Source code for airflow.decorators.base

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import itertools
import re
import textwrap
import warnings
from import Collection, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence
from functools import cached_property, update_wrapper
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Generic, Protocol, TypeVar, cast, overload

import attr
import typing_extensions

from airflow.models.baseoperator import (
from airflow.models.expandinput import (
from airflow.sdk.definitions._internal.contextmanager import DagContext, TaskGroupContext
from airflow.sdk.definitions.asset import Asset
from airflow.sdk.definitions.baseoperator import BaseOperator as TaskSDKBaseOperator
from airflow.sdk.definitions.mappedoperator import MappedOperator, ensure_xcomarg_return_value
from airflow.sdk.definitions.xcom_arg import XComArg
from airflow.typing_compat import ParamSpec
from airflow.utils import timezone
from airflow.utils.context import KNOWN_CONTEXT_KEYS
from airflow.utils.decorators import remove_task_decorator
from airflow.utils.helpers import prevent_duplicates
from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
from airflow.utils.types import NOTSET

    from airflow.models.expandinput import (
    from airflow.sdk.definitions.context import Context
    from airflow.sdk.definitions.dag import DAG
    from airflow.sdk.definitions.mappedoperator import ValidationSource
    from airflow.utils.task_group import TaskGroup

class ExpandableFactory(Protocol):
    Protocol providing inspection against wrapped function.

    This is used in ``validate_expand_kwargs`` and implemented by function
    decorators like ``@task`` and ``@task_group``.

    :meta private:

    function: Callable

    def function_signature(self) -> inspect.Signature:
        return inspect.signature(self.function)

    def _mappable_function_argument_names(self) -> set[str]:
        """Arguments that can be mapped against."""
        return set(self.function_signature.parameters)

    def _validate_arg_names(self, func: ValidationSource, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        """Ensure that all arguments passed to operator-mapping functions are accounted for."""
        parameters = self.function_signature.parameters
        if any(v.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD for v in parameters.values()):
        kwargs_left = kwargs.copy()
        for arg_name in self._mappable_function_argument_names:
            value = kwargs_left.pop(arg_name, NOTSET)
            if func == "expand" and value is not NOTSET and not is_mappable(value):
                tname = type(value).__name__
                raise ValueError(
                    f"expand() got an unexpected type {tname!r} for keyword argument {arg_name!r}"
        if len(kwargs_left) == 1:
            raise TypeError(f"{func}() got an unexpected keyword argument {next(iter(kwargs_left))!r}")
        elif kwargs_left:
            names = ", ".join(repr(n) for n in kwargs_left)
            raise TypeError(f"{func}() got unexpected keyword arguments {names}")

