Contains an operator to run downstream tasks only for the latest scheduled DagRun.
Skip tasks that are not running during the most recent schedule interval. |
Module Contents¶
- class airflow.providers.standard.operators.latest_only.LatestOnlyOperator(pre_execute=None, post_execute=None, on_execute_callback=None, on_failure_callback=None, on_success_callback=None, on_retry_callback=None, on_skipped_callback=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Skip tasks that are not running during the most recent schedule interval.
If the task is run outside the latest schedule interval (i.e. run_type == DagRunType.MANUAL), all directly downstream tasks will be skipped.
Note that downstream tasks are never skipped if the given DAG_Run is marked as externally triggered.
- choose_branch(context)[source]¶
Abstract method to choose which branch to run.
Subclasses should implement this, running whatever logic is necessary to choose a branch and returning a task_id or list of task_ids.
- Parameters:
context (airflow.sdk.definitions.context.Context) – Context dictionary as passed to execute()