

DefaultResponseHandler returns JSON payload or content in bytes or response headers.


A Microsoft Graph API interaction hook, a Wrapper around KiotaRequestAdapter.

Module Contents


Bases: kiota_abstractions.response_handler.ResponseHandler

DefaultResponseHandler returns JSON payload or content in bytes or response headers.

static get_value(response)[source]
async handle_response_async(response, error_map=None)[source]

Invoke this callback method when a response is received.

param response: The type of the native response object. param error_map: The error dict to use in case of a failed request.

class, timeout=None, proxies=None, host=NationalClouds.Global.value, scopes=None, api_version=None)[source]

Bases: airflow.hooks.base.BaseHook

A Microsoft Graph API interaction hook, a Wrapper around KiotaRequestAdapter.

  • conn_id (str) – The HTTP Connection ID to run the trigger against.

  • timeout (float | None) – The HTTP timeout being used by the KiotaRequestAdapter (default is None). When no timeout is specified or set to None then no HTTP timeout is applied on each request.

  • proxies (dict | None) – A Dict defining the HTTP proxies to be used (default is None).

  • host (str) – The host to be used (default is “”).

  • scopes (str | list[str] | None) – The scopes to be used (default is [””]).

  • api_version (msgraph_core.APIVersion | str | None) – The API version of the Microsoft Graph API to be used (default is v1). You can pass an enum named APIVersion which has 2 possible members v1 and beta, or you can pass a string as “v1.0” or “beta”.

DEFAULT_SCOPE = ''[source]
cached_request_adapters: dict[str, tuple[msgraph_core.APIVersion, kiota_abstractions.request_adapter.RequestAdapter]][source]
conn_type: str = 'msgraph'[source]
conn_name_attr: str = 'conn_id'[source]
default_conn_name: str = 'msgraph_default'[source]
hook_name: str = 'Microsoft Graph API'[source]
conn_id = 'msgraph_default'[source]
timeout = None[source]
proxies = None[source]
host = ''[source]
classmethod get_connection_form_widgets()[source]

Return connection widgets to add to connection form.

classmethod get_ui_field_behaviour()[source]

Return custom field behaviour.

property api_version: str | None[source]
static resolve_api_version_from_value(api_version, default=None)[source]
static format_no_proxy_url(url)[source]
classmethod to_httpx_proxies(proxies)[source]
to_msal_proxies(authority, proxies)[source]

Return connection for the hook.

get_credentials(login, password, config, authority, verify, proxies)[source]

Test HTTP Connection.

async run(url='', response_type=None, path_parameters=None, method='GET', query_parameters=None, headers=None, data=None)[source]
request_information(url, response_type=None, path_parameters=None, method='GET', query_parameters=None, headers=None, data=None)[source]
static normalize_url(url)[source]
static encoded_query_parameters(query_parameters)[source]
static error_mapping()[source]

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