[docs] def get_unique_task_id( task_id: str, dag: DAG | None = None, task_group: TaskGroup | None = None, ) -> str: """ Generate unique task id given a DAG (or if run in a DAG context). IDs are generated by appending a unique number to the end of the original task id. Example: task_id task_id__1 task_id__2 ... task_id__20 """ dag = dag or DagContext.get_current() if not dag: return task_id # We need to check if we are in the context of TaskGroup as the task_id may # already be altered task_group = task_group or TaskGroupContext.get_current(dag) tg_task_id = task_group.child_id(task_id) if task_group else task_id if tg_task_id not in dag.task_ids: return task_id def _find_id_suffixes(dag: DAG) -> Iterator[int]: prefix = re.split(r"__\d+$", tg_task_id)[0] for task_id in dag.task_ids: match = re.match(rf"^{prefix}__(\d+)$", task_id) if match: yield int( yield 0 # Default if there's no matching task ID. core = re.split(r"__\d+$", task_id)[0] return f"{core}__{max(_find_id_suffixes(dag)) + 1}"
[docs] class DecoratedOperator(BaseOperator): """ Wraps a Python callable and captures args/kwargs when called for execution. :param python_callable: A reference to an object that is callable :param op_kwargs: a dictionary of keyword arguments that will get unpacked in your function (templated) :param op_args: a list of positional arguments that will get unpacked when calling your callable (templated) :param multiple_outputs: If set to True, the decorated function's return value will be unrolled to multiple XCom values. Dict will unroll to XCom values with its keys as XCom keys. Defaults to False. :param kwargs_to_upstream: For certain operators, we might need to upstream certain arguments that would otherwise be absorbed by the DecoratedOperator (for example python_callable for the PythonOperator). This gives a user the option to upstream kwargs as needed. """
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ("op_args", "op_kwargs")
[docs] template_fields_renderers = {"op_args": "py", "op_kwargs": "py"}
# since we won't mutate the arguments, we should just do the shallow copy # there are some cases we can't deepcopy the objects (e.g protobuf).
[docs] shallow_copy_attrs: Sequence[str] = ("python_callable",)
def __init__( self, *, python_callable: Callable, task_id: str, op_args: Collection[Any] | None = None, op_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, kwargs_to_upstream: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: if not getattr(self, "_BaseOperator__from_mapped", False): # If we are being created from calling unmap(), then don't mangle the task id task_id = get_unique_task_id(task_id, kwargs.get("dag"), kwargs.get("task_group"))
[docs] self.python_callable = python_callable
kwargs_to_upstream = kwargs_to_upstream or {} op_args = op_args or [] op_kwargs = op_kwargs or {} # Check the decorated function's signature. We go through the argument # list and "fill in" defaults to arguments that are known context keys, # since values for those will be provided when the task is run. Since # we're not actually running the function, None is good enough here. signature = inspect.signature(python_callable) # Don't allow context argument defaults other than None to avoid ambiguities. faulty_parameters = [ for param in signature.parameters.values() if in KNOWN_CONTEXT_KEYS and param.default not in (None, inspect.Parameter.empty) ] if faulty_parameters: message = f"Context key parameter {faulty_parameters[0]} can't have a default other than None" raise ValueError(message) parameters = [ param.replace(default=None) if in KNOWN_CONTEXT_KEYS else param for param in signature.parameters.values() ] try: signature = signature.replace(parameters=parameters) except ValueError as err: message = textwrap.dedent( f""" The function signature broke while assigning defaults to context key parameters. The decorator is replacing the signature > {python_callable.__name__}({", ".join(str(param) for param in signature.parameters.values())}) with > {python_callable.__name__}({", ".join(str(param) for param in parameters)}) which isn't valid: {err} """ ) raise ValueError(message) from err # Check that arguments can be binded. There's a slight difference when # we do validation for task-mapping: Since there's no guarantee we can # receive enough arguments at parse time, we use bind_partial to simply # check all the arguments we know are valid. Whether these are enough # can only be known at execution time, when unmapping happens, and this # is called without the _airflow_mapped_validation_only flag. if kwargs.get("_airflow_mapped_validation_only"): signature.bind_partial(*op_args, **op_kwargs) else: signature.bind(*op_args, **op_kwargs)
