Source code for airflow.timetables.trigger

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# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import math
import operator
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from airflow.timetables._cron import CronMixin
from airflow.timetables._delta import DeltaMixin
from airflow.timetables.base import DagRunInfo, DataInterval, Timetable
from airflow.utils.timezone import coerce_datetime, utcnow

    from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
    from pendulum import DateTime
    from import FixedTimezone, Timezone

    from airflow.timetables.base import TimeRestriction

def _serialize_interval(interval: datetime.timedelta | relativedelta) -> float | dict:
    from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import encode_relativedelta

    if isinstance(interval, datetime.timedelta):
        return interval.total_seconds()
    return encode_relativedelta(interval)

def _deserialize_interval(value: int | dict) -> datetime.timedelta | relativedelta:
    from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import decode_relativedelta

    if isinstance(value, dict):
        return decode_relativedelta(value)
    return datetime.timedelta(seconds=value)

def _serialize_run_immediately(value: bool | datetime.timedelta) -> bool | float:
    if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
        return value.total_seconds()
    return value

def _deserialize_run_immediately(value: bool | float) -> bool | datetime.timedelta:
    if isinstance(value, float):
        return datetime.timedelta(seconds=value)
    return value

class _TriggerTimetable(Timetable):
    _interval: datetime.timedelta | relativedelta

    def infer_manual_data_interval(self, *, run_after: DateTime) -> DataInterval:
        return DataInterval(
            coerce_datetime(run_after - self._interval),

    def _calc_first_run(self) -> DateTime:
        If no start_time is set, determine the start.

        If True, always prefer past run, if False, never. If None, if within 10% of next run,
        if timedelta, if within that timedelta from past run.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _align_to_next(self, current: DateTime) -> DateTime:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _align_to_prev(self, current: DateTime) -> DateTime:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _get_next(self, current: DateTime) -> DateTime:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _get_prev(self, current: DateTime) -> DateTime:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def next_dagrun_info(
        last_automated_data_interval: DataInterval | None,
        restriction: TimeRestriction,
    ) -> DagRunInfo | None:
        if restriction.catchup:
            if last_automated_data_interval is not None:
                next_start_time = self._get_next(last_automated_data_interval.end)
            elif restriction.earliest is None:
                next_start_time = self._calc_first_run()
                next_start_time = self._align_to_next(restriction.earliest)
            start_time_candidates = [self._align_to_prev(coerce_datetime(utcnow()))]
            if last_automated_data_interval is not None:
            elif restriction.earliest is None:
                # Run immediately has no effect if there is restriction on earliest
            if restriction.earliest is not None:
            next_start_time = max(start_time_candidates)
        if restriction.latest is not None and restriction.latest < next_start_time:
            return None
        return DagRunInfo.interval(
            coerce_datetime(next_start_time - self._interval),

