode = autocommit
def get_autocommit(self, conn):
return getattr(conn, "autocommit_mode", False)
@overload # type: ignore[override]
def run(
sql: str | Iterable[str],
autocommit: bool = ...,
parameters: Iterable | Mapping[str, Any] | None = ...,
handler: None = ...,
split_statements: bool = ...,
return_last: bool = ...,
return_dictionaries: bool = ...,
) -> None: ...
def run(
sql: str | Iterable[str],
autocommit: bool = ...,
parameters: Iterable | Mapping[str, Any] | None = ...,
handler: Callable[[Any], T] = ...,
split_statements: bool = ...,
return_last: bool = ...,
return_dictionaries: bool = ...,
) -> tuple | list[tuple] | list[list[tuple] | tuple] | None: ...
def run(
sql: str | Iterable[str],
autocommit: bool = False,
parameters: Iterable | Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
handler: Callable[[Any], T] | None = None,
split_statements: bool = True,
return_last: bool = True,
return_dictionaries: bool = False,
) -> tuple | list[tuple] | list[list[tuple] | tuple] | None:
Run a command or list of commands.
Pass a list of SQL statements to the SQL parameter to get them to
execute sequentially. The result of the queries is returned if the
``handler`` callable is set.
:param sql: The SQL string to be executed with possibly multiple
statements, or a list of sql statements to execute
:param autocommit: What to set the connection's autocommit setting to
before executing the query.
:param parameters: The parameters to render the SQL query with.
:param handler: The result handler which is called with the result of
each statement.
:param split_statements: Whether to split a single SQL string into
statements and run separately
:param return_last: Whether to return result for only last statement or
for all after split.
:param return_dictionaries: Whether to return dictionaries rather than
regular DBAPI sequences as rows in the result. The dictionaries are
of form ``{ 'column1_name': value1, 'column2_name': value2 ... }``.
:return: Result of the last SQL statement if *handler* is set.
*None* otherwise.
self.query_ids = []
if isinstance(sql, str):
if split_statements:
split_statements_tuple = util_text.split_statements(StringIO(sql))
sql_list: Iterable[str] = [
sql_string for sql_string, _ in split_statements_tuple if sql_string
sql_list = [self.strip_sql_string(sql)]
sql_list = sql
if sql_list:
self.log.debug("Executing following statements against Snowflake DB: %s", sql_list)
raise ValueError("List of SQL statements is empty")
with closing(self.get_conn()) as conn:
self.set_autocommit(conn, autocommit)
with self._get_cursor(conn, return_dictionaries) as cur:
results = []
for sql_statement in sql_list:
self._run_command(cur, sql_statement, parameters) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if handler is not None:
result = self._make_common_data_structure(handler(cur)) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if return_single_query_results(sql, return_last, split_statements):
_last_result = result
_last_description = cur.description
self.descriptions.append(cur.description) # type: ignore[has-type]
query_id = cur.sfqid
self.log.info("Rows affected: %s", cur.rowcount)
self.log.info("Snowflake query id: %s", query_id)
# If autocommit was set to False or db does not support autocommit, we do a manual commit.
if not self.get_autocommit(conn):
if handler is None:
return None
if return_single_query_results(sql, return_last, split_statements):
self.descriptions = [_last_description]
return _last_result
return results
def _get_cursor(self, conn: Any, return_dictionaries: bool):
cursor = None
if return_dictionaries:
cursor = conn.cursor(DictCursor)
cursor = conn.cursor()
yield cursor
if cursor is not None:
def get_openlineage_database_info(self, connection) -> DatabaseInfo:
from airflow.providers.openlineage.sqlparser import DatabaseInfo
database = self.database or self._get_field(connection.extra_dejson, "database")
return DatabaseInfo(
def get_openlineage_database_dialect(self, _) -> str:
return "snowflake"
def get_openlineage_default_schema(self) -> str | None:
return self._get_conn_params["schema"]
def _get_openlineage_authority(self, _) -> str | None:
uri = fix_snowflake_sqlalchemy_uri(self.get_uri())
return urlparse(uri).hostname
def get_openlineage_database_specific_lineage(self, _) -> OperatorLineage | None:
from airflow.providers.common.compat.openlineage.facet import ExternalQueryRunFacet
from airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors import OperatorLineage
from airflow.providers.openlineage.sqlparser import SQLParser
if self.query_ids:
self.log.debug("openlineage: getting connection to get database info")
connection = self.get_connection(self.get_conn_id())
namespace = SQLParser.create_namespace(self.get_openlineage_database_info(connection))
return OperatorLineage(
"externalQuery": ExternalQueryRunFacet(
externalQueryId=self.query_ids[0], source=namespace
return None