Source code for airflow.providers.asana.hooks.asana

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"""Connect to Asana."""

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any

from airflow.hooks.base import BaseHook
from asana import Client  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from asana.error import NotFoundError  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

[docs] class AsanaHook(BaseHook): """Wrapper around Asana Python client library."""
[docs] conn_name_attr = "asana_conn_id"
[docs] default_conn_name = "asana_default"
[docs] conn_type = "asana"
[docs] hook_name = "Asana"
def __init__(self, conn_id: str = default_conn_name, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] self.connection = self.get_connection(conn_id)
extras = self.connection.extra_dejson
[docs] self.workspace = self._get_field(extras, "workspace") or None
[docs] self.project = self._get_field(extras, "project") or None
def _get_field(self, extras: dict, field_name: str): """Get field from extra, first checking short name, then for backcompat we check for prefixed name.""" backcompat_prefix = "extra__asana__" if field_name.startswith("extra__"): raise ValueError( f"Got prefixed name {field_name}; please remove the '{backcompat_prefix}' prefix " "when using this method." ) if field_name in extras: return extras[field_name] or None prefixed_name = f"{backcompat_prefix}{field_name}" return extras.get(prefixed_name) or None
[docs] def get_conn(self) -> Client: return self.client
[docs] def get_connection_form_widgets(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return connection widgets to add to connection form.""" from flask_appbuilder.fieldwidgets import BS3TextFieldWidget from flask_babel import lazy_gettext from wtforms import StringField return { "workspace": StringField(lazy_gettext("Workspace"), widget=BS3TextFieldWidget()), "project": StringField(lazy_gettext("Project"), widget=BS3TextFieldWidget()), }
[docs] def get_ui_field_behaviour(cls) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return custom field behaviour.""" return { "hidden_fields": ["port", "host", "login", "schema"], "relabeling": {}, "placeholders": { "password": "Asana personal access token", "workspace": "Asana workspace gid", "project": "Asana project gid", }, }
[docs] def client(self) -> Client: """Instantiate python-asana Client.""" if not self.connection.password: raise ValueError( "Asana connection password must contain a personal access token: " "" ) return Client.access_token(self.connection.password)
[docs] def create_task(self, task_name: str, params: dict | None) -> dict: """ Create an Asana task. :param task_name: Name of the new task :param params: Other task attributes, such as due_on, parent, and notes. For a complete list of possible parameters, see :return: A dict of attributes of the created task, including its gid """ merged_params = self._merge_create_task_parameters(task_name, params) self._validate_create_task_parameters(merged_params) response = self.client.tasks.create(params=merged_params) return response
def _merge_create_task_parameters(self, task_name: str, task_params: dict | None) -> dict: """ Merge create_task parameters with default params from the connection. :param task_name: Name of the task :param task_params: Other task parameters which should override defaults from the connection :return: A dict of merged parameters to use in the new task """ merged_params: dict[str, Any] = {"name": task_name} if self.project: merged_params["projects"] = [self.project] # Only use default workspace if user did not provide a project id elif self.workspace and not (task_params and ("projects" in task_params)): merged_params["workspace"] = self.workspace if task_params: merged_params.update(task_params) return merged_params @staticmethod def _validate_create_task_parameters(params: dict) -> None: """ Check that user provided minimal parameters for task creation. :param params: A dict of attributes the task to be created should have :return: None; raises ValueError if `params` doesn't contain required parameters """ required_parameters = {"workspace", "projects", "parent"} if required_parameters.isdisjoint(params): raise ValueError( f"You must specify at least one of {required_parameters} in the create_task parameters" )
[docs] def delete_task(self, task_id: str) -> dict: """ Delete an Asana task. :param task_id: Asana GID of the task to delete :return: A dict containing the response from Asana """ try: response = self.client.tasks.delete_task(task_id) return response except NotFoundError:"Asana task %s not found for deletion.", task_id) return {}
[docs] def find_task(self, params: dict | None) -> list: """ Retrieve a list of Asana tasks that match search parameters. :param params: Attributes that matching tasks should have. For a list of possible parameters, see :return: A list of dicts containing attributes of matching Asana tasks """ merged_params = self._merge_find_task_parameters(params) self._validate_find_task_parameters(merged_params) response = self.client.tasks.find_all(params=merged_params) return list(response)
def _merge_find_task_parameters(self, search_parameters: dict | None) -> dict: """ Merge find_task parameters with default params from the connection. :param search_parameters: Attributes that tasks matching the search should have; these override defaults from the connection :return: A dict of merged parameters to use in the search """ merged_params = {} if self.project: merged_params["project"] = self.project # Only use default workspace if user did not provide a project id elif self.workspace and not (search_parameters and ("project" in search_parameters)): merged_params["workspace"] = self.workspace if search_parameters: merged_params.update(search_parameters) return merged_params @staticmethod def _validate_find_task_parameters(params: dict) -> None: """ Check that the user provided minimal search parameters. :param params: Dict of parameters to be used in the search :return: None; raises ValueError if search parameters do not contain minimum required attributes """ one_of_list = {"project", "section", "tag", "user_task_list"} both_of_list = {"assignee", "workspace"} contains_both = both_of_list.issubset(params) contains_one = not one_of_list.isdisjoint(params) if not (contains_both or contains_one): raise ValueError( f"You must specify at least one of {one_of_list} " f"or both of {both_of_list} in the find_task parameters." )
[docs] def update_task(self, task_id: str, params: dict) -> dict: """ Update an existing Asana task. :param task_id: Asana GID of task to update :param params: New values of the task's attributes. For a list of possible parameters, see :return: A dict containing the updated task's attributes """ response = self.client.tasks.update(task_id, params) return response
[docs] def create_project(self, params: dict) -> dict: """ Create a new project. :param params: Attributes that the new project should have. See for a list of possible parameters. :return: A dict containing the new project's attributes, including its GID. """ merged_params = self._merge_project_parameters(params) self._validate_create_project_parameters(merged_params) response = self.client.projects.create(merged_params) return response
@staticmethod def _validate_create_project_parameters(params: dict) -> None: """ Check that user provided the minimum required parameters for project creation. :param params: Attributes that the new project should have :return: None; raises a ValueError if `params` does not contain the minimum required attributes. """ required_parameters = {"workspace", "team"} if required_parameters.isdisjoint(params): raise ValueError( f"You must specify at least one of {required_parameters} in the create_project params" ) def _merge_project_parameters(self, params: dict) -> dict: """ Merge parameters passed into a project method with default params from the connection. :param params: Parameters passed into one of the project methods, which should override defaults from the connection :return: A dict of merged parameters """ merged_params = {} if self.workspace is None else {"workspace": self.workspace} merged_params.update(params) return merged_params
[docs] def find_project(self, params: dict) -> list: """ Retrieve a list of Asana projects that match search parameters. :param params: Attributes which matching projects should have. See for a list of possible parameters. :return: A list of dicts containing attributes of matching Asana projects """ merged_params = self._merge_project_parameters(params) response = self.client.projects.find_all(merged_params) return list(response)
[docs] def update_project(self, project_id: str, params: dict) -> dict: """ Update an existing project. :param project_id: Asana GID of the project to update :param params: New attributes that the project should have. See for a list of possible parameters :return: A dict containing the updated project's attributes """ response = self.client.projects.update(project_id, params) return response
[docs] def delete_project(self, project_id: str) -> dict: """ Delete a project. :param project_id: Asana GID of the project to delete :return: A dict containing the response from Asana """ try: response = self.client.projects.delete(project_id) return response except NotFoundError:"Asana project %s not found for deletion.", project_id) return {}

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