Source code for airflow.example_dags.example_params_ui_tutorial

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"""DAG demonstrating various options for a trigger form generated by DAG params.

The DAG attribute `params` is used to define a default dictionary of parameters which are usually passed
to the DAG and which are used to render a trigger form.

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import json
from pathlib import Path

from airflow.decorators import task
from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from airflow.sdk import Param

with (
        dag_display_name="Params UI tutorial",
        start_date=datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 4),
        tags=["example", "params", "ui"],
        # [START section_1]
            # Let's start simple: Standard dict values are detected from type and offered as entry form fields.
            # Detected types are numbers, text, boolean, lists and dicts.
            # Note that such auto-detected parameters are treated as optional (not required to contain a value)
            "number_param": 3,
            "text_param": "Hello World!",
            "bool_param": False,
            "list_param": ["one", "two", "three", "actually one value is made per line"],
            "dict_param": {"key": "value"},
            # You can arrange the entry fields in sections so that you can have a better overview for the user
            # Therefore you can add the "section" attribute.
            # But of course you might want to have it nicer! Let's add some description to parameters.
            # Note if you can add any Markdown formatting to the description, you need to use the description_md
            # attribute.
            "most_loved_number": Param(
                title="Your favorite number",
                description_md="Everybody should have a **favorite** number. Not only _math teachers_. "
                "If you can not think of any at the moment please think of the 42 which is very famous because"
                "of the book [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]"
                section="Typed parameters with Param object",
            # If you want to have a selection list box then you can use the enum feature of JSON schema
            "pick_one": Param(
                "value 42",
                title="Select one Value",
                description="You can use JSON schema enum's to generate drop down selection boxes.",
                enum=[f"value {i}" for i in range(16, 64)],
                section="Typed parameters with Param object",
            # [END section_1]
            # Boolean as proper parameter with description
            "bool": Param(
                title="Please confirm",
                description="An On/Off selection with a proper description.",
                section="Typed parameters with Param object",
            # Dates and Times are also supported
            "date_time": Param(
                f"{}T{datetime.time(hour=12, minute=17, second=00)}+00:00",
                title="Date-Time Picker",
                description="Please select a date and time, use the button on the left for a pop-up calendar.",
                section="Typed parameters with Param object",
            "date": Param(
                title="Date Picker",
                description="Please select a date, use the button on the left for a pop-up calendar. "
                "See that here are no times!",
                section="Typed parameters with Param object",
            "time": Param(
                f"{datetime.time(hour=12, minute=13, second=14)}",
                type=["string", "null"],
                title="Time Picker",
                description="Please select a time, use the button on the left for a pop-up tool.",
                section="Typed parameters with Param object",
            # Fields can be required or not. If the defined fields are typed they are getting required by default
            # (else they would not pass JSON schema validation) - to make typed fields optional you must
            # permit the optional "null" type.
            # You can omit a default value if the DAG is triggered manually
            # [START section_2]
            "required_field": Param(
                # In this example we have no default value
                # Form will enforce a value supplied by users to be able to trigger
                title="Required text field",
                description="This field is required. You can not submit without having text in here.",
                section="Typed parameters with Param object",
            "optional_field": Param(
                "optional text, you can trigger also w/o text",
                type=["null", "string"],
                title="Optional text field",
                description_md="This field is optional. As field content is JSON schema validated you must "
                "allow the `null` type.",
                section="Typed parameters with Param object",
            # [END section_2]
            # You can also label the selected values via values_display attribute
            "pick_with_label": Param(
                title="Select one Number",
                description="With drop down selections you can also have nice display labels for the values.",
                enum=[*range(1, 10)],
                    1: "One",
                    2: "Two",
                    3: "Three",
                    4: "Four - is like you take three and get one for free!",
                    5: "Five",
                    6: "Six",
                    7: "Seven",
                    8: "Eight",
                    9: "Nine",
                section="Drop-Downs and selection lists",
            # If you want to have a list box with proposals but not enforcing a fixed list
            # then you can use the examples feature of JSON schema
            "proposals": Param(
                title="Field with proposals",
                description="You can use JSON schema examples's to generate drop down selection boxes "
                "but allow also to enter custom values. Try typing an 'a' and see options.",
                section="Drop-Downs and selection lists",
            # If you want to select multiple items from a fixed list JSON schema does not allow to use enum
            # In this case the type "array" is being used together with "examples" as pick list
            "multi_select": Param(
                ["two", "three"],
                "Select from the list of options.",
                title="Multi Select",
                examples=["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"],
                section="Drop-Downs and selection lists",
            # A multiple options selection can also be combined with values_display
            "multi_select_with_label": Param(
                ["2", "3"],
                "Select from the list of options. See that options can have nicer text and still technical values"
                "are propagated as values during trigger to the DAG.",
                title="Multi Select with Labels",
                examples=["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"],
                    "1": "One box of choccolate",
                    "2": "Two bananas",
                    "3": "Three apples",
                    # Note: Value display mapping does not need to be complete
                section="Drop-Downs and selection lists",
            # An array of numbers
            "array_of_numbers": Param(
                [1, 2, 3],
                "Only integers are accepted in this array",
                title="Array of numbers",
                items={"type": "number"},
                section="Special advanced stuff with form fields",
            "multiline_text": Param(
                "A multiline text Param\nthat will keep the newline\ncharacters in its value.",
                description="This field allows for multiline text input. The returned value will be a single "
                "with newline (\\n) characters kept intact.",
                title="Multiline text",
                type=["string", "null"],
                section="Special advanced stuff with form fields",
            # Some further cool stuff as advanced options are also possible
            # You can have the user entering a dict object as a JSON with validation
            "object": Param(
                {"key": "value"},
                type=["object", "null"],
                title="JSON entry field",
                section="Special advanced stuff with form fields",
            "array_of_objects": Param(
                [{"name": "account_name", "country": "country_name"}],
                description_md="Array with complex objects and validation rules. "
                "See [JSON Schema validation options in specs]"
                title="JSON array field",
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {"name": {"type": "string"}, "country_name": {"type": "string"}},
                    "required": ["name"],
                section="Special advanced stuff with form fields",
            # If you want to have static parameters which are always passed and not editable by the user
            # then you can use the JSON schema option of passing constant values. These parameters
            # will not be displayed but passed to the DAG
            "hidden_secret_field": Param("constant value", const="constant value"),
    ) as dag
    # [START section_3]
    @task(task_display_name="Show used parameters")
[docs] def show_params(**kwargs) -> None: params = kwargs["params"] print(f"This DAG was triggered with the following parameters:\n\n{json.dumps(params, indent=4)}\n")
show_params() # [END section_3]

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