Use the @task.snowpark
to run
Snowpark Python code in a Snowflake database.
Snowpark does not support Python 3.12 yet.
Currently, this decorator does not support Snowpark pandas API because conflicting pandas version is used in Airflow. Consider using Snowpark pandas API with other Snowpark decorators or operators.
Prerequisite Tasks¶
To use this decorator, you must do a few things:
Install provider package via pip.
pip install 'apache-airflow-providers-snowflake'Detailed information is available for Installation.
Using the Operator¶
Use the snowflake_conn_id
argument to specify connection used. If not specified, snowflake_default
will be used.
An example usage of the @task.snowpark
is as follows:
def setup_data(session: Session):
# The Snowpark session object is injected as an argument
data = [
(1, 0, 5, "Product 1", "prod-1", 1, 10),
(2, 1, 5, "Product 1A", "prod-1-A", 1, 20),
(3, 1, 5, "Product 1B", "prod-1-B", 1, 30),
(4, 0, 10, "Product 2", "prod-2", 2, 40),
(5, 4, 10, "Product 2A", "prod-2-A", 2, 50),
(6, 4, 10, "Product 2B", "prod-2-B", 2, 60),
(7, 0, 20, "Product 3", "prod-3", 3, 70),
(8, 7, 20, "Product 3A", "prod-3-A", 3, 80),
(9, 7, 20, "Product 3B", "prod-3-B", 3, 90),
(10, 0, 50, "Product 4", "prod-4", 4, 100),
(11, 10, 50, "Product 4A", "prod-4-A", 4, 100),
(12, 10, 50, "Product 4B", "prod-4-B", 4, 100),
columns = ["id", "parent_id", "category_id", "name", "serial_number", "key", "3rd"]
df = session.create_dataframe(data, schema=columns)
table_name = "sample_product_data"
df.write.save_as_table(table_name, mode="overwrite")
return table_name
table_name = setup_data() # type: ignore[call-arg, misc]
def check_num_rows(table_name: str):
# Alternatively, retrieve the Snowpark session object using `get_active_session`
from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session
session = get_active_session()
df = session.table(table_name)
assert df.count() == 12
As the example demonstrates, there are two ways to use the Snowpark session object in your Python function:
Pass the Snowpark session object to the function as a keyword argument named
. The Snowpark session will be automatically injected into the function, allowing you to use it as you normally would.Use get_active_session function from Snowpark to retrieve the Snowpark session object inside the function.
Parameters that can be passed onto the decorators will be given priority over the parameters already given
in the Airflow connection metadata (such as schema
, role
, database
and so forth).