Execute statements against Amazon Redshift. |
Module Contents¶
- class*args, aws_conn_id='aws_default', **kwargs)[source]¶
Execute statements against Amazon Redshift.
This hook requires the redshift_conn_id connection.
Note: For AWS IAM authentication, use iam in the extra connection parameters and set it to true. Leave the password field empty. This will use the “aws_default” connection to get the temporary token unless you override with aws_conn_id when initializing the hook. The cluster-identifier is extracted from the beginning of the host field, so is optional. It can however be overridden in the extra field. extras example:
- Parameters:
redshift_conn_id – reference to Amazon Redshift connection id
get_sqlalchemy_engine() and get_uri() depend on sqlalchemy-amazon-redshift
- get_iam_token(conn)[source]¶
Retrieve a temporary password to connect to Redshift.
Port is required. If none is provided, default is used for each service.