Microsoft Graph API Connection

The Microsoft Graph API connection type enables Microsoft Graph API Integrations.

The KiotaRequestAdapterHook and MSGraphAsyncOperator requires a connection of type msgraph to authenticate with Microsoft Graph API.

Authenticating to Microsoft Graph API

  1. Use token credentials i.e. add specific credentials (client_id, client_secret, tenant_id) to the Airflow connection.

Default Connection IDs

All hooks and operators related to Microsoft Graph API use msgraph_default by default.

Configuring the Connection

Client ID

Specify the client_id used for the initial connection. This is needed for token credentials authentication mechanism.

Client Secret

Specify the client_secret used for the initial connection. This is needed for token credentials authentication mechanism unless a certificate is used.

Tenant ID

Specify the tenant_id used for the initial connection. This is needed for token credentials authentication mechanism.

API Version

Specify the api_version used for the initial connection. Default value is v1.0.


The authority parameter defines the endpoint (or tenant) that MSAL uses to authenticate requests. It determines which identity provider will handle authentication. Default value is


The scopes parameter specifies the permissions or access rights that your application is requesting for a connection. These permissions define what resources or data your application can access on behalf of the user or application. Default value is

Certificate path

The certificate_path parameter specifies the filepath where the certificate is located. Both certificate_path and certificate_data parameter cannot be used together, they should be mutually exclusive. Default value is None.

Certificate data

The certificate_date parameter specifies the certificate as a string. Both certificate_path and certificate_data parameter cannot be used together, they should be mutually exclusive. Default value is None.

Disable instance discovery

The disable_instance_discovery parameter determines whether MSAL should validate and discover Azure AD endpoints dynamically during runtime. Default value is False (e.g. disabled).

Allowed hosts

The allowed_hosts parameter is used to define a list of acceptable hosts that the authentication provider will trust when making requests. This parameter is particularly useful for enhancing security and controlling which endpoints the authentication provider interacts with.


The proxies parameter is used to define a dict for the http and https schema, the no key can be use to define hosts not to be used by the proxy. Default value is None.

Verify environment

The verify parameter specifies whether SSL certificates should be verified when making HTTPS requests. By default, verify parameter is set to True. This means that the httpx library will verify the SSL certificate presented by the server to ensure:

  • The certificate is valid and trusted.

  • The certificate matches the hostname of the server.

  • The certificate has not expired or been revoked.

Setting verify to False disables SSL certificate verification. This is typically used in development or testing environments when working with self-signed certificates or servers without valid certificates.

Trust environment

The trust_env parameter determines whether or not the library should use environment variables for configuration when making HTTP/HTTPS requests. By default, trust_env parameter is set to True. This means the httpx library will automatically trust and use environment variables for proxy configuration, SSL settings, and authentication.

Base URL

The base_url parameter allows you to override the default base url used to make it requests, namely This can be useful if you want to use the MSGraphAsyncOperator to call other Microsoft REST API’s like Sharepoint or PowerBI. Default value is None.

Microsoft Graph API connection form

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