[docs] self.op_args = op_args
[docs] self.op_kwargs = op_kwargs
super().__init__(task_id=task_id, **kwargs_to_upstream, **kwargs)
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context): # todo make this more generic (move to prepare_lineage) so it deals with non taskflow operators # as well for arg in itertools.chain(self.op_args, self.op_kwargs.values()): if isinstance(arg, Asset): self.inlets.append(arg) return_value = super().execute(context) return self._handle_output(return_value=return_value, context=context, xcom_push=self.xcom_push)
def _handle_output(self, return_value: Any, context: Context, xcom_push: Callable): """ Handle logic for whether a decorator needs to push a single return value or multiple return values. It sets outlets if any assets are found in the returned value(s) :param return_value: :param context: :param xcom_push: """ if isinstance(return_value, Asset): self.outlets.append(return_value) if isinstance(return_value, list): for item in return_value: if isinstance(item, Asset): self.outlets.append(item) return return_value def _hook_apply_defaults(self, *args, **kwargs): if "python_callable" not in kwargs: return args, kwargs python_callable = kwargs["python_callable"] default_args = kwargs.get("default_args") or {} op_kwargs = kwargs.get("op_kwargs") or {} f_sig = inspect.signature(python_callable) for arg in f_sig.parameters: if arg not in op_kwargs and arg in default_args: op_kwargs[arg] = default_args[arg] kwargs["op_kwargs"] = op_kwargs return args, kwargs
[docs] def get_python_source(self): raw_source = inspect.getsource(self.python_callable) res = textwrap.dedent(raw_source) res = remove_task_decorator(res, self.custom_operator_name) return res
[docs] FParams = ParamSpec("FParams")
[docs] FReturn = TypeVar("FReturn")
[docs] OperatorSubclass = TypeVar("OperatorSubclass", bound="BaseOperator")
@attr.define(slots=False) class _TaskDecorator(ExpandableFactory, Generic[FParams, FReturn, OperatorSubclass]): """ Helper class for providing dynamic task mapping to decorated functions. ``task_decorator_factory`` returns an instance of this, instead of just a plain wrapped function. :meta private: """ function: Callable[FParams, FReturn] = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.is_callable()) operator_class: type[OperatorSubclass] multiple_outputs: bool = attr.ib() kwargs: dict[str, Any] = attr.ib(factory=dict) decorator_name: str = attr.ib(repr=False, default="task") _airflow_is_task_decorator: ClassVar[bool] = True is_setup: bool = False is_teardown: bool = False on_failure_fail_dagrun: bool = False # This is set in __attrs_post_init__ by update_wrapper. Provided here for type hints. __wrapped__: Callable[FParams, FReturn] = attr.ib(init=False) @multiple_outputs.default def _infer_multiple_outputs(self): if "return" not in self.function.__annotations__: # No return type annotation, nothing to infer return False try: # We only care about the return annotation, not anything about the parameters def fake(): ... fake.__annotations__ = {"return": self.function.__annotations__["return"]} return_type = typing_extensions.get_type_hints(fake, self.function.__globals__).get("return", Any) except NameError as e: warnings.warn( f"Cannot infer multiple_outputs for TaskFlow function {self.function.__name__!r} with forward" f" type references that are not imported. (Error was {e})", stacklevel=4, ) return False except TypeError: # Can't evaluate return type. return False ttype = getattr(return_type, "__origin__", return_type) return isinstance(ttype, type) and issubclass(ttype, Mapping) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if "self" in self.function_signature.parameters: raise TypeError(f"@{self.decorator_name} does not support methods") self.kwargs.setdefault("task_id", self.function.