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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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from __future__ import annotations

from marshmallow import EXCLUDE, Schema, fields, post_load

from import BatchJob

[docs] class BatchSubmitJobResponseSchema(Schema): """API Response for SubmitJob.""" # The unique identifier for the job.
[docs] job_id = fields.String(data_key="jobId", required=True)
[docs] class Meta: """Options object for a Schema. See Schema.Meta for more details and valid values."""
[docs] unknown = EXCLUDE
[docs] class BatchJobDetailSchema(Schema): """API Response for Describe Jobs.""" # The unique identifier for the job.
[docs] job_id = fields.String(data_key="jobId", required=True)
# The current status for the job: # 'SUBMITTED', 'PENDING', 'RUNNABLE', 'STARTING', 'RUNNING', 'SUCCEEDED', 'FAILED'
[docs] status = fields.String(required=True)
# A short, human-readable string to provide additional details about the current status of the job.
[docs] status_reason = fields.String(data_key="statusReason")
[docs] def make_job(self, data, **kwargs): """Overwrite marshmallow load() to return an instance of BatchJob instead of a dictionary.""" return BatchJob(**data)
[docs] class Meta: """Options object for a Schema. See Schema.Meta for more details and valid values."""
[docs] unknown = EXCLUDE
[docs] class BatchDescribeJobsResponseSchema(Schema): """API Response for Describe Jobs.""" # The list of jobs
[docs] jobs = fields.List(fields.Nested(BatchJobDetailSchema), required=True)
[docs] class Meta: """Options object for a Schema. See Schema.Meta for more details and valid values."""
[docs] unknown = EXCLUDE

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