


Maintenance mode status.


Status of the worker.


Holds all information for a task/job to be executed as bundle.

Module Contents

class airflow.providers.edge.cli.dataclasses.MaintenanceMarker[source]

Maintenance mode status.

maintenance: str[source]
comments: str | None[source]
property json: str[source]

Get the maintenance status as JSON.

static from_json(json_str)[source]

Create a Maintenance object from JSON.

class airflow.providers.edge.cli.dataclasses.WorkerStatus[source]

Status of the worker.

job_count: int[source]
jobs: list[source]
state: airflow.providers.edge.models.edge_worker.EdgeWorkerState[source]
maintenance: bool[source]
maintenance_comments: str | None[source]
drain: bool[source]
property json: str[source]

Get the status as JSON.

static from_json(json_str)[source]

Create a WorkerStatus object from JSON.

class airflow.providers.edge.cli.dataclasses.Job[source]

Holds all information for a task/job to be executed as bundle.

edge_job: airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.EdgeJobFetched[source]
process: psutil.Popen | multiprocessing.Process[source]
logfile: pathlib.Path[source]
logsize: int[source]

Last size of log file, point of last chunk push.

property is_running: bool[source]

Check if the job is still running.

property is_success: bool[source]

Check if the job was successful.

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