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"""Default celery configuration."""
from __future__ import annotations
import json
import logging
import re
import ssl
from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowConfigException, AirflowException
from airflow.providers.celery.version_compat import AIRFLOW_V_3_0_PLUS
def _broker_supports_visibility_timeout(url):
return url.startswith(("redis://", "rediss://", "sqs://", "sentinel://"))
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# IMPORTANT NOTE! Celery Executor has initialization done dynamically and it performs initialization when
# it is imported, so we need fallbacks here in order to be able to import the class directly without
# having configuration initialized before. Do not remove those fallbacks!
# This is not strictly needed for production:
# * for Airflow 2.6 and before the defaults will come from the core defaults
# * for Airflow 2.7+ the defaults will be loaded via ProvidersManager
# But it helps in our tests to import the executor class and validate if the celery code can be imported
# in the current and older versions of Airflow.
broker_url = conf.get("celery", "BROKER_URL", fallback="redis://redis:6379/0")
broker_transport_options: dict = conf.getsection("celery_broker_transport_options") or {}
if "visibility_timeout" not in broker_transport_options:
if _broker_supports_visibility_timeout(broker_url):
broker_transport_options["visibility_timeout"] = 84600
if "sentinel_kwargs" in broker_transport_options:
sentinel_kwargs = json.loads(broker_transport_options["sentinel_kwargs"])
if not isinstance(sentinel_kwargs, dict):
raise ValueError
broker_transport_options["sentinel_kwargs"] = sentinel_kwargs
except Exception:
raise AirflowException("sentinel_kwargs should be written in the correct dictionary format.")
if conf.has_option("celery", "RESULT_BACKEND"):
result_backend = conf.get_mandatory_value("celery", "RESULT_BACKEND")
log.debug("Value for celery result_backend not found. Using sql_alchemy_conn with db+ prefix.")
result_backend = f"db+{conf.get('database', 'SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN')}"
"accept_content": ["json"],
"event_serializer": "json",
"worker_prefetch_multiplier": conf.getint("celery", "worker_prefetch_multiplier", fallback=1),
"task_acks_late": conf.getboolean("celery", "task_acks_late", fallback=True),
"task_default_queue": conf.get("operators", "DEFAULT_QUEUE"),
"task_default_exchange": conf.get("operators", "DEFAULT_QUEUE"),
"task_track_started": conf.getboolean("celery", "task_track_started", fallback=True),
"broker_url": broker_url,
"broker_transport_options": broker_transport_options,
"broker_connection_retry_on_startup": conf.getboolean(
"celery", "broker_connection_retry_on_startup", fallback=True
"result_backend": result_backend,
"database_engine_options": conf.getjson(
"celery", "result_backend_sqlalchemy_engine_options", fallback={}
"worker_concurrency": conf.getint("celery", "WORKER_CONCURRENCY", fallback=16),
"worker_enable_remote_control": conf.getboolean("celery", "worker_enable_remote_control", fallback=True),
**(extra_celery_config if isinstance(extra_celery_config, dict) else {}),
# In order to not change anything pre Task Execution API, we leave this setting as it was (unset) in Airflow2
DEFAULT_CELERY_CONFIG.setdefault("worker_redirect_stdouts", False)
DEFAULT_CELERY_CONFIG.setdefault("worker_hijack_root_logger", False)
def _get_celery_ssl_active() -> bool:
return conf.getboolean("celery", "SSL_ACTIVE")
except AirflowConfigException:
log.warning("Celery Executor will run without SSL")
return False
celery_ssl_active = _get_celery_ssl_active()
if celery_ssl_active:
if broker_url and "amqp://" in broker_url:
broker_use_ssl = {
"keyfile": conf.get("celery", "SSL_KEY"),
"certfile": conf.get("celery", "SSL_CERT"),
"ca_certs": conf.get("celery", "SSL_CACERT"),
"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
elif broker_url and re.search("rediss?://|sentinel://", broker_url):
broker_use_ssl = {
"ssl_keyfile": conf.get("celery", "SSL_KEY"),
"ssl_certfile": conf.get("celery", "SSL_CERT"),
"ssl_ca_certs": conf.get("celery", "SSL_CACERT"),
"ssl_cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
raise AirflowException(
"The broker you configured does not support SSL_ACTIVE to be True. "
"Please use RabbitMQ or Redis if you would like to use SSL for broker."
DEFAULT_CELERY_CONFIG["broker_use_ssl"] = broker_use_ssl
except AirflowConfigException:
raise AirflowException(
"AirflowConfigException: SSL_ACTIVE is True, please ensure SSL_KEY, SSL_CERT and SSL_CACERT are set"
except Exception as e:
raise AirflowException(
f"Exception: There was an unknown Celery SSL Error. Please ensure you want to use SSL and/or have "
f"all necessary certs and key ({e})."
match_not_recommended_backend = re.search("rediss?://|amqp://|rpc://", result_backend)
if match_not_recommended_backend:
"You have configured a result_backend using the protocol `%s`,"
" it is highly recommended to use an alternative result_backend (i.e. a database).",