Source code for airflow.providers.edge.models.edge_worker

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import json
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, delete, select

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models.base import Base
from airflow.stats import Stats
from airflow.utils import timezone
from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
from airflow.utils.session import NEW_SESSION, provide_session
from airflow.utils.sqlalchemy import UtcDateTime

    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

[docs] class EdgeWorkerVersionException(AirflowException): """Signal a version mismatch between core and Edge Site.""" pass
[docs] class EdgeWorkerState(str, Enum): """Status of a Edge Worker instance."""
[docs] STARTING = "starting"
"""Edge Worker is in initialization."""
[docs] RUNNING = "running"
"""Edge Worker is actively running a task."""
[docs] IDLE = "idle"
"""Edge Worker is active and waiting for a task."""
[docs] TERMINATING = "terminating"
"""Edge Worker is completing work and stopping."""
[docs] OFFLINE = "offline"
"""Edge Worker was shut down."""
[docs] UNKNOWN = "unknown"
"""No heartbeat signal from worker for some time, Edge Worker probably down."""
[docs] MAINTENANCE_REQUEST = "maintenance request"
"""Worker was requested to enter maintenance mode. Once worker receives this it will pause fetching jobs."""
[docs] MAINTENANCE_PENDING = "maintenance pending"
"""Edge worker received the request for maintenance, waiting for jobs to finish. Once jobs are finished will move to 'maintenance mode'."""
[docs] MAINTENANCE_MODE = "maintenance mode"
"""Edge worker is in maintenance mode. It is online but pauses fetching jobs."""
[docs] MAINTENANCE_EXIT = "maintenance exit"
"""Request worker to exit maintenance mode. Once the worker receives this state it will un-pause and fetch new jobs."""
[docs] OFFLINE_MAINTENANCE = "offline maintenance"
"""Worker was shut down in maintenance mode. It will be in maintenance mode when restarted."""
[docs] class EdgeWorkerModel(Base, LoggingMixin): """A Edge Worker instance which reports the state and health."""
[docs] __tablename__ = "edge_worker"
[docs] worker_name = Column(String(64), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
[docs] state = Column(String(20))
_queues = Column("queues", String(256))
[docs] first_online = Column(UtcDateTime)
[docs] last_update = Column(UtcDateTime)
[docs] jobs_active = Column(Integer, default=0)
[docs] jobs_taken = Column(Integer, default=0)
[docs] jobs_success = Column(Integer, default=0)
[docs] jobs_failed = Column(Integer, default=0)
[docs] sysinfo = Column(String(256))
def __init__( self, worker_name: str, state: str, queues: list[str] | None, first_online: datetime | None = None, last_update: datetime | None = None, ): self.worker_name = worker_name self.state = state self.queues = queues self.first_online = first_online or timezone.utcnow() self.last_update = last_update super().__init__() @property
[docs] def sysinfo_json(self) -> dict: return json.loads(self.sysinfo) if self.sysinfo else None
[docs] def queues(self) -> list[str] | None: """Return list of queues which are stored in queues field.""" if self._queues: return ast.literal_eval(self._queues) return None
@queues.setter def queues(self, queues: list[str] | None) -> None: """Set all queues of list into queues field.""" self._queues = str(queues) if queues else None
[docs] def add_queues(self, new_queues: list[str]) -> None: """Add new queue to the queues field.""" queues = self.queues if self.queues else [] queues.extend(new_queues) # remove duplicated items self.queues = list(set(queues))
[docs] def remove_queues(self, remove_queues: list[str]) -> None: """Remove queue from queues field.""" queues = self.queues if self.queues else [] for queue_name in remove_queues: if queue_name in queues: queues.remove(queue_name) self.queues = queues
[docs] def update_state(self, state: str) -> None: """Updates state field.""" self.state = state
[docs] def set_metrics( worker_name: str, state: EdgeWorkerState, jobs_active: int, concurrency: int, free_concurrency: int, queues: list[str] | None, ) -> None: """Set metric of edge worker.""" queues = queues if queues else [] connected = state not in (EdgeWorkerState.UNKNOWN, EdgeWorkerState.OFFLINE) Stats.gauge(f"edge_worker.state.{worker_name}", int(connected)) Stats.gauge( "edge_worker.state", int(connected), tags={"name": worker_name, "state": state}, ) Stats.gauge(f"edge_worker.jobs_active.{worker_name}", jobs_active) Stats.gauge("edge_worker.jobs_active", jobs_active, tags={"worker_name": worker_name}) Stats.gauge(f"edge_worker.concurrency.{worker_name}", concurrency) Stats.gauge("edge_worker.concurrency", concurrency, tags={"worker_name": worker_name}) Stats.gauge(f"edge_worker.free_concurrency.{worker_name}", free_concurrency) Stats.gauge("edge_worker.free_concurrency", free_concurrency, tags={"worker_name": worker_name}) Stats.gauge(f"edge_worker.num_queues.{worker_name}", len(queues)) Stats.gauge( "edge_worker.num_queues", len(queues), tags={"worker_name": worker_name, "queues": ",".join(queues)}, )
[docs] def reset_metrics(worker_name: str) -> None: """Reset metrics of worker.""" set_metrics( worker_name=worker_name, state=EdgeWorkerState.UNKNOWN, jobs_active=0, concurrency=0, free_concurrency=-1, queues=None, )
[docs] def request_maintenance(worker_name: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> None: """Writes maintenance request to the db""" query = select(EdgeWorkerModel).where(EdgeWorkerModel.worker_name == worker_name) worker: EdgeWorkerModel = session.scalar(query) worker.state = EdgeWorkerState.MAINTENANCE_REQUEST
[docs] def exit_maintenance(worker_name: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> None: """Writes maintenance exit to the db""" query = select(EdgeWorkerModel).where(EdgeWorkerModel.worker_name == worker_name) worker: EdgeWorkerModel = session.scalar(query) worker.state = EdgeWorkerState.MAINTENANCE_EXIT
[docs] def remove_worker(worker_name: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> None: """Remove a worker that is offline or just gone from DB""" session.execute(delete(EdgeWorkerModel).where(EdgeWorkerModel.worker_name == worker_name))

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