__name__) update_wrapper(self, self.function) def __call__(self, *args: FParams.args, **kwargs: FParams.kwargs) -> XComArg: if self.is_teardown: if "trigger_rule" in self.kwargs: raise ValueError("Trigger rule not configurable for teardown tasks.") self.kwargs.update(trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ALL_DONE_SETUP_SUCCESS) on_failure_fail_dagrun = self.kwargs.pop("on_failure_fail_dagrun", self.on_failure_fail_dagrun) op = self.operator_class( python_callable=self.function, op_args=args, op_kwargs=kwargs, multiple_outputs=self.multiple_outputs, **self.kwargs, ) op.is_setup = self.is_setup op.is_teardown = self.is_teardown op.on_failure_fail_dagrun = on_failure_fail_dagrun op_doc_attrs = [op.doc, op.doc_json, op.doc_md, op.doc_rst, op.doc_yaml] # Set the task's doc_md to the function's docstring if it exists and no other doc* args are set. if self.function.__doc__ and not any(op_doc_attrs): op.doc_md = self.function.__doc__ return XComArg(op) def _validate_arg_names(self, func: ValidationSource, kwargs: dict[str, Any]): # Ensure that context variables are not shadowed. context_keys_being_mapped = KNOWN_CONTEXT_KEYS.intersection(kwargs) if len(context_keys_being_mapped) == 1: (name,) = context_keys_being_mapped raise ValueError(f"cannot call {func}() on task context variable {name!r}") elif context_keys_being_mapped: names = ", ".join(repr(n) for n in context_keys_being_mapped) raise ValueError(f"cannot call {func}() on task context variables {names}") super()._validate_arg_names(func, kwargs) def expand(self, **map_kwargs: OperatorExpandArgument) -> XComArg: if self.kwargs.get("trigger_rule") == TriggerRule.ALWAYS and any( [isinstance(expanded, XComArg) for expanded in map_kwargs.values()] ): raise ValueError( "Task-generated mapping within a task using 'expand' is not allowed with trigger rule 'always'." ) if not map_kwargs: raise TypeError("no arguments to expand against") self._validate_arg_names("expand", map_kwargs) prevent_duplicates(self.kwargs, map_kwargs, fail_reason="mapping already partial") # Since the input is already checked at parse time, we can set strict # to False to skip the checks on execution. if self.is_teardown: if "trigger_rule" in self.kwargs: raise ValueError("Trigger rule not configurable for teardown tasks.") self.kwargs.update(trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ALL_DONE_SETUP_SUCCESS) return self._expand(DictOfListsExpandInput(map_kwargs), strict=False) def expand_kwargs(self, kwargs: OperatorExpandKwargsArgument, *, strict: bool = True) -> XComArg: if ( self.kwargs.get("trigger_rule") == TriggerRule.ALWAYS and not isinstance(kwargs, XComArg) and any( [ isinstance(v, XComArg) for kwarg in kwargs if not isinstance(kwarg, XComArg) for v in kwarg.values() ] ) ): raise ValueError( "Task-generated mapping within a task using 'expand_kwargs' is not allowed with trigger rule 'always'." ) if isinstance(kwargs, Sequence): for item in kwargs: if not isinstance(item, (XComArg, Mapping)): raise TypeError(f"expected XComArg or list[dict], not {type(kwargs).__name__}") elif not isinstance(kwargs, XComArg): raise TypeError(f"expected XComArg or list[dict], not {type(kwargs).__name__}") return self._expand(ListOfDictsExpandInput(kwargs), strict=strict) def _expand(self, expand_input: ExpandInput, *, strict: bool) -> XComArg: ensure_xcomarg_return_value(expand_input.value) task_kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() dag = task_kwargs.pop("dag", None) or DagContext.get_current() task_group = task_kwargs.pop("task_group", None) or TaskGroupContext.get_current(dag) default_args, partial_params = get_merged_defaults( dag=dag, task_group=task_group, task_params=task_kwargs.pop("params", None), task_default_args=task_kwargs.pop("default_args", None), ) partial_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = { "is_setup": self.is_setup, "is_teardown": self.is_teardown, "on_failure_fail_dagrun": self.on_failure_fail_dagrun, } base_signature = inspect.signature(TaskSDKBaseOperator) ignore = { "default_args", # This is target we are working on now. "kwargs", # A common name for a keyword argument. "do_xcom_push", # In the same boat as `multiple_outputs` "multiple_outputs", # We will use `self.multiple_outputs` instead. "params", # Already handled above `partial_params`. "task_concurrency", # Deprecated(replaced by `max_active_tis_per_dag`). } partial_keys = set(base_signature.parameters) - ignore partial_kwargs.update({key: value for key, value in default_args.items() if key in partial_keys}) partial_kwargs.update(task_kwargs) task_id = get_unique_task_id(partial_kwargs.pop("task_id"), dag, task_group) if task_group: task_id = task_group.child_id(task_id) # Logic here should be kept in sync with BaseOperatorMeta.partial(). if partial_kwargs.get("wait_for_downstream"): partial_kwargs["depends_on_past"] = True start_date = timezone.convert_to_utc(partial_kwargs.pop("start_date", None)) end_date = timezone.convert_to_utc(partial_kwargs.pop("end_date", None)) if "pool_slots" in partial_kwargs: if partial_kwargs["pool_slots"] < 1: dag_str = "" if dag: dag_str = f" in dag {dag.dag_id}" raise ValueError(f"pool slots for {task_id}{dag_str} cannot be less than 1") for fld, convert in ( ("retries", parse_retries), ("retry_delay", coerce_timedelta), ("max_retry_delay", coerce_timedelta), ("resources", coerce_resources), ): if (v := partial_kwargs.get(fld, NOTSET)) is not NOTSET: partial_kwargs[fld] = convert(v) # type: ignore[operator] partial_kwargs.setdefault("executor_config", {}) partial_kwargs.setdefault("op_args", []) partial_kwargs.setdefault("op_kwargs", {}) # Mypy does not work well with a subclassed attrs class :( _MappedOperator = cast(Any, DecoratedMappedOperator) try: operator_name = self.operator_class.custom_operator_name # type: ignore except AttributeError: operator_name = self.operator_class.__name__ operator = _MappedOperator( operator_class=self.operator_class, expand_input=EXPAND_INPUT_EMPTY, # Don't use this; mapped values go to op_kwargs_expand_input. partial_kwargs=partial_kwargs, task_id=task_id, params=partial_params, operator_extra_links=self.operator_class.operator_extra_links, template_ext=self.operator_class.template_ext, template_fields=self.operator_class.template_fields, template_fields_renderers=self.operator_class.template_fields_renderers, ui_color=self.operator_class.ui_color, ui_fgcolor=self.operator_class.ui_fgcolor, is_empty=False, is_sensor=self.operator_class._is_sensor, task_module=self.operator_class.__module__, task_type=self.operator_class.__name__, operator_name=operator_name, dag=dag, task_group=task_group, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, multiple_outputs=self.multiple_outputs, python_callable=self.function, op_kwargs_expand_input=expand_input, disallow_kwargs_override=strict, # Different from classic operators, kwargs passed to a taskflow # task's expand() contribute to the op_kwargs operator argument, not # the operator arguments themselves, and should expand against it. expand_input_attr="op_kwargs_expand_input", start_trigger_args=self.operator_class.start_trigger_args, start_from_trigger=self.operator_class.start_from_trigger, ) return XComArg(operator=operator) def partial(self, **kwargs: Any) -> _TaskDecorator[FParams, FReturn, OperatorSubclass]: self._validate_arg_names("partial", kwargs) old_kwargs = self.kwargs.get("op_kwargs", {}) prevent_duplicates(old_kwargs, kwargs, fail_reason="duplicate partial") kwargs.update(old_kwargs) return attr.evolve(self, kwargs={**self.kwargs, "op_kwargs": kwargs}) def override(self, **kwargs: Any) -> _TaskDecorator[FParams, FReturn, OperatorSubclass]: result = attr.evolve(self, kwargs={**self.kwargs, **kwargs}) setattr(result, "is_setup", self.is_setup) setattr(result, "is_teardown", self.is_teardown) setattr(result, "on_failure_fail_dagrun", self.on_failure_fail_dagrun) return result @attr.define(kw_only=True, repr=False)
[docs] class DecoratedMappedOperator(MappedOperator): """MappedOperator implementation for @task-decorated task function."""
[docs] multiple_outputs: bool
[docs] python_callable: Callable
# We can't save these in expand_input because op_kwargs need to be present # in partial_kwargs, and MappedOperator prevents duplication.
[docs] op_kwargs_expand_input: ExpandInput
[docs] def __hash__(self): return id(self)
