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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from import AsyncIterator
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, WaiterError

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from import EcsHook
from import AwsLogsHook
from import AwsBaseWaiterTrigger
from import AwsTaskLogFetcher
from airflow.triggers.base import BaseTrigger, TriggerEvent

    from import AwsGenericHook

[docs] class ClusterActiveTrigger(AwsBaseWaiterTrigger): """ Polls the status of a cluster until it's active. :param cluster_arn: ARN of the cluster to watch. :param waiter_delay: The amount of time in seconds to wait between attempts. :param waiter_max_attempts: The number of times to ping for status. Will fail after that many unsuccessful attempts. :param aws_conn_id: The Airflow connection used for AWS credentials. :param region_name: The AWS region where the cluster is located. """ def __init__( self, cluster_arn: str, waiter_delay: int, waiter_max_attempts: int, aws_conn_id: str | None, region_name: str | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( serialized_fields={"cluster_arn": cluster_arn}, waiter_name="cluster_active", waiter_args={"clusters": [cluster_arn]}, failure_message="Failure while waiting for cluster to be available", status_message="Cluster is not ready yet", status_queries=["clusters[].status", "failures"], return_key="arn", return_value=cluster_arn, waiter_delay=waiter_delay, waiter_max_attempts=waiter_max_attempts, aws_conn_id=aws_conn_id, region_name=region_name, **kwargs, )
[docs] def hook(self) -> AwsGenericHook: return EcsHook(aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id, region_name=self.region_name)
[docs] class ClusterInactiveTrigger(AwsBaseWaiterTrigger): """ Polls the status of a cluster until it's inactive. :param cluster_arn: ARN of the cluster to watch. :param waiter_delay: The amount of time in seconds to wait between attempts. :param waiter_max_attempts: The number of times to ping for status. Will fail after that many unsuccessful attempts. :param aws_conn_id: The Airflow connection used for AWS credentials. :param region_name: The AWS region where the cluster is located. """ def __init__( self, cluster_arn: str, waiter_delay: int, waiter_max_attempts: int, aws_conn_id: str | None, region_name: str | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( serialized_fields={"cluster_arn": cluster_arn}, waiter_name="cluster_inactive", waiter_args={"clusters": [cluster_arn]}, failure_message="Failure while waiting for cluster to be deactivated", status_message="Cluster deactivation is not done yet", status_queries=["clusters[].status", "failures"], return_value=cluster_arn, waiter_delay=waiter_delay, waiter_max_attempts=waiter_max_attempts, aws_conn_id=aws_conn_id, region_name=region_name, **kwargs, )
[docs] def hook(self) -> AwsGenericHook: return EcsHook(aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id, region_name=self.region_name)
[docs] class TaskDoneTrigger(BaseTrigger): """ Waits for an ECS task to be done, while eventually polling logs. :param cluster: short name or full ARN of the cluster where the task is running. :param task_arn: ARN of the task to watch. :param waiter_delay: The amount of time in seconds to wait between attempts. :param waiter_max_attempts: The number of times to ping for status. Will fail after that many unsuccessful attempts. :param aws_conn_id: The Airflow connection used for AWS credentials. :param region: The AWS region where the cluster is located. """ def __init__( self, cluster: str, task_arn: str, waiter_delay: int, waiter_max_attempts: int, aws_conn_id: str | None, region: str | None, log_group: str | None = None, log_stream: str | None = None, ):
[docs] self.cluster = cluster
[docs] self.task_arn = task_arn
[docs] self.waiter_delay = waiter_delay
[docs] self.waiter_max_attempts = waiter_max_attempts
[docs] self.aws_conn_id = aws_conn_id
[docs] self.region = region
[docs] self.log_group = log_group
[docs] self.log_stream = log_stream
[docs] def serialize(self) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]: return ( self.__class__.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__qualname__, { "cluster": self.cluster, "task_arn": self.task_arn, "waiter_delay": self.waiter_delay, "waiter_max_attempts": self.waiter_max_attempts, "aws_conn_id": self.aws_conn_id, "region": self.region, "log_group": self.log_group, "log_stream": self.log_stream, }, )
[docs] async def run(self) -> AsyncIterator[TriggerEvent]: async with ( await EcsHook( aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id, region_name=self.region ).get_async_conn() as ecs_client, await AwsLogsHook( aws_conn_id=self.aws_conn_id, region_name=self.region ).get_async_conn() as logs_client, ): waiter = ecs_client.get_waiter("tasks_stopped") logs_token = None while self.waiter_max_attempts: self.waiter_max_attempts -= 1 try: await waiter.wait( cluster=self.cluster, tasks=[self.task_arn], WaiterConfig={"MaxAttempts": 1} ) # we reach this point only if the waiter met a success criteria yield TriggerEvent( {"status": "success", "task_arn": self.task_arn, "cluster": self.cluster} ) return except WaiterError as error: if "terminal failure" in str(error): raise"Status of the task is %s", error.last_response["tasks"][0]["lastStatus"]) await asyncio.sleep(int(self.waiter_delay)) finally: if self.log_group and self.log_stream: logs_token = await self._forward_logs(logs_client, logs_token) raise AirflowException("Waiter error: max attempts reached")
async def _forward_logs(self, logs_client, next_token: str | None = None) -> str | None: """ Read logs from the cloudwatch stream and print them to the task logs. :return: the token to pass to the next iteration to resume where we started. """ while True: if next_token is not None: token_arg: dict[str, str] = {"nextToken": next_token} else: token_arg = {} try: response = await logs_client.get_log_events( logGroupName=self.log_group, logStreamName=self.log_stream, startFromHead=True, **token_arg, ) except ClientError as ce: if ce.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": "Tried to get logs from stream %s in group %s but it didn't exist (yet). " "Will try again.", self.log_stream, self.log_group, ) return None raise events = response["events"] for log_event in events: if len(events) == 0 or next_token == response["nextForwardToken"]: return response["nextForwardToken"] next_token = response["nextForwardToken"]

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