[docs] class DeltaTriggerTimetable(DeltaMixin, _TriggerTimetable): """ Timetable that triggers DAG runs according to a cron expression. This is different from ``DeltaDataIntervalTimetable``, where the delta value specifies the *data interval* of a DAG run. With this timetable, the data intervals are specified independently. Also for the same reason, this timetable kicks off a DAG run immediately at the start of the period, instead of needing to wait for one data interval to pass. :param delta: How much time to wait between each run. :param interval: The data interval of each run. Default is 0. """ def __init__( self, delta: datetime.timedelta | relativedelta, *, interval: datetime.timedelta | relativedelta = datetime.timedelta(), ) -> None: super().__init__(delta) self._interval = interval @classmethod
[docs] def deserialize(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Timetable: return cls( _deserialize_interval(data["delta"]), interval=_deserialize_interval(data["interval"]), )
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return { "delta": _serialize_interval(self._delta), "interval": _serialize_interval(self._interval), }
def _calc_first_run(self) -> DateTime: return self._align_to_prev(coerce_datetime(utcnow()))
[docs] class CronTriggerTimetable(CronMixin, _TriggerTimetable): """ Timetable that triggers DAG runs according to a cron expression. This is different from ``CronDataIntervalTimetable``, where the cron expression specifies the *data interval* of a DAG run. With this timetable, the data intervals are specified independently from the cron expression. Also for the same reason, this timetable kicks off a DAG run immediately at the start of the period (similar to POSIX cron), instead of needing to wait for one data interval to pass. Don't pass ``@once`` in here; use ``OnceTimetable`` instead. :param cron: cron string that defines when to run :param timezone: Which timezone to use to interpret the cron string :param interval: timedelta that defines the data interval start. Default 0. *run_immediately* controls, if no *start_time* is given to the DAG, when the first run of the DAG should be scheduled. It has no effect if there already exist runs for this DAG. * If *True*, always run immediately the most recent possible DAG run. * If *False*, wait to run until the next scheduled time in the future. * If passed a ``timedelta``, will run the most recent possible DAG run if that run's ``data_interval_end`` is within timedelta of now. * If *None*, the timedelta is calculated as 10% of the time between the most recent past scheduled time and the next scheduled time. E.g. if running every hour, this would run the previous time if less than 6 minutes had past since the previous run time, otherwise it would wait until the next hour. """ def __init__( self, cron: str, *, timezone: str | Timezone | FixedTimezone, interval: datetime.timedelta | relativedelta = datetime.timedelta(), run_immediately: bool | datetime.timedelta = False, ) -> None: super().__init__(cron, timezone) self._interval = interval self._run_immediately = run_immediately @classmethod
[docs] def deserialize(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Timetable: from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import decode_timezone return cls( data["expression"], timezone=decode_timezone(data["timezone"]), interval=_deserialize_interval(data["interval"]), run_immediately=_deserialize_run_immediately(data.get("run_immediately", False)), )
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]: from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import encode_timezone return { "expression": self._expression, "timezone": encode_timezone(self._timezone), "interval": _serialize_interval(self._interval), "run_immediately": _serialize_run_immediately(self._run_immediately), }
def _calc_first_run(self) -> DateTime: """ If no start_time is set, determine the start. If True, always prefer past run, if False, never. If None, if within 10% of next run, if timedelta, if within that timedelta from past run. """ now = coerce_datetime(utcnow()) past_run_time = self._align_to_prev(now) next_run_time = self._align_to_next(now) if self._run_immediately is True: # Check for 'True' exactly because deltas also evaluate to true. return past_run_time gap_between_runs = next_run_time - past_run_time gap_to_past = now - past_run_time if isinstance(self._run_immediately, datetime.timedelta): buffer_between_runs = self._run_immediately else: buffer_between_runs = max(gap_between_runs / 10, datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)) if gap_to_past <= buffer_between_runs: return past_run_time else: return next_run_time
[docs] class MultipleCronTriggerTimetable(Timetable): """ Timetable that triggers DAG runs according to multiple cron expressions. This combines multiple ``CronTriggerTimetable`` instances underneath, and triggers a DAG run whenever one of the timetables want to trigger a run. Only at most one run is triggered for any given time, even if more than one timetable fires at the same time. """ def __init__( self, *crons: str, timezone: str | Timezone | FixedTimezone, interval: datetime.timedelta | relativedelta = datetime.timedelta(), run_immediately: bool | datetime.timedelta = False, ) -> None: if not crons: raise ValueError("cron expression required") self._timetables = [ CronTriggerTimetable(cron, timezone=timezone, interval=interval, run_immediately=run_immediately) for cron in crons ]
[docs] self.description = ", ".join(t.description for t in self._timetables)
[docs] def deserialize(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Timetable: from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import decode_timezone return cls( *data["expressions"], timezone=decode_timezone(data["timezone"]), interval=_deserialize_interval(data["interval"]), run_immediately=_deserialize_run_immediately(data["run_immediately"]), )
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]: from airflow.serialization.serialized_objects import encode_timezone # All timetables share the same timezone, interval, and run_immediately # values, so we can just use the first to represent them. timetable = self._timetables[0] return { "expressions": [t._expression for t in self._timetables], "timezone": encode_timezone(timetable._timezone), "interval": _serialize_interval(timetable._interval), "run_immediately": _serialize_run_immediately(timetable._run_immediately), }
[docs] def summary(self) -> str: return ", ".join(t.summary for t in self._timetables)
[docs] def infer_manual_data_interval(self, *, run_after: DateTime) -> DataInterval: return min( (t.infer_manual_data_interval(run_after=run_after) for t in self._timetables), key=operator.attrgetter("start"), )
[docs] def next_dagrun_info( self, *, last_automated_data_interval: DataInterval | None, restriction: TimeRestriction, ) -> DagRunInfo | None: infos = ( timetable.next_dagrun_info( last_automated_data_interval=last_automated_data_interval, restriction=restriction, ) for timetable in self._timetables ) return min(infos, key=self._dagrun_info_sort_key)
@staticmethod def _dagrun_info_sort_key(info: DagRunInfo | None) -> float: """ Sort key for DagRunInfo values. This is passed as the sort key to ``min`` in ``next_dagrun_info`` to find the next closest run, ordered by logical date. The sort is done by simply returning the logical date converted to a Unix timestamp. If the input is *None* (no next run), *inf* is returned so it's selected last. """ if info is None: return math.inf return info.logical_date.timestamp()

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