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): # The magic super() doesn't work here, so we use the explicit form. # Not using super(..., self) to work around pyupgrade bug. super(DecoratedMappedOperator, DecoratedMappedOperator).__attrs_post_init__(self) XComArg.apply_upstream_relationship(self, self.op_kwargs_expand_input.value)
def _expand_mapped_kwargs(self, context: Mapping[str, Any]) -> tuple[Mapping[str, Any], set[int]]: # We only use op_kwargs_expand_input so this must always be empty. if self.expand_input is not EXPAND_INPUT_EMPTY: raise AssertionError(f"unexpected expand_input: {self.expand_input}") op_kwargs, resolved_oids = super()._expand_mapped_kwargs(context) return {"op_kwargs": op_kwargs}, resolved_oids def _get_unmap_kwargs(self, mapped_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any], *, strict: bool) -> dict[str, Any]: partial_op_kwargs = self.partial_kwargs["op_kwargs"] mapped_op_kwargs = mapped_kwargs["op_kwargs"] if strict: prevent_duplicates(partial_op_kwargs, mapped_op_kwargs, fail_reason="mapping already partial") kwargs = { "multiple_outputs": self.multiple_outputs, "python_callable": self.python_callable, "op_kwargs": {**partial_op_kwargs, **mapped_op_kwargs}, } return super()._get_unmap_kwargs(kwargs, strict=False)
[docs] class Task(Protocol, Generic[FParams, FReturn]): """ Declaration of a @task-decorated callable for type-checking. An instance of this type inherits the call signature of the decorated function wrapped in it (not *exactly* since it actually returns an XComArg, but there's no way to express that right now), and provides two additional methods for task-mapping. This type is implemented by ``_TaskDecorator`` at runtime. """
[docs] __call__: Callable[FParams, XComArg]
[docs] function: Callable[FParams, FReturn]
[docs] def __wrapped__(self) -> Callable[FParams, FReturn]: ...
[docs] def partial(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Task[FParams, FReturn]: ...
[docs] def expand(self, **kwargs: OperatorExpandArgument) -> XComArg: ...
[docs] def expand_kwargs(self, kwargs: OperatorExpandKwargsArgument, *, strict: bool = True) -> XComArg: ...
[docs] def override(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Task[FParams, FReturn]: ...
[docs] class TaskDecorator(Protocol): """Type declaration for ``task_decorator_factory`` return type.""" @overload
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore[misc] self, python_callable: Callable[FParams, FReturn], ) -> Task[FParams, FReturn]: """For the "bare decorator" ``@task`` case."""
@overload def __call__( self, *, multiple_outputs: bool | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Callable[[Callable[FParams, FReturn]], Task[FParams, FReturn]]: """For the decorator factory ``@task()`` case."""
[docs] def override(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Task[FParams, FReturn]: ...
[docs] def task_decorator_factory( python_callable: Callable | None = None, *, multiple_outputs: bool | None = None, decorated_operator_class: type[BaseOperator], **kwargs, ) -> TaskDecorator: """ Generate a wrapper that wraps a function into an Airflow operator. Can be reused in a single DAG. :param python_callable: Function to decorate. :param multiple_outputs: If set to True, the decorated function's return value will be unrolled to multiple XCom values. Dict will unroll to XCom values with its keys as XCom keys. If set to False (default), only at most one XCom value is pushed. :param decorated_operator_class: The operator that executes the logic needed to run the python function in the correct environment. Other kwargs are directly forwarded to the underlying operator class when it's instantiated. """ if multiple_outputs is None: multiple_outputs = cast(bool, attr.NOTHING) if python_callable: decorator = _TaskDecorator( function=python_callable, multiple_outputs=multiple_outputs, operator_class=decorated_operator_class, kwargs=kwargs, ) return cast(TaskDecorator, decorator) elif python_callable is not None: raise TypeError("No args allowed while using @task, use kwargs instead") def decorator_factory(python_callable): return _TaskDecorator( function=python_callable, multiple_outputs=multiple_outputs, operator_class=decorated_operator_class, kwargs=kwargs, ) return cast(TaskDecorator, decorator_factory)

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