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from __future__ import annotations

import json
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any

import boto3

from airflow.decorators import task
from airflow.models.baseoperator import chain
from airflow.models.dag import DAG
from import (
from import S3CreateBucketOperator, S3DeleteBucketOperator
from import EmrJobFlowSensor, EmrStepSensor
from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule

from import ENV_ID_KEY, SystemTestContextBuilder

[docs]DAG_ID = "example_emr"
[docs]CONFIG_NAME = "EMR Runtime Role Security Configuration"
[docs]SECURITY_CONFIGURATION = { "AuthorizationConfiguration": { "IAMConfiguration": { "EnableApplicationScopedIAMRole": True, }, }, # Use IMDSv2 for greater security, see the following doc for more details: # "InstanceMetadataServiceConfiguration": { "MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion": 2, "HttpPutResponseHopLimit": 2, }, }
# [START howto_operator_emr_steps_config]
[docs]SPARK_STEPS = [ { "Name": "calculate_pi", "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE", "HadoopJarStep": { "Jar": "command-runner.jar", "Args": ["/usr/lib/spark/bin/run-example", "SparkPi", "10"], }, } ]
[docs]JOB_FLOW_OVERRIDES: dict[str, Any] = { "Name": "PiCalc", "ReleaseLabel": "emr-7.1.0", "Applications": [{"Name": "Spark"}], "Instances": { "InstanceGroups": [ { "Name": "Primary node", "Market": "ON_DEMAND", "InstanceRole": "MASTER", "InstanceType": "m5.xlarge", "InstanceCount": 1, }, ], # If the EMR steps complete too quickly the cluster will be torn down before the other system test # tasks have a chance to run (such as the modify cluster step, the addition of more EMR steps, etc). # Set KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps to False to avoid the cluster from being torn down prematurely. "KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps": True, "TerminationProtected": False, }, "Steps": SPARK_STEPS, "JobFlowRole": "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole", "ServiceRole": "EMR_DefaultRole", }
# [END howto_operator_emr_steps_config] @task
[docs]def configure_security_config(config_name: str): boto3.client("emr").create_security_configuration( Name=config_name, SecurityConfiguration=json.dumps(SECURITY_CONFIGURATION), )
[docs]def delete_security_config(config_name: str): boto3.client("emr").delete_security_configuration( Name=config_name, )
[docs]def get_step_id(step_ids: list): return step_ids[0]
[docs]sys_test_context_task = ( SystemTestContextBuilder() .add_variable(EXECUTION_ROLE_ARN_KEY) .add_variable(BUCKET_NAME_KEY, optional=True) .build() )
with DAG( dag_id=DAG_ID, start_date=datetime(2021, 1, 1), schedule="@once", catchup=False, tags=["example"], ) as dag:
[docs] test_context = sys_test_context_task()
env_id = test_context[ENV_ID_KEY] config_name = f"{CONFIG_NAME}-{env_id}" execution_role_arn = test_context[EXECUTION_ROLE_ARN_KEY] s3_bucket = test_context[BUCKET_NAME_KEY] or f"{env_id}-emr-bucket" JOB_FLOW_OVERRIDES["LogUri"] = f"s3://{s3_bucket}/" JOB_FLOW_OVERRIDES["SecurityConfiguration"] = config_name create_security_configuration = configure_security_config(config_name) # [START howto_operator_emr_create_job_flow] create_job_flow = EmrCreateJobFlowOperator( task_id="create_job_flow", job_flow_overrides=JOB_FLOW_OVERRIDES, ) # [END howto_operator_emr_create_job_flow] # [START howto_operator_emr_modify_cluster] modify_cluster = EmrModifyClusterOperator( task_id="modify_cluster", cluster_id=create_job_flow.output, step_concurrency_level=1 ) # [END howto_operator_emr_modify_cluster] # [START howto_operator_emr_add_steps] add_steps = EmrAddStepsOperator( task_id="add_steps", job_flow_id=create_job_flow.output, steps=SPARK_STEPS, execution_role_arn=execution_role_arn, ) # [END howto_operator_emr_add_steps] add_steps.wait_for_completion = True # [START howto_sensor_emr_step] wait_for_step = EmrStepSensor( task_id="wait_for_step", job_flow_id=create_job_flow.output, step_id=get_step_id(add_steps.output), ) # [END howto_sensor_emr_step] # [START howto_operator_emr_terminate_job_flow] remove_cluster = EmrTerminateJobFlowOperator( task_id="remove_cluster", job_flow_id=create_job_flow.output, ) # [END howto_operator_emr_terminate_job_flow] remove_cluster.trigger_rule = TriggerRule.ALL_DONE # [START howto_sensor_emr_job_flow] check_job_flow = EmrJobFlowSensor(task_id="check_job_flow", job_flow_id=create_job_flow.output) # [END howto_sensor_emr_job_flow] check_job_flow.poke_interval = 10 delete_security_configuration = delete_security_config(config_name) # There are two options: # - Pass the bucket name as an argument to the system test. This bucket will then be used to store # the EMR-related logs. # - The test itself creates and delete the S3 bucket needed for this test. create_s3_bucket: S3CreateBucketOperator | None = None delete_s3_bucket: S3DeleteBucketOperator | None = None if not test_context[BUCKET_NAME_KEY]: create_s3_bucket = S3CreateBucketOperator(task_id="create_s3_bucket", bucket_name=s3_bucket) delete_s3_bucket = S3DeleteBucketOperator( task_id="delete_s3_bucket", bucket_name=s3_bucket, force_delete=True, trigger_rule=TriggerRule.ALL_DONE, ) chain( *[ task for task in [ # TEST SETUP test_context, create_s3_bucket, create_security_configuration, # TEST BODY create_job_flow, modify_cluster, add_steps, wait_for_step, # TEST TEARDOWN remove_cluster, check_job_flow, delete_security_configuration, delete_s3_bucket, ] if task is not None ] ) from dev.tests_common.test_utils.watcher import watcher # This test needs watcher in order to properly mark success/failure # when "tearDown" task with trigger rule is part of the DAG list(dag.tasks) >> watcher() from dev.tests_common.test_utils.system_tests import get_test_run # noqa: E402 # Needed to run the example DAG with pytest (see: tests/system/
[docs]test_run = get_test_run(dag)

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