Source code for airflow.providers.snowflake.utils.openlineage
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations
from urllib.parse import quote, urlparse, urlunparse
def fix_account_name(name: str) -> str:
"""Fix account name to have the following format: <account_id>.<region>.<cloud>."""
if not any(word in name for word in ["-", "_"]):
# If there is neither '-' nor '_' in the name, we append ``
return f"{name}"
if "." in name:
# Logic for account locator with dots remains unchanged
spl = name.split(".")
if len(spl) == 1:
account = spl[0]
region, cloud = "us-west-1", "aws"
elif len(spl) == 2:
account, region = spl
cloud = "aws"
account, region, cloud = spl
return f"{account}.{region}.{cloud}"
# Check for existing accounts with cloud names
if cloud := next((c for c in ["aws", "gcp", "azure"] if c in name), ""):
parts = name.split(cloud)
account = parts[0].strip("-_.")
if not (region := parts[1].strip("-_.").replace("_", "-")):
return name
return f"{account}.{region}.{cloud}"
# Default case, return the original name
return name
def fix_snowflake_sqlalchemy_uri(uri: str) -> str:
Fix snowflake sqlalchemy connection URI to OpenLineage structure.
Snowflake sqlalchemy connection URI has following structure:
We want account identifier normalized. It can have two forms:
- newer, in form of <organization>-<id>. In this case we want to do nothing.
- older, composed of <id>-<region>-<cloud> where region and cloud can be
optional in some cases. If <cloud> is omitted, it's AWS.
If region and cloud are omitted, it's AWS us-west-1
parts = urlparse(uri)
except ValueError:
# snowflake.sqlalchemy.URL does not quote `[` and `]`
# that's a rare case so we can run more debugging code here
# to make sure we replace only password
parts = urlparse(uri.replace("[", quote("[")).replace("]", quote("]")))
hostname = parts.hostname
if not hostname:
return uri
hostname = fix_account_name(hostname)
# else - its new hostname, just return it
return urlunparse((parts.scheme, hostname, parts.path, parts.params, parts.query, parts.fragment))