Edge Executor


The Edge Provider Package is an experimental preview. Features and stability are limited, and need to be improved over time. The target is to achieve full support in Airflow 3. Once the Edge Provider is fully supported in Airflow 3, maintenance of the Airflow 2 package will be discontinued.


As of Airflow 2.10.4, the edge provider package is not included in normal release cycle. Thus, it cannot be directly installed using: pip install 'apache-airflow[edge]' as the dependency cannot be downloaded.

While it is in a not-ready state, a wheel release package must be manually built from source tree via breeze release-management prepare-provider-packages --include-not-ready-providers edge and then installed via pip or uv from the generated wheel file. like: pip install apache_airflow_providers_edge-<version>-py3-none-any.whl.

EdgeExecutor is an option if you want to distribute tasks to workers distributed in different locations. You can use it also in parallel with other executors if needed. Change your airflow.cfg to point the executor parameter to EdgeExecutor and provide the related settings.

The configuration parameters of the Edge Executor can be found in the Edge provider’s Configuration Reference.

Here are a few imperative requirements for your workers:

  • airflow needs to be installed, and the airflow CLI needs to be in the path

  • Airflow configuration settings should be homogeneous across the cluster

  • Operators that are executed on the Edge Worker need to have their dependencies met in that context. Please take a look to the respective provider package documentations

  • The worker needs to have access to its DAGS_FOLDER, and you need to synchronize the filesystems by your own means. A common setup would be to store your DAGS_FOLDER in a Git repository and sync it across machines using Chef, Puppet, Ansible, or whatever you use to configure machines in your environment. If all your boxes have a common mount point, having your pipelines files shared there should work as well

Minimum configuration for the Edge Worker to make it running is:

  • Section [core]

    • executor: Executor must be set or added to be airflow.providers.edge.executors.EdgeExecutor

    • internal_api_secret_key: An encryption key must be set on webserver and Edge Worker component as shared secret to authenticate traffic. It should be a random string like the fernet key (but preferably not the same).

  • Section [edge]

    • api_enabled: Must be set to true. It is disabled intentionally to not expose the endpoint by default. This is the endpoint the worker connects to. In a future release a dedicated API server can be started.

    • api_url: Must be set to the URL which exposes the web endpoint

To kick off a worker, you need to setup Airflow and kick off the worker subcommand

airflow edge worker

Your worker should start picking up tasks as soon as they get fired in its direction. To stop a worker running on a machine you can use:

airflow edge stop

It will try to stop the worker gracefully by sending SIGINT signal to main process as and wait until all running tasks are completed.

If you want to monitor the remote activity and worker, use the UI plugin which is included in the provider package and install it on the webserver and use the “Admin” - “Edge Worker Hosts” and “Edge Worker Jobs” pages.

Some caveats:

  • Tasks can consume resources. Make sure your worker has enough resources to run worker_concurrency tasks

  • Make sure that the pool_slots of a Tasks matches with the worker_concurrency of the worker

  • Queue names are limited to 256 characters

See Modules Management for details on how Python and Airflow manage modules.

Limitations of Pre-Release

As this provider package is an experimental preview not all functions are support and not fully covered. If you plan to use the Edge Executor / Worker in the current stage you need to ensure you test properly before use. The following features have been initially tested and are working:

  • Some core operators

    • BashOperator

    • PythonOperator

    • @task decorator

    • @task.branch decorator

    • @task.virtualenv decorator

    • @task.bash decorator

    • Dynamic Mapped Tasks

    • XCom read/write

    • Variable and Connection access

    • Setup and Teardown tasks

  • Some known limitations

    • Tasks that require DB access will fail - no DB connection from remote site is possible

    • This also means that some direct Airflow API via Python is not possible (e.g. airflow.models.*)

    • Log upload will only work if you use a single web server instance or they need to share one log file volume.

