# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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from __future__ import annotations
import json
from collections.abc import Sequence
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict
from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.providers.amazon.aws.auth_manager.avp.entities import AvpEntities, get_action_id, get_entity_type
from airflow.providers.amazon.aws.auth_manager.constants import (
from airflow.providers.amazon.aws.hooks.verified_permissions import VerifiedPermissionsHook
from airflow.utils.helpers import prune_dict
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
from airflow.api_fastapi.auth.managers.base_auth_manager import ResourceMethod
from airflow.providers.amazon.aws.auth_manager.user import AwsAuthManagerUser
# Amazon Verified Permissions allows only up to 30 requests per batch_is_authorized call. See
# https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/verifiedpermissions/client/batch_is_authorized.html
class IsAuthorizedRequest(TypedDict, total=False):
"""Represent the parameters of ``is_authorized`` method in AVP facade."""
entity_type: AvpEntities
context: dict | None
class AwsAuthManagerAmazonVerifiedPermissionsFacade(LoggingMixin):
Facade for Amazon Verified Permissions.
Used as an intermediate layer between AWS auth manager and Amazon Verified Permissions.
def avp_client(self):
"""Build Amazon Verified Permissions client."""
aws_conn_id = conf.get(CONF_SECTION_NAME, CONF_CONN_ID_KEY)
return VerifiedPermissionsHook(aws_conn_id=aws_conn_id, region_name=region_name).conn
def avp_policy_store_id(self):
"""Get the Amazon Verified Permission policy store ID from config."""
return conf.get_mandatory_value(CONF_SECTION_NAME, CONF_AVP_POLICY_STORE_ID_KEY)
def is_authorized(
method: ResourceMethod | str,
entity_type: AvpEntities,
user: AwsAuthManagerUser,
entity_id: str | None = None,
context: dict | None = None,
) -> bool:
Make an authorization decision against Amazon Verified Permissions.
Check whether the user has permissions to access given resource.
:param method: the method to perform.
The method can also be a string if the action has been defined in a plugin.
In that case, the action can be anything (e.g. can_do).
See https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/39144
:param entity_type: the entity type the user accesses
:param user: the user
:param entity_id: the entity ID the user accesses. If not provided, all entities of the type will be
:param context: optional additional context to pass to Amazon Verified Permissions.
entity_list = self._get_user_group_entities(user)
"Making authorization request for user=%s, method=%s, entity_type=%s, entity_id=%s",
request_params = prune_dict(
"policyStoreId": self.avp_policy_store_id,
"principal": {"entityType": get_entity_type(AvpEntities.USER), "entityId": user.get_id()},
"action": {
"actionType": get_entity_type(AvpEntities.ACTION),
"actionId": get_action_id(entity_type, method),
"resource": {"entityType": get_entity_type(entity_type), "entityId": entity_id or "*"},
"entities": {"entityList": entity_list},
"context": self._build_context(context),
resp = self.avp_client.is_authorized(**request_params)
self.log.debug("Authorization response: %s", resp)
if len(resp.get("errors", [])) > 0:
"Error occurred while making an authorization decision. Errors: %s", resp["errors"]
raise AirflowException("Error occurred while making an authorization decision.")
return resp["decision"] == "ALLOW"
def get_batch_is_authorized_results(
requests: Sequence[IsAuthorizedRequest],
user: AwsAuthManagerUser,
) -> list[dict]:
Make a batch authorization decision against Amazon Verified Permissions.
Return a list of results for each request.
:param requests: the list of requests containing the method, the entity_type and the entity ID
:param user: the user
entity_list = self._get_user_group_entities(user)
self.log.debug("Making batch authorization request for user=%s, requests=%s", user.get_id(), requests)
avp_requests = [self._build_is_authorized_request_payload(request, user) for request in requests]
avp_requests_chunks = [
avp_requests[i : i + NB_REQUESTS_PER_BATCH]
for i in range(0, len(avp_requests), NB_REQUESTS_PER_BATCH)
results = []
for avp_requests in avp_requests_chunks:
resp = self.avp_client.batch_is_authorized(
entities={"entityList": entity_list},
self.log.debug("Authorization response: %s", resp)
has_errors = any(len(result.get("errors", [])) > 0 for result in resp["results"])
if has_errors:
"Error occurred while making a batch authorization decision. Result: %s", resp["results"]
raise AirflowException("Error occurred while making a batch authorization decision.")
return results
def batch_is_authorized(
requests: Sequence[IsAuthorizedRequest],
user: AwsAuthManagerUser | None,
) -> bool:
Make a batch authorization decision against Amazon Verified Permissions.
Check whether the user has permissions to access all resources.
:param requests: the list of requests containing the method, the entity_type and the entity ID
:param user: the user
if user is None:
return False
results = self.get_batch_is_authorized_results(requests=requests, user=user)
return all(result["decision"] == "ALLOW" for result in results)
def get_batch_is_authorized_single_result(
batch_is_authorized_results: list[dict],
request: IsAuthorizedRequest,
user: AwsAuthManagerUser,
) -> dict:
Get a specific authorization result from the output of ``get_batch_is_authorized_results``.
:param batch_is_authorized_results: the response from the ``batch_is_authorized`` API
:param request: the request information. Used to find the result in the response.
:param user: the user
request_payload = self._build_is_authorized_request_payload(request, user)
for result in batch_is_authorized_results:
if result["request"] == request_payload:
return result
"Could not find the authorization result for request %s in results %s.",
raise AirflowException("Could not find the authorization result.")
def is_policy_store_schema_up_to_date(self) -> bool:
"""Return whether the policy store schema equals the latest version of the schema."""
resp = self.avp_client.get_schema(
policy_store_schema = json.loads(resp["schema"])
schema_path = Path(__file__).parents[0] / "schema.json"
with open(schema_path) as schema_file:
latest_schema = json.load(schema_file)
return policy_store_schema == latest_schema
def _get_user_group_entities(user: AwsAuthManagerUser) -> list[dict]:
user_entity = {
"identifier": {"entityType": get_entity_type(AvpEntities.USER), "entityId": user.get_id()},
"parents": [
{"entityType": get_entity_type(AvpEntities.GROUP), "entityId": group}
for group in user.get_groups()
group_entities = [
{"identifier": {"entityType": get_entity_type(AvpEntities.GROUP), "entityId": group}}
for group in user.get_groups()
return [user_entity, *group_entities]
def _build_context(context: dict | None) -> dict | None:
if context is None or len(context) == 0:
return None
return {
"contextMap": context,
def _build_is_authorized_request_payload(self, request: IsAuthorizedRequest, user: AwsAuthManagerUser):
Build a payload of an individual authorization request that could be sent through the ``batch_is_authorized`` API.
:param request: the request information
:param user: the user
return prune_dict(
"principal": {"entityType": get_entity_type(AvpEntities.USER), "entityId": user.get_id()},
"action": {
"actionType": get_entity_type(AvpEntities.ACTION),
"actionId": get_action_id(request["entity_type"], request["method"]),
"resource": {
"entityType": get_entity_type(request["entity_type"]),
"entityId": request.get("entity_id", "*"),
"context": self._build_context(request.get("context")),