Create, get, update, execute and delete an AWS DataSync Task.



Find, Create, Update, Execute and Delete AWS DataSync Tasks.

Module Contents

class*, wait_interval_seconds=30, max_iterations=60, wait_for_completion=True, task_arn=None, source_location_uri=None, destination_location_uri=None, allow_random_task_choice=False, allow_random_location_choice=False, create_task_kwargs=None, create_source_location_kwargs=None, create_destination_location_kwargs=None, update_task_kwargs=None, task_execution_kwargs=None, delete_task_after_execution=False, **kwargs)[source]


Find, Create, Update, Execute and Delete AWS DataSync Tasks.

If do_xcom_push is True, then the DataSync TaskArn and TaskExecutionArn which were executed will be pushed to an XCom.

See also

For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: Interact with AWS DataSync Tasks


There may be 0, 1, or many existing DataSync Tasks defined in your AWS environment. The default behavior is to create a new Task if there are 0, or execute the Task if there was 1 Task, or fail if there were many Tasks.

  • wait_interval_seconds (int) – Time to wait between two consecutive calls to check TaskExecution status.

  • max_iterations (int) – Maximum number of consecutive calls to check TaskExecution status.

  • wait_for_completion (bool) – If True, wait for the task execution to reach a final state

  • task_arn (str | None) – AWS DataSync TaskArn to use. If None, then this operator will attempt to either search for an existing Task or attempt to create a new Task.

  • source_location_uri (str | None) – Source location URI to search for. All DataSync Tasks with a LocationArn with this URI will be considered. Example: smb://server/subdir

  • destination_location_uri (str | None) – Destination location URI to search for. All DataSync Tasks with a LocationArn with this URI will be considered. Example: s3://airflow_bucket/stuff

  • allow_random_task_choice (bool) – If multiple Tasks match, one must be chosen to execute. If allow_random_task_choice is True then a random one is chosen.

  • allow_random_location_choice (bool) – If multiple Locations match, one must be chosen when creating a task. If allow_random_location_choice is True then a random one is chosen.

  • create_task_kwargs (dict | None) – If no suitable TaskArn is identified, it will be created if create_task_kwargs is defined. create_task_kwargs is then used internally like this: boto3.create_task(**create_task_kwargs) Example: {'Name': 'xyz', 'Options': ..., 'Excludes': ..., 'Tags': ...}

  • create_source_location_kwargs (dict | None) – If no suitable LocationArn is found, a Location will be created if create_source_location_kwargs is defined. create_source_location_kwargs is then used internally like this: boto3.create_location_xyz(**create_source_location_kwargs) The xyz is determined from the prefix of source_location_uri, eg smb:/... or s3:/... Example: {'Subdirectory': ..., 'ServerHostname': ..., ...}

  • create_destination_location_kwargs (dict | None) – If no suitable LocationArn is found, a Location will be created if create_destination_location_kwargs is defined. create_destination_location_kwargs is used internally like this: boto3.create_location_xyz(**create_destination_location_kwargs) The xyz is determined from the prefix of destination_location_uri, eg smb:/...` or ``s3:/... Example: {'S3BucketArn': ..., 'S3Config': {'BucketAccessRoleArn': ...}, ...}

  • update_task_kwargs (dict | None) – If a suitable TaskArn is found or created, it will be updated if update_task_kwargs is defined. update_task_kwargs is used internally like this: boto3.update_task(TaskArn=task_arn, **update_task_kwargs) Example: {'Name': 'xyz', 'Options': ..., 'Excludes': ...}

  • task_execution_kwargs (dict | None) – Additional kwargs passed directly when starting the Task execution, used internally like this: boto3.start_task_execution(TaskArn=task_arn, **task_execution_kwargs)

  • delete_task_after_execution (bool) – If True then the TaskArn which was executed will be deleted from AWS DataSync on successful completion.

  • aws_conn_id – The Airflow connection used for AWS credentials. If this is None or empty then the default boto3 behaviour is used. If running Airflow in a distributed manner and aws_conn_id is None or empty, then default boto3 configuration would be used (and must be maintained on each worker node).

  • region_name – AWS region_name. If not specified then the default boto3 behaviour is used.

  • verify – Whether or not to verify SSL certificates. See:

  • botocore_config – Configuration dictionary (key-values) for botocore client. See:

  • AirflowException – If task_arn was not specified, or if either source_location_uri or destination_location_uri were not specified.

  • AirflowException – If source or destination Location were not found and could not be created.

  • AirflowException – If choose_task or choose_location fails.

  • AirflowException – If Task creation, update, execution or delete fails.

ui_color = '#44b5e2'[source]
wait_interval_seconds = 30[source]
max_iterations = 60[source]
wait_for_completion = True[source]
task_arn = None[source]
source_location_uri = None[source]
destination_location_uri = None[source]
allow_random_task_choice = False[source]
allow_random_location_choice = False[source]
delete_task_after_execution = False[source]
candidate_source_location_arns: list[str] | None = None[source]
candidate_destination_location_arns: list[str] | None = None[source]
candidate_task_arns: list[str] | None = None[source]
source_location_arn: str | None = None[source]
destination_location_arn: str | None = None[source]
task_execution_arn: str | None = None[source]

Derive when creating an operator.

Context is the same dictionary used as when rendering jinja templates.

Refer to get_template_context for more context.


Select 1 DataSync TaskArn from a list.


Select 1 DataSync LocationArn from a list.


Override this method to clean up subprocesses when a task instance gets killed.

Any use of the threading, subprocess or multiprocessing module within an operator needs to be cleaned up, or it will leave ghost processes behind.

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