Install Edge Worker on Windows


The Edge Provider Package is an experimental preview. Features and stability are limited, and need to be improved over time. The target is to achieve full support in Airflow 3. Once the Edge Provider is fully supported in Airflow 3, maintenance of the Airflow 2 package will be discontinued.

This is also especially true for Windows. The Edge Worker has only been manually tested on Windows, and the setup is not validated in CI. It is recommended to use Linux for Edge Worker. The Windows-based setup is intended solely for testing at your own risk. It is technically limited due to Python OS restrictions and if currently of Proof-of-Concept quality.


As of Airflow 2.10.4, the edge provider package is not included in normal release cycle. Thus, it cannot be directly installed using: pip install 'apache-airflow[edge]' as the dependency cannot be downloaded.

While it is in a not-ready state, a wheel release package must be manually built from source tree via breeze release-management prepare-provider-packages --include-not-ready-providers edge.

The setup was tested on Windows 10 with Python 3.12.8, 64-bit. To setup a instance of Edge Worker on Windows, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Install Python 3.9 or higher.

  2. Create an empty folder as base to start with. In our example it is C:\\Airflow.

  3. Start Shell/Command Line in C:\\Airflow and create a new virtual environment via: python -m venv venv

  4. Activate the virtual environment via: venv\\Scripts\\activate.bat

  5. Copy the manually built wheel of the edge provider to the folder C:\\Airflow. This document used apache_airflow_providers_edge-0.9.7rc0-py3-none-any.whl.

  6. Install the wheel file with the Airflow constraints matching your Airflow and Python version: pip install apache_airflow_providers_edge-0.9.7rc0-py3-none-any.whl apache-airflow==2.10.4 virtualenv --constraint

  7. Create a new folder dags in C:\\Airflow and copy the relevant DAG files in it. (At least the DAG files which should be executed on the edge alongside the dependencies. For testing purposes the DAGs from the apache-airflow repository can be used located in <>.)

  8. Collect needed parameters from your running Airflow backend, at least the following:

  • edge / api_url: The HTTP(s) endpoint where the Edge Worker connects to

  • core / internal_api_secret_key: The shared secret key between the webserver and the Edge Worker Note: This only applies to Airflow 2.10 - For Airflow 3 the authentication method might change before release.

  • Any proxy details if applicable for your environment.

  1. Create a worker start script to prevent repeated typing. Create a new file start_worker.bat in C:\\Airflow with the following content - replace with your settings:

@echo off
set AIRFLOW__EDGE__API_URL=https://your-hostname-and-port/edge_worker/v1/rpcapi
set AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR=airflow.providers.edge.executors.edge_executor.EdgeExecutor
set AIRFLOW__CORE__INTERNAL_API_SECRET_KEY=<steal this from your deployment...>
@REM Add if needed: set http_proxy=
@REM Add if needed: set https_proxy=
airflow edge worker --concurrency 4 -q windows
  1. Note on logs: Per default the DAG Run ID is used as path in the log structure and per default the date and time is contained in the Run ID. Windows fails with a colon (“:”) in a file or folder name and this also the Edge Worker fails. Therefore you might consider changing the config AIRFLOW__LOGGING__LOG_FILENAME_TEMPLATE to avoid the colon. For example you could add the Jinja2 template replacement | replace(":", "-") to use other characters. Note that the log filename template is resolved on server side and not on the worker side. So you need to make this as a global change. Alternatively for testing purposes only you must use Run IDs without a colon, e.g. set the Run ID manually when starting a DAG run.

  2. Start the worker via: start_worker.bat Watch the console for errors.

  3. Run a DAG as test and see if the result is as expected.

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