Source code for airflow.providers.ydb.hooks.ydb

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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

from import Mapping, Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import ydb
from sqlalchemy.engine import URL
from ydb_dbapi import Connection as DbApiConnection

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql import DbApiHook
from airflow.providers.ydb.utils.credentials import get_credentials_from_connection
from airflow.providers.ydb.utils.defaults import CONN_NAME_ATTR, CONN_TYPE, DEFAULT_CONN_NAME

[docs] DEFAULT_YDB_GRPCS_PORT: int = 2135
if TYPE_CHECKING: from ydb_dbapi import Cursor as DbApiCursor from airflow.models.connection import Connection
[docs] class YDBCursor: """YDB cursor wrapper.""" def __init__(self, delegatee: DbApiCursor, is_ddl: bool):
[docs] self.delegatee: DbApiCursor = delegatee
[docs] self.is_ddl: bool = is_ddl
[docs] def execute(self, sql: str, parameters: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None): if parameters is not None: raise AirflowException("parameters is not supported yet") if self.is_ddl: return self.delegatee.execute_scheme(sql, parameters) return self.delegatee.execute(sql, parameters)
[docs] def executemany(self, sql: str, seq_of_parameters: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]): for parameters in seq_of_parameters: self.execute(sql, parameters)
[docs] def executescript(self, script): return self.execute(script)
[docs] def fetchone(self): return self.delegatee.fetchone()
[docs] def fetchmany(self, size=None): return self.delegatee.fetchmany(size=size)
[docs] def fetchall(self): return self.delegatee.fetchall()
[docs] def nextset(self): return self.delegatee.nextset()
[docs] def setinputsizes(self, sizes): return self.delegatee.setinputsizes(sizes)
[docs] def setoutputsize(self, column=None): return self.delegatee.setoutputsize(column)
[docs] def __enter__(self): return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): return self.delegatee.close()
[docs] def rowcount(self): return self.delegatee.rowcount
[docs] def description(self): return self.delegatee.description
[docs] class YDBConnection: """YDB connection wrapper.""" def __init__(self, database: str, ydb_session_pool: Any, is_ddl: bool):
[docs] self.is_ddl = is_ddl
[docs] self.delegatee: DbApiConnection = DbApiConnection( database=database, ydb_session_pool=ydb_session_pool, )
[docs] def cursor(self) -> YDBCursor: return YDBCursor(self.delegatee.cursor(), is_ddl=self.is_ddl)
[docs] def begin(self) -> None: self.delegatee.begin()
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: self.delegatee.commit()
[docs] def rollback(self) -> None: self.delegatee.rollback()
[docs] def __enter__(self): return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: self.close()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: self.delegatee.close()
[docs] def bulk_upsert(self, table_name: str, rows: Sequence, column_types: ydb.BulkUpsertColumns): self.delegatee.bulk_upsert(table_name, rows=rows, column_types=column_types)
[docs] class YDBHook(DbApiHook): """Interact with YDB."""
[docs] conn_name_attr: str = CONN_NAME_ATTR
[docs] default_conn_name: str = DEFAULT_CONN_NAME
[docs] conn_type: str = CONN_TYPE
[docs] hook_name: str = "YDB"
[docs] supports_autocommit: bool = True
[docs] supports_executemany: bool = True
def __init__(self, *args, is_ddl: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] self.is_ddl = is_ddl
conn: Connection = self.connection host: str | None = if not host: raise ValueError("YDB host must be specified") port: int = conn.port or DEFAULT_YDB_GRPCS_PORT connection_extra: dict[str, Any] = conn.extra_dejson database: str | None = connection_extra.get("database") if not database: raise ValueError("YDB database must be specified")
[docs] self.database: str = database
endpoint = f"{host}:{port}" credentials = get_credentials_from_connection( endpoint=endpoint, database=database, connection=conn, connection_extra=connection_extra ) driver_config = ydb.DriverConfig( endpoint=endpoint, database=database, query_client_settings=YDBHook._get_query_client_settings(), credentials=credentials, ) driver = ydb.Driver(driver_config) # wait until driver become initialized driver.wait(fail_fast=True, timeout=10)
[docs] self.ydb_session_pool = ydb.QuerySessionPool(driver, size=5)
[docs] def get_connection_form_widgets(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return connection widgets to add to YDB connection form.""" from flask_appbuilder.fieldwidgets import BS3PasswordFieldWidget, BS3TextFieldWidget from flask_babel import lazy_gettext from wtforms import BooleanField, PasswordField, StringField return { "database": StringField( lazy_gettext("Database name"), widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), description="Required. YDB database name", ), "service_account_json": PasswordField( lazy_gettext("Service account auth JSON"), widget=BS3PasswordFieldWidget(), description="Service account auth JSON. Looks like " '{"id": "...", "service_account_id": "...", "private_key": "..."}. ' "Will be used instead of IAM token and SA JSON file path field if specified.", ), "service_account_json_path": StringField( lazy_gettext("Service account auth JSON file path"), widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), description="Service account auth JSON file path. File content looks like " '{"id": "...", "service_account_id": "...", "private_key": "..."}. ', ), "token": PasswordField( lazy_gettext("IAM token"), widget=BS3PasswordFieldWidget(), description="User account IAM token.", ), "use_vm_metadata": BooleanField( lazy_gettext("Use VM metadata"), default=False, description="Optional. Whether to use VM metadata to retrieve IAM token", ), }
[docs] def get_ui_field_behaviour(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return custom UI field behaviour for YDB connection.""" return { "hidden_fields": ["schema", "extra"], "relabeling": {}, "placeholders": { "host": "eg. grpcs://my_host or or", "login": "root", "password": "my_password", "database": "e.g. /local or /ru-central1/b1gtl2kg13him37quoo6/etndqstq7ne4v68n6c9b", "service_account_json": 'e.g. {"id": "...", "service_account_id": "...", "private_key": "..."}', "token": "t1.9....AAQ", }, }
[docs] def sqlalchemy_url(self) -> URL: conn: Connection = self.get_connection(self.get_conn_id()) return URL.create( drivername="ydb", username=conn.login, password=conn.password,, port=conn.port, query={"database": self.database}, )
[docs] def get_conn(self) -> YDBConnection: """Establish a connection to a YDB database.""" return YDBConnection(self.database, self.ydb_session_pool, is_ddl=self.is_ddl)
@staticmethod def _serialize_cell(cell: object, conn: YDBConnection | None = None) -> Any: return cell
[docs] def bulk_upsert(self, table_name: str, rows: Sequence, column_types: ydb.BulkUpsertColumns): """ BulkUpsert into database. More optimal way to insert rows into db. .. seealso:: """ self.get_conn().bulk_upsert(table_name, rows, column_types)
@staticmethod def _get_query_client_settings() -> ydb.QueryClientSettings: return ( ydb.QueryClientSettings() .with_native_date_in_result_sets(True) .with_native_datetime_in_result_sets(True) .with_native_timestamp_in_result_sets(True) .with_native_interval_in_result_sets(True) .with_native_json_in_result_sets(False) )

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