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This is only an example DAG to highlight usage of AzureCosmosDocumentSensor to detect
if a document now exists.

You can trigger this manually with `airflow dags trigger example_cosmosdb_sensor`.

*Note: Make sure that connection `azure_cosmos_default` is properly set before running
this example.*

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from datetime import datetime

from airflow import DAG
from import AzureCosmosInsertDocumentOperator
from import AzureCosmosDocumentSensor

[docs] ENV_ID = os.environ.get("SYSTEM_TESTS_ENV_ID")
[docs] DAG_ID = "example_azure_cosmosdb_sensor"
with DAG( dag_id=DAG_ID, default_args={"database_name": "airflow_example_db"}, start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1), schedule=None, catchup=False, doc_md=__doc__, tags=["example"], ) as dag: # [START cosmos_document_sensor]
[docs] t1 = AzureCosmosDocumentSensor( task_id="check_cosmos_file", collection_name="airflow_example_coll", document_id="airflow_checkid", database_name="database_name", )
# [END cosmos_document_sensor] t2 = AzureCosmosInsertDocumentOperator( task_id="insert_cosmos_file", collection_name="new-collection", document={"id": "someuniqueid", "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"}, database_name="database_name", ) t1 >> t2 from tests_common.test_utils.watcher import watcher # This test needs watcher in order to properly mark success/failure # when "tearDown" task with trigger rule is part of the DAG list(dag.tasks) >> watcher() from tests_common.test_utils.system_tests import get_test_run # noqa: E402 # Needed to run the example DAG with pytest (see: tests/system/
[docs] test_run = get_test_run(dag)

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