
For a DAG with a time-based schedule (as opposed to event-driven), the DAG’s internal “timetable” drives scheduling. The timetable also determines the data interval and the logical date of each run created for the DAG.

DAGs scheduled with a cron expression or timedelta object are internally converted to always use a timetable.

If a cron expression or timedelta is sufficient for your use case, you don’t need to worry about writing a custom timetable because Airflow has default timetables that handle those cases. But for more complicated scheduling requirements, you can create your own timetable class and pass that to the DAG’s schedule argument.

Some examples of when custom timetable implementations are useful:

  • Task runs that occur at different times each day. For example, an astronomer might find it useful to run a task at dawn to process data collected from the previous night-time period.

  • Schedules that don’t follow the Gregorian calendar. For example, create a run for each month in the Traditional Chinese Calendar. This is conceptually similar to the sunrise case, but for a different time scale.

  • Rolling windows, or overlapping data intervals. For example, you might want to have a run each day, but make each run cover the period of the previous seven days. It is possible to hack this with a cron expression, but a custom data interval provides a more natural representation.

  • Data intervals with “holes” between intervals instead of a continuous interval, as both the cron expression and timedelta schedules represent continuous intervals. See Data Interval.

Airflow allows you to write custom timetables in plugins and used by DAGs. You can find an example demonstrating a custom timetable in the Customizing DAG Scheduling with Timetables how-to guide.


As a general rule, always access Variables, Connections, or anything else that needs access to the database as late as possible in your code. See Timetables for more best practices to follow.

Built-in Timetables

Airflow comes with several common timetables built-in to cover the most common use cases. Additional timetables may be available in plugins.


A timetable that accepts a cron expression, and triggers DAG runs according to it.

from airflow.timetables.trigger import CronTriggerTimetable

@dag(schedule=CronTriggerTimetable("0 1 * * 3", timezone="UTC"), ...)  # At 01:00 on Wednesday
def example_dag():

You can also provide a static data interval to the timetable. The optional interval argument must be a datetime.timedelta or dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta. When using these arguments, a triggered DAG run’s data interval spans the specified duration, and ends with the trigger time.

from datetime import timedelta

from airflow.timetables.trigger import CronTriggerTimetable

    # Runs every Friday at 18:00 to cover the work week (9:00 Monday to 18:00 Friday).
        "0 18 * * 5",
        interval=timedelta(days=4, hours=9),
def example_dag():


This is similar to CronTriggerTimetable except it takes multiple cron expressions. A DAG run is scheduled whenever any of the expressions matches the time. It is particularly useful when the desired schedule cannot be expressed by one single cron expression.

from airflow.timetables.trigger import MultipleCronTriggerTimetable

# At 1:10 and 2:40 each day.
@dag(schedule=MultipleCronTriggerTimetable("10 1 * * *", "40 2 * * *", timezone="UTC"), ...)
def example_dag():

The same optional interval argument as CronTriggerTimetable is also available.

from datetime import timedelta

from airflow.timetables.trigger import MultipleCronTriggerTimetable

        "10 1 * * *",
        "40 2 * * *",
def example_dag():


A timetable that schedules data intervals with a time delta. You can select it by providing a datetime.timedelta or dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta to the schedule parameter of a DAG.

This timetable focuses on the data interval value and does not necessarily align execution dates with arbitrary bounds, such as the start of day or of hour.

def example_dag():


A timetable that accepts a cron expression, creates data intervals according to the interval between each cron trigger points, and triggers a DAG run at the end of each data interval.

Select this timetable by providing a valid cron expression as a string to the schedule parameter of a DAG, as described in the DAGs documentation.

@dag(schedule="0 1 * * 3")  # At 01:00 on Wednesday.
def example_dag():


Pass a list of datetimes for the DAG to run after. This can be useful for timing based on sporting events, planned communication campaigns, and other schedules that are arbitrary and irregular, but predictable.

The list of events must be finite and of reasonable size as it must be loaded every time the DAG is parsed. Optionally, use the restrict_to_events flag to force manual runs of the DAG that use the time of the most recent, or very first, event for the data interval. Otherwise, manual runs begin with a data_interval_start and data_interval_end equal to the time at which the manual run started. You can also name the set of events using the description parameter, which will be displayed in the Airflow UI.

from airflow.timetables.events import EventsTimetable

            pendulum.datetime(2022, 4, 5, 8, 27, tz="America/Chicago"),
            pendulum.datetime(2022, 4, 17, 8, 27, tz="America/Chicago"),
            pendulum.datetime(2022, 4, 22, 20, 50, tz="America/Chicago"),
        description="My Team's Baseball Games",
def example_dag():

Asset event based scheduling with time based scheduling

Combining conditional asset expressions with time-based schedules enhances scheduling flexibility.

The AssetOrTimeSchedule is a specialized timetable that allows for the scheduling of DAGs based on both time-based schedules and asset events. It also facilitates the creation of both scheduled runs, as per traditional timetables, and asset-triggered runs, which operate independently.

