Edge Executor Commands

Usage: airflow [-h] GROUP_OR_COMMAND ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: edge



Start and manage Edge Worker. Works only when using EdgeExecutor. For more information, see https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow-providers-edge/stable/edge_executor.html

airflow edge [-h] COMMAND ...

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: maintenance, status, stop, worker



Set or Unset maintenance mode of worker.

airflow edge maintenance [-h] [-c COMMENTS] [--pid [PID]] [-v] [-w] {on,off}
Positional Arguments

Possible choices: on, off

Desired maintenance state

Named Arguments
-c, --comments

Maintenance comments to report reason. Required if maintenance is turned on.


PID file location

-v, --verbose

Make logging output more verbose

Default: False

-w, --wait

Wait until edge worker has reached desired state.

Default: False


Check for Airflow Edge Worker status.

airflow edge status [-h] [--pid [PID]] [-v]
Named Arguments

PID file location

-v, --verbose

Make logging output more verbose

Default: False


Stop a running Airflow Edge Worker.

airflow edge stop [-h] [--pid [PID]] [-v] [-w]
Named Arguments

PID file location

-v, --verbose

Make logging output more verbose

Default: False

-w, --wait

Wait until edge worker is shut down.

Default: False


Start Airflow Edge Worker.

airflow edge worker [-h] [-c CONCURRENCY] [-H EDGE_HOSTNAME] [--pid [PID]]
                    [-q QUEUES] [-v]
Named Arguments
-c, --concurrency

The number of worker processes

Default: 8

-H, --edge-hostname

Set the hostname of worker if you have multiple workers on a single machine


PID file location

-q, --queues

Comma delimited list of queues to serve, serve all queues if not provided.

-v, --verbose

Make logging output more verbose

Default: False

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