A data interval for a DagRun to operate over. |
Restriction on when a DAG can be scheduled for a run. |
Information to schedule a DagRun. |
Protocol that all Timetable classes are expected to implement. |
Module Contents¶
- class airflow.timetables.base.DataInterval[source]¶
A data interval for a DagRun to operate over.
MUST be “aware”, i.e. contain timezone information.
- class airflow.timetables.base.TimeRestriction[source]¶
Restriction on when a DAG can be scheduled for a run.
Specifically, the run must not be earlier than
, nor later thanlatest
. Ifcatchup
is False, the run must also not be earlier than the current time, i.e. “missed” schedules are not backfilled.These values are generally set on the DAG or task’s
, andcatchup
, if not None, are inclusive; a DAG run can happen exactly at either point of time. They are guaranteed to be aware (i.e. contain timezone information) forTimeRestriction
instances created by Airflow.
- class airflow.timetables.base.DagRunInfo[source]¶
Information to schedule a DagRun.
Instances of this will be returned by timetables when they are asked to schedule a DagRun creation.
- run_after: pendulum.DateTime[source]¶
The earliest time this DagRun is created and its tasks scheduled.
This MUST be “aware”, i.e. contain timezone information.
- data_interval: DataInterval[source]¶
The data interval this DagRun to operate over.
- class airflow.timetables.base.Timetable[source]¶
Protocol that all Timetable classes are expected to implement.
- description: str = ''[source]¶
Human-readable description of the timetable.
For example, this can produce something like
'At 21:30, only on Friday'
from the cron expression'30 21 * * 5'
. This is used in the webserver UI.
- periodic: bool = True[source]¶
Whether this timetable runs periodically.
This defaults to and should generally be True, but some special setups like
set it to False.
- can_be_scheduled: bool = True[source]¶
Whether this timetable can actually schedule runs in an automated manner.
This defaults to and should generally be True (including non periodic execution types like @once and data triggered tables), but
sets this to False.
- run_ordering:[str] = ('data_interval_end', 'logical_date')[source]¶
How runs triggered from this timetable should be ordered in UI.
This should be a list of field names on the DAG run object.
- active_runs_limit: int | None = None[source]¶
Maximum active runs that can be active at one time for a DAG.
This is called during DAG initialization, and the return value is used as the DAG’s default
. This should generally return None, but there are good reasons to limit DAG run parallelism in some cases, such as forContinuousTimetable
- asset_condition: airflow.sdk.definitions.asset.BaseAsset[source]¶
The asset condition that triggers a DAG using this timetable.
If this is not None, this should be an asset, or a combination of, that controls the DAG’s asset triggers.
- classmethod deserialize(data)[source]¶
Deserialize a timetable from data.
This is called when a serialized DAG is deserialized.
will be whatever was returned byserialize
during DAG serialization. The default implementation constructs the timetable without any arguments.
- serialize()[source]¶
Serialize the timetable for JSON encoding.
This is called during DAG serialization to store timetable information in the database. This should return a JSON-serializable dict that will be fed into
when the DAG is deserialized. The default implementation returns an empty dict.
- validate()[source]¶
Validate the timetable is correctly specified.
Override this method to provide run-time validation raised when a DAG is put into a dagbag. The default implementation does nothing.
- Raises:
AirflowTimetableInvalid on validation failure.
- property summary: str[source]¶
A short summary for the timetable.
This is used to display the timetable in the web UI. A cron expression timetable, for example, can use this to display the expression. The default implementation returns the timetable’s type name.
- abstract infer_manual_data_interval(*, run_after)[source]¶
When a DAG run is manually triggered, infer a data interval for it.
This is used for e.g. manually-triggered runs, where
would be when the user triggers the run. The default implementation raisesNotImplementedError
- abstract next_dagrun_info(*, last_automated_data_interval, restriction)[source]¶
Provide information to schedule the next DagRun.
The default implementation raises
.- Parameters:
last_automated_data_interval (DataInterval | None) – The data interval of the associated DAG’s last scheduled or backfilled run (manual runs not considered).
restriction (TimeRestriction) – Restriction to apply when scheduling the DAG run. See documentation of
for details.
- Returns:
Information on when the next DagRun can be scheduled. None means a DagRun will not happen. This does not mean no more runs will be scheduled even again for this DAG; the timetable can return a DagRunInfo object when asked at another time.
- Return type:
DagRunInfo | None
- generate_run_id(*, run_type, run_after, data_interval, **extra)[source]¶
Generate a unique run ID.
- Parameters:
run_type (airflow.utils.types.DagRunType) – The type of DAG run.
run_after (pendulum.DateTime) – the datetime before which to Dag cannot run.
data_interval (DataInterval | None) – The data interval of the DAG run.