Source code for airflow.providers.edge.executors.edge_executor

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional

from sqlalchemy import delete, inspect, text
from sqlalchemy.exc import NoSuchTableError
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

from airflow.cli.cli_config import GroupCommand
from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.executors.base_executor import BaseExecutor
from airflow.models.abstractoperator import DEFAULT_QUEUE
from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance, TaskInstanceState
from airflow.providers.edge.cli.edge_command import EDGE_COMMANDS
from airflow.providers.edge.models.edge_job import EdgeJobModel
from airflow.providers.edge.models.edge_logs import EdgeLogsModel
from airflow.providers.edge.models.edge_worker import EdgeWorkerModel, EdgeWorkerState, reset_metrics
from airflow.providers.edge.version_compat import AIRFLOW_V_3_0_PLUS
from airflow.stats import Stats
from airflow.utils import timezone
from airflow.utils.db import DBLocks, create_global_lock
from airflow.utils.session import NEW_SESSION, provide_session

    import argparse

    from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine

    from airflow.executors.base_executor import CommandType
    from airflow.models.taskinstancekey import TaskInstanceKey

    # Task tuple to send to be executed
[docs] TaskTuple = tuple[TaskInstanceKey, CommandType, Optional[str], Optional[Any]]
[docs] PARALLELISM: int = conf.getint("core", "PARALLELISM")
[docs] class EdgeExecutor(BaseExecutor): """Implementation of the EdgeExecutor to distribute work to Edge Workers via HTTP.""" def __init__(self, parallelism: int = PARALLELISM): super().__init__(parallelism=parallelism)
[docs] self.last_reported_state: dict[TaskInstanceKey, TaskInstanceState] = {}
def _check_db_schema(self, engine: Engine) -> None: """ Check if already existing table matches the newest table schema. workaround till Airflow 3.0.0, then it is possible to use alembic also for provider packages. """ inspector = inspect(engine) edge_job_columns = None try: edge_job_columns = [column["name"] for column in inspector.get_columns("edge_job")] except NoSuchTableError: pass # version 0.6.0rc1 added new column concurrency_slots if edge_job_columns and "concurrency_slots" not in edge_job_columns: EdgeJobModel.metadata.drop_all(engine, tables=[EdgeJobModel.__table__]) edge_worker_columns = None try: edge_worker_columns = [column["name"] for column in inspector.get_columns("edge_worker")] except NoSuchTableError: pass # version 0.14.0pre0 added new column maintenance_comment if edge_worker_columns and "maintenance_comment" not in edge_worker_columns: with Session(engine) as session: query = "ALTER TABLE edge_worker ADD maintenance_comment VARCHAR(1024);" session.execute(text(query)) session.commit() @provide_session
[docs] def start(self, session: Session = NEW_SESSION): """If EdgeExecutor provider is loaded first time, ensure table exists.""" with create_global_lock(session=session, lock=DBLocks.MIGRATIONS): engine = session.get_bind().engine self._check_db_schema(engine) EdgeJobModel.metadata.create_all(engine) EdgeLogsModel.metadata.create_all(engine) EdgeWorkerModel.metadata.create_all(engine)
def _process_tasks(self, task_tuples: list[TaskTuple]) -> None: """ Temponary overwrite of _process_tasks function. Idea is to not change the interface of the execute_async function in BaseExecutor as it will be changed in Airflow 3. Edge worker needs task_instance in execute_async but BaseExecutor deletes this out of the self.queued_tasks. Store queued_tasks in own var to be able to access this in execute_async function. """ self.edge_queued_tasks = deepcopy(self.queued_tasks) super()._process_tasks(task_tuples) @provide_session
[docs] def execute_async( self, key: TaskInstanceKey, command: CommandType, queue: str | None = None, executor_config: Any | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> None: """Execute asynchronously. Airflow 2.10 entry point to execute a task.""" # Use of a temponary trick to get task instance, will be changed with Airflow 3.0.0 # code works together with _process_tasks overwrite to get task instance. task_instance = self.edge_queued_tasks[key][3] # TaskInstance in fourth element del self.edge_queued_tasks[key] self.validate_airflow_tasks_run_command(command) session.add( EdgeJobModel( dag_id=key.dag_id, task_id=key.task_id, run_id=key.run_id, map_index=key.map_index, try_number=key.try_number, state=TaskInstanceState.QUEUED, queue=queue or DEFAULT_QUEUE, concurrency_slots=task_instance.pool_slots, command=str(command), ) )
[docs] def queue_workload( self, workload: Any, # Note actually "airflow.executors.workloads.All" but not existing in Airflow 2.10 session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> None: """Put new workload to queue. Airflow 3 entry point to execute a task.""" from airflow.executors import workloads if not isinstance(workload, workloads.ExecuteTask): raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to queue workload of type {type(workload).__name__}") task_instance = workload.ti key = task_instance.key session.add( EdgeJobModel( dag_id=key.dag_id, task_id=key.task_id, run_id=key.run_id, map_index=key.map_index, try_number=key.try_number, state=TaskInstanceState.QUEUED, queue=task_instance.queue, concurrency_slots=task_instance.pool_slots, command=workload.model_dump_json(), ) )
