Source code for airflow.example_dags.example_assets

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Example DAG for demonstrating the behavior of the Assets feature in Airflow, including conditional and
asset expression-based scheduling.

Notes on usage:

Turn on all the DAGs.

asset_produces_1 is scheduled to run daily. Once it completes, it triggers several DAGs due to its asset
being updated. asset_consumes_1 is triggered immediately, as it depends solely on the asset produced by
asset_produces_1. consume_1_or_2_with_asset_expressions will also be triggered, as its condition of
either asset_produces_1 or asset_produces_2 being updated is satisfied with asset_produces_1.

asset_consumes_1_and_2 will not be triggered after asset_produces_1 runs because it requires the asset
from asset_produces_2, which has no schedule and must be manually triggered.

After manually triggering asset_produces_2, several DAGs will be affected. asset_consumes_1_and_2 should
run because both its asset dependencies are now met. consume_1_and_2_with_asset_expressions will be
triggered, as it requires both asset_produces_1 and asset_produces_2 assets to be updated.
consume_1_or_2_with_asset_expressions will be triggered again, since it's conditionally set to run when
either asset is updated.

consume_1_or_both_2_and_3_with_asset_expressions demonstrates complex asset dependency logic.
This DAG triggers if asset_produces_1 is updated or if both asset_produces_2 and dag3_asset
are updated. This example highlights the capability to combine updates from multiple assets with logical
expressions for advanced scheduling.

conditional_asset_and_time_based_timetable illustrates the integration of time-based scheduling with
asset dependencies. This DAG is configured to execute either when both asset_produces_1 and
asset_produces_2 assets have been updated or according to a specific cron schedule, showcasing
Airflow's versatility in handling mixed triggers for asset and time-based scheduling.

The DAGs asset_consumes_1_never_scheduled and asset_consumes_unknown_never_scheduled will not run
automatically as they depend on assets that do not get updated or are not produced by any scheduled tasks.

from __future__ import annotations

import pendulum

from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from airflow.providers.standard.operators.bash import BashOperator
from airflow.sdk.definitions.asset import Asset
from airflow.timetables.assets import AssetOrTimeSchedule
from airflow.timetables.trigger import CronTriggerTimetable

# [START asset_def]
[docs] dag1_asset = Asset("s3://dag1/output_1.txt", extra={"hi": "bye"})
# [END asset_def]
[docs] dag2_asset = Asset("s3://dag2/output_1.txt", extra={"hi": "bye"})
[docs] dag3_asset = Asset("s3://dag3/output_3.txt", extra={"hi": "bye"})
with DAG( dag_id="asset_produces_1", catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule="@daily", tags=["produces", "asset-scheduled"], ) as dag1: # [START task_outlet] BashOperator(outlets=[dag1_asset], task_id="producing_task_1", bash_command="sleep 5") # [END task_outlet] with DAG( dag_id="asset_produces_2", catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=None, tags=["produces", "asset-scheduled"], ) as dag2: BashOperator(outlets=[dag2_asset], task_id="producing_task_2", bash_command="sleep 5") # [START dag_dep] with DAG( dag_id="asset_consumes_1", catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=[dag1_asset], tags=["consumes", "asset-scheduled"], ) as dag3: # [END dag_dep] BashOperator( outlets=[Asset("s3://consuming_1_task/asset_other.txt")], task_id="consuming_1", bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id="asset_consumes_1_and_2", catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=[dag1_asset, dag2_asset], tags=["consumes", "asset-scheduled"], ) as dag4: BashOperator( outlets=[Asset("s3://consuming_2_task/asset_other_unknown.txt")], task_id="consuming_2", bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id="asset_consumes_1_never_scheduled", catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=[ dag1_asset, Asset("s3://unrelated/this-asset-doesnt-get-triggered"), ], tags=["consumes", "asset-scheduled"], ) as dag5: BashOperator( outlets=[Asset("s3://consuming_2_task/asset_other_unknown.txt")], task_id="consuming_3", bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id="asset_consumes_unknown_never_scheduled", catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=[ Asset("s3://unrelated/asset3.txt"), Asset("s3://unrelated/asset_other_unknown.txt"), ], tags=["asset-scheduled"], ) as dag6: BashOperator( task_id="unrelated_task", outlets=[Asset("s3://unrelated_task/asset_other_unknown.txt")], bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id="consume_1_and_2_with_asset_expressions", start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=(dag1_asset & dag2_asset), ) as dag5: BashOperator( outlets=[Asset("s3://consuming_2_task/asset_other_unknown.txt")], task_id="consume_1_and_2_with_asset_expressions", bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id="consume_1_or_2_with_asset_expressions", start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=(dag1_asset | dag2_asset), ) as dag6: BashOperator( outlets=[Asset("s3://consuming_2_task/asset_other_unknown.txt")], task_id="consume_1_or_2_with_asset_expressions", bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id="consume_1_or_both_2_and_3_with_asset_expressions", start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=(dag1_asset | (dag2_asset & dag3_asset)), ) as dag7: BashOperator( outlets=[Asset("s3://consuming_2_task/asset_other_unknown.txt")], task_id="consume_1_or_both_2_and_3_with_asset_expressions", bash_command="sleep 5", ) with DAG( dag_id="conditional_asset_and_time_based_timetable", catchup=False, start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=AssetOrTimeSchedule( timetable=CronTriggerTimetable("0 1 * * 3", timezone="UTC"), assets=(dag1_asset & dag2_asset) ), tags=["asset-time-based-timetable"], ) as dag8: BashOperator( outlets=[Asset("s3://asset_time_based/asset_other_unknown.txt")], task_id="conditional_asset_and_time_based_timetable", bash_command="sleep 5", )

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