
This is a summary of deprecated objects in latest versions of Apache Airflow Providers Packages.


This is an experimental page that may not contain all deprecated entities. At the moment we only show deprecations for classes, functions, methods, properties etc. Support for an argument deprecation or an argument value deprecation will be added in the future.


  • KubernetesExecutor.cleanup_stuck_queued_tasks - Replaced by function revoke_task. Upgrade airflow core to make this go away.

  • LocalKubernetesExecutor.cleanup_stuck_queued_tasks - Replaced by function revoke_task. Upgrade airflow core to make this go away.


  • KubernetesExecutor.cleanup_stuck_queued_tasks - Replaced by function revoke_task. Upgrade airflow core to make this go away.

  • LocalKubernetesExecutor.cleanup_stuck_queued_tasks - Replaced by function revoke_task. Upgrade airflow core to make this go away.


  • DataprocHook.client - client deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use dataproc_client instead


  • DataprocHook.client - client deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use dataproc_client instead

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