Source code for airflow.example_dags.plugins.workday
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"""Plugin to demonstrate timetable registration and accommodate example DAGs."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
# [START howto_timetable]
from pendulum import UTC, Date, DateTime, Time
from airflow.plugins_manager import AirflowPlugin
from airflow.timetables.base import DagRunInfo, DataInterval, Timetable
from airflow.timetables.base import TimeRestriction
from import USFederalHolidayCalendar
except ImportError:
log.warning("Could not import pandas. Holidays will not be considered.")
holiday_calendar = None # type: ignore[assignment]
class AfterWorkdayTimetable(Timetable):
def get_next_workday(self, d: DateTime, incr=1) -> DateTime:
next_start = d
while True:
if next_start.weekday() not in (5, 6): # not on weekend
if holiday_calendar is None:
holidays = set()
holidays = holiday_calendar.holidays(start=next_start, end=next_start).to_pydatetime()
if next_start not in holidays:
next_start = next_start.add(days=incr)
return next_start
# [START howto_timetable_infer_manual_data_interval]
def infer_manual_data_interval(self, run_after: DateTime) -> DataInterval:
start = DateTime.combine((run_after - timedelta(days=1)).date(), Time.min).replace(tzinfo=UTC)
# Skip backwards over weekends and holidays to find last run
start = self.get_next_workday(start, incr=-1)
return DataInterval(start=start, end=(start + timedelta(days=1)))
# [END howto_timetable_infer_manual_data_interval]
# [START howto_timetable_next_dagrun_info]
def next_dagrun_info(
last_automated_data_interval: DataInterval | None,
restriction: TimeRestriction,
) -> DagRunInfo | None:
if last_automated_data_interval is not None: # There was a previous run on the regular schedule.
last_start = last_automated_data_interval.start
next_start = DateTime.combine((last_start + timedelta(days=1)).date(), Time.min)
# Otherwise this is the first ever run on the regular schedule...
elif (earliest := restriction.earliest) is None:
return None # No start_date. Don't schedule.
elif not restriction.catchup:
# If the DAG has catchup=False, today is the earliest to consider.
next_start = max(earliest, DateTime.combine(, Time.min))
elif earliest.time() != Time.min:
# If earliest does not fall on midnight, skip to the next day.
next_start = DateTime.combine( + timedelta(days=1), Time.min)
next_start = earliest
# Skip weekends and holidays
next_start = self.get_next_workday(next_start.replace(tzinfo=UTC))
if restriction.latest is not None and next_start > restriction.latest:
return None # Over the DAG's scheduled end; don't schedule.
return DagRunInfo.interval(start=next_start, end=(next_start + timedelta(days=1)))
# [END howto_timetable_next_dagrun_info]
# [END howto_timetable]