    • Performance: No performance assessment and scaling tests have been made. The edge executor package is not optimized for scalability. This will need to be considered in future releases. A dedicated performance assessment is to be completed ensuring that in a hybrid setup other executors are not impacted before version 1.0.0 is to be released.


digraph A{ rankdir="TB" node[shape="rectangle", style="rounded"] subgraph cluster { label="Cluster"; {rank = same; dag; database} {rank = same; workers; scheduler; web} workers[label="(Central) Workers"] scheduler[label="Scheduler"] web[label="Web server"] database[label="Database"] dag[label="DAG files"] web->workers web->database workers->dag workers->database scheduler->dag scheduler->database } subgraph edge_worker_subgraph { label="Edge site"; edge_worker[label="Edge Worker"] edge_dag[label="DAG files (Remote)"] edge_worker->edge_dag } edge_worker->web[label="HTTP(s)"] }

Airflow consist of several components:

  • Workers - Execute the assigned tasks - most standard setup has local or centralized workers, e.g. via Celery

  • Edge Workers - Special workers which pull tasks via HTTP as provided as feature via this provider package

  • Scheduler - Responsible for adding the necessary tasks to the queue

  • Web server - HTTP Server provides access to DAG/task status information

  • Database - Contains information about the status of tasks, DAGs, Variables, connections, etc.


When using the EdgeExecutor, the workers that tasks are sent to can be specified. queue is an attribute of BaseOperator, so any task can be assigned to any queue. The default queue for the environment is defined in the airflow.cfg’s operators -> default_queue. This defines the queue that tasks get assigned to when not specified, as well as which queue Airflow workers listen to when started.

Workers can listen to one or multiple queues of tasks. When a worker is started (using command airflow edge worker), a set of comma-delimited queue names (with no whitespace) can be given (e.g. airflow edge worker -q remote,wisconsin_site). This worker will then only pick up tasks wired to the specified queue(s).

This can be useful if you need specialized workers, either from a resource perspective (for say very lightweight tasks where one worker could take thousands of tasks without a problem), or from an environment perspective (you want a worker running from a specific location where required infrastructure is available).

Concurrency slot handling

Some tasks may need more resources than other tasks, to handle these use case the Edge worker supports concurrency slot handling. The logic behind this is the same as the pool slot feature see Pools. Edge worker reuses pool_slots of task_instance to keep number if task instance parameter as low as possible. The pool_slots value works together with the worker_concurrency value which is defined during start of worker. If a task needs more resources, the pool_slots value can be increased to reduce number of tasks running in parallel. The value can be used to block other tasks from being executed in parallel on the same worker. A pool_slots of 2 and a worker_concurrency of 3 means that a worker which executes this task can only execute a job with a pool_slots of 1 in parallel. If no pool_slots is defined for a task the default value is 1. The pool_slots value only supports integer values.

Here is an example setting pool_slots for a task:

import os

import pendulum

from airflow import DAG
from airflow.decorators import task
from airflow.example_dags.libs.helper import print_stuff
from airflow.settings import AIRFLOW_HOME

with DAG(
    start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),
) as dag:

    @task(executor="EdgeExecutor", pool_slots=2)
    def task_with_template():


Feature Backlog of MVP to Release Readiness

As noted above the current version of the EdgeExecutor is a MVP (Minimum Viable Product). It can be used but must be taken with care if you want to use it productively. Just the bare minimum functions are provided currently and missing features will be added over time.

The target implementation is sketched in AIP-69 (Airflow Improvement Proposal for Edge Executor) and this AIP will be completed when open features are implemented and it has production grade stability.

The following features are known missing and will be implemented in increments:

  • API token per worker: Today there is a global API token available only

  • Edge Worker Plugin

    • Overview about queues / jobs per queue

    • Allow starting Edge Worker REST API separate to webserver

    • Administrative maintenance / temporary disable jobs on worker

  • Edge Worker CLI

    • Use WebSockets instead of HTTP calls for communication

    • Send logs also to TaskFileHandler if external logging services are used

    • Integration into telemetry to send metrics from remote site

    • Publish system metrics with heartbeats (CPU, Disk space, RAM, Load)

    • Be more liberal e.g. on patch version. MVP requires exact version match (In current state if versions do not match, the worker will gracefully shut down when jobs are completed, no new jobs will be started)

  • Tests

    • Integration tests in Github

    • Test/Support on Windows for Edge Worker

  • Scaling test - Check and define boundaries of workers/jobs

  • Load tests - impact of scaled execution and code optimization

  • Incremental logs during task execution can be served w/o shared log disk

  • Host name of worker is applied as job runner host name as well

  • Documentation

    • Describe more details on deployment options and tuning

    • Provide scripts and guides to install edge components as service (systemd)

    • Extend Helm-Chart for needed support

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