def _check_worker_liveness(self, session: Session) -> bool: """Reset worker state if heartbeat timed out.""" changed = False heartbeat_interval: int = conf.getint("edge", "heartbeat_interval") lifeless_workers: list[EdgeWorkerModel] = ( session.query(EdgeWorkerModel) .with_for_update(skip_locked=True) .filter( EdgeWorkerModel.state.not_in( [EdgeWorkerState.UNKNOWN, EdgeWorkerState.OFFLINE, EdgeWorkerState.OFFLINE_MAINTENANCE] ), EdgeWorkerModel.last_update < (timezone.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=heartbeat_interval * 5)), ) .all() ) for worker in lifeless_workers: changed = True worker.state = EdgeWorkerState.UNKNOWN reset_metrics(worker.worker_name) return changed def _update_orphaned_jobs(self, session: Session) -> bool: """Update status ob jobs when workers die and don't update anymore.""" if AIRFLOW_V_3_0_PLUS: heartbeat_interval_config_name = "task_instance_heartbeat_timeout" else: heartbeat_interval_config_name = "scheduler_zombie_task_threshold" heartbeat_interval: int = conf.getint("scheduler", heartbeat_interval_config_name) lifeless_jobs: list[EdgeJobModel] = ( session.query(EdgeJobModel) .with_for_update(skip_locked=True) .filter( EdgeJobModel.state == TaskInstanceState.RUNNING, EdgeJobModel.last_update < (timezone.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=heartbeat_interval)), ) .all() ) for job in lifeless_jobs: ti = TaskInstance.get_task_instance( dag_id=job.dag_id, run_id=job.run_id, task_id=job.task_id, map_index=job.map_index, session=session, ) job.state = ti.state if ti else TaskInstanceState.REMOVED if job.state != TaskInstanceState.RUNNING: # Edge worker does not backport emitted Airflow metrics, so export some metrics # Export metrics as failed as these jobs will be deleted in the future tags = { "dag_id": job.dag_id, "task_id": job.task_id, "queue": job.queue, "state": str(TaskInstanceState.FAILED), } Stats.incr( f"edge_worker.ti.finish.{job.queue}.{TaskInstanceState.FAILED}.{job.dag_id}.{job.task_id}", tags=tags, ) Stats.incr("edge_worker.ti.finish", tags=tags) return bool(lifeless_jobs) def _purge_jobs(self, session: Session) -> bool: """Clean finished jobs.""" purged_marker = False job_success_purge = conf.getint("edge", "job_success_purge") job_fail_purge = conf.getint("edge", "job_fail_purge") jobs: list[EdgeJobModel] = ( session.query(EdgeJobModel) .with_for_update(skip_locked=True) .filter( EdgeJobModel.state.in_( [ TaskInstanceState.RUNNING, TaskInstanceState.SUCCESS, TaskInstanceState.FAILED, TaskInstanceState.REMOVED, TaskInstanceState.RESTARTING, TaskInstanceState.UP_FOR_RETRY, ] ) ) .all() ) # Sync DB with executor otherwise runs out of sync in multi scheduler deployment already_removed = self.running - set(job.key for job in jobs) self.running = self.running - already_removed for job in jobs: if job.key in self.running: if job.state == TaskInstanceState.RUNNING: if ( job.key not in self.last_reported_state or self.last_reported_state[job.key] != job.state ): self.running_state(job.key) self.last_reported_state[job.key] = job.state elif job.state == TaskInstanceState.SUCCESS: if job.key in self.last_reported_state: del self.last_reported_state[job.key] self.success(job.key) elif job.state in [ TaskInstanceState.FAILED, TaskInstanceState.RESTARTING, TaskInstanceState.UP_FOR_RETRY, ]: if job.key in self.last_reported_state: del self.last_reported_state[job.key] else: self.last_reported_state[job.key] = job.state if ( job.state == TaskInstanceState.SUCCESS and job.last_update_t < ( - timedelta(minutes=job_success_purge)).timestamp() ) or ( job.state in ( TaskInstanceState.FAILED, TaskInstanceState.REMOVED, TaskInstanceState.RESTARTING, TaskInstanceState.UP_FOR_RETRY, ) and job.last_update_t < ( - timedelta(minutes=job_fail_purge)).timestamp() ): if job.key in self.last_reported_state: del self.last_reported_state[job.key] purged_marker = True session.delete(job) session.execute( delete(EdgeLogsModel).where( EdgeLogsModel.dag_id == job.dag_id, EdgeLogsModel.run_id == job.run_id, EdgeLogsModel.task_id == job.task_id, EdgeLogsModel.map_index == job.map_index, EdgeLogsModel.try_number == job.try_number, ) ) return purged_marker @provide_session
[docs] def sync(self, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> None: """Sync will get called periodically by the heartbeat method.""" with Stats.timer("edge_executor.sync.duration"): orphaned = self._update_orphaned_jobs(session) purged = self._purge_jobs(session) liveness = self._check_worker_liveness(session) if purged or liveness or orphaned: session.commit()
[docs] def end(self) -> None: """End the executor.""""Shutting down EdgeExecutor")
[docs] def terminate(self): """Terminate the executor is not doing anything."""
[docs] def try_adopt_task_instances(self, tis: Sequence[TaskInstance]) -> Sequence[TaskInstance]: """ Try to adopt running task instances that have been abandoned by a SchedulerJob dying. Anything that is not adopted will be cleared by the scheduler (and then become eligible for re-scheduling) :return: any TaskInstances that were unable to be adopted """ # We handle all running tasks from the DB in sync, no adoption logic needed. return []
[docs] def get_cli_commands() -> list[GroupCommand]: return [ GroupCommand( name="edge", help="Edge Worker components", description=( "Start and manage Edge Worker. Works only when using EdgeExecutor. For more information, " "see" ), subcommands=EDGE_COMMANDS, ), ]
def _get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """ Generate documentation; used by Sphinx. :meta private: """ return EdgeExecutor._get_parser()

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