This feature is particularly useful in scenarios where a DAG needs to run on asset updates and also at periodic intervals. It ensures that the workflow remains responsive to data changes and consistently runs regular checks or updates.

Here’s an example of a DAG using AssetOrTimeSchedule:

from airflow.timetables.assets import AssetOrTimeSchedule
from airflow.timetables.trigger import CronTriggerTimetable

        timetable=CronTriggerTimetable("0 1 * * 3", timezone="UTC"), assets=(dag1_asset & dag2_asset)
    # Additional arguments here, replace this comment with actual arguments
def example_dag():
    # DAG tasks go here

Timetables comparisons

Differences between the two cron timetables

Airflow has two timetables CronTriggerTimetable and CronDataIntervalTimetable that accept a cron expression.

However, there are differences between the two: - CronTriggerTimetable does not address Data Interval, while CronDataIntervalTimetable does. - The timestamp in the run_id, the logical_date for CronTriggerTimetable and CronDataIntervalTimetable are defined differently based on how they handle the data interval, as described in The time when a DAG run is triggered.

Whether taking care of Data Interval

CronTriggerTimetable does not include data interval. This means that the value of data_interval_start and data_interval_end (and the legacy execution_date) are the same; the time when a DAG run is triggered.

However, CronDataIntervalTimetable does include data interval. This means the value of data_interval_start and data_interval_end (and legacy execution_date) are different. data_interval_start is the time when a DAG run is triggered and data_interval_end is the end of the interval.

Catchup behavior

Whether you’re using CronTriggerTimetable or CronDataIntervalTimetable, there is no difference when catchup is True.

You might want to use False for catchup for certain scenarios, to prevent running unnecessary DAGs: - If you create a new DAG with a start date in the past, and don’t want to run DAGs for the past. If catchup is True, Airflow runs all DAGs that would have run in that time interval. - If you pause an existing DAG, and then restart it at a later date, and don’t want to If catchup is True,

In these scenarios, the logical_date in the run_id are based on how CronTriggerTimetable or CronDataIntervalTimetable handle the data interval.

See Catchup for more information about how DAG runs are triggered when using catchup.

The time when a DAG run is triggered

CronTriggerTimetable and CronDataIntervalTimetable trigger DAG runs at the same time. However, the timestamp for the run_id is different for each.

For example, suppose there is a cron expression @daily or 0 0 * * *, which is scheduled to run at 12AM every day. If you enable DAGs using the two timetables at 3PM on January 31st, - CronTriggerTimetable triggers a new DAG run at 12AM on February 1st. The run_id timestamp is midnight, on February 1st. - CronDataIntervalTimetable immediately triggers a new DAG run, because a DAG run for the daily time interval beginning at 12AM on January 31st did not occur yet. The run_id timestamp is midnight, on January 31st, since that is the beginning of the data interval.

This is another example showing the difference in the case of skipping DAG runs.

Suppose there are two running DAGs with a cron expression @daily or 0 0 * * * that use the two different timetables. If you pause the DAGs at 3PM on January 31st and re-enable them at 3PM on February 2nd, - CronTriggerTimetable skips the DAG runs that were supposed to trigger on February 1st and 2nd. The next DAG run will be triggered at 12AM on February 3rd. - CronDataIntervalTimetable skips the DAG runs that were supposed to trigger on February 1st only. A DAG run for February 2nd is immediately triggered after you re-enable the DAG.

In these examples, you see how CronTriggerTimetable triggers DAG runs is more intuitive and more similar to what people expect cron to behave than how CronDataIntervalTimetable does.

Differences between the cron and delta data interval timetables:

Choosing between DeltaDataIntervalTimetable and CronDataIntervalTimetable depends on your use case. If you enable a DAG at 01:05 on February 1st, the following table summarizes the DAG runs created and the data interval that they cover, depending on 3 arguments: schedule, start_date and catchup.




Intervals covered


*/30 * * * *



  • 00:00 - 00:30

  • 00:30 - 01:00

Same behavior than using the timedelta object.

*/30 * * * *



  • 00:30 - 01:00

*/30 * * * *

year-02-01 00:10


  • 00:30 - 01:00

Interval 00:00 - 00:30 is not after the start date, and so is skipped.

*/30 * * * *

year-02-01 00:10


  • 00:30 - 01:00

Whatever the start date, the data intervals are aligned with hour/day/etc. boundaries.




  • 00:00 - 00:30

  • 00:30 - 01:00

Same behavior than using the cron expression.




  • 00:35 - 01:05

Interval is not aligned with start date but with the current time.


year-02-01 00:10


  • 00:10 - 00:40

Interval is aligned with start date. Next one will be triggered in 5 minutes covering 00:40 - 01:10.


year-02-01 00:10


  • 00:35 - 01:05

Interval is aligned with current time. Next run will be triggered in 30 minutes.

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