
Module Contents



Documentation collection for the worker API.


Base JSON RPC request model to define just the method.


JSON RPC request model.


Basic attributes of a job on the edge worker.


Job that is to be executed on the edge worker.


Queues that a worker supports to run jobs on.


Queues that a worker supports to run jobs on.


Details of the worker state sent to the scheduler.


Changed queues for the worker.


Incremental new log content from worker.

class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.WorkerApiDocs[source]

Documentation collection for the worker API.

class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.JsonRpcRequestBase(/, **data)[source]

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

Base JSON RPC request model to define just the method.

method: Annotated[str, Field(description='Fully qualified python module method name that is called via JSON RPC.')][source]
class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.JsonRpcRequest(/, **data)[source]

Bases: JsonRpcRequestBase

JSON RPC request model.

jsonrpc: Annotated[str, Field(description='JSON RPC Version', examples=['2.0'])][source]
params: Annotated[dict[str, Any] | None, Field(description='Dictionary of parameters passed to the method.')][source]
class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.EdgeJobBase(/, **data)[source]

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

Basic attributes of a job on the edge worker.

property key: airflow.models.taskinstancekey.TaskInstanceKey[source]
dag_id: Annotated[str, Field(title='Dag ID', description='Identifier of the DAG to which the task belongs.')][source]
task_id: Annotated[str, Field(title='Task ID', description='Task name in the DAG.')][source]
run_id: Annotated[str, Field(title='Run ID', description='Run ID of the DAG execution.')][source]
map_index: Annotated[int, Field(title='Map Index', description='For dynamically mapped tasks the mapping number, -1 if the task is not mapped.')][source]
try_number: Annotated[int, Field(title='Try Number', description='The number of attempt to execute this task.')][source]
class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.EdgeJobFetched(/, **data)[source]

Bases: EdgeJobBase

Job that is to be executed on the edge worker.

command: Annotated[list[str], Field(title='Command', description='Command line to use to execute the job.')][source]
concurrency_slots: Annotated[int, Field(description='Number of concurrency slots the job requires.')][source]
class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.WorkerQueuesBase(/, **data)[source]

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

Queues that a worker supports to run jobs on.

queues: Annotated[list[str] | None, Field(None, description='List of queues the worker is pulling jobs from. If not provided, worker pulls from all queues.')][source]
class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.WorkerQueuesBody(/, **data)[source]

Bases: WorkerQueuesBase

Queues that a worker supports to run jobs on.

free_concurrency: Annotated[int, Field(description='Number of free concurrency slots on the worker.')][source]
class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.WorkerStateBody(/, **data)[source]

Bases: WorkerQueuesBase

Details of the worker state sent to the scheduler.

state: Annotated[airflow.providers.edge.models.edge_worker.EdgeWorkerState, Field(description='State of the worker from the view of the worker.')][source]
jobs_active: Annotated[int, Field(description='Number of active jobs the worker is running.')] = 0[source]
queues: Annotated[list[str] | None, Field(description='List of queues the worker is pulling jobs from. If not provided, worker pulls from all queues.')][source]
sysinfo: Annotated[dict[str, str | int], Field(description='System information of the worker.', examples=[{'concurrency': 4, 'free_concurrency': 3, 'airflow_version': '2.0.0', 'edge_provider_version': '1.0.0'}])][source]
class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.WorkerQueueUpdateBody(/, **data)[source]

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

Changed queues for the worker.

new_queues: Annotated[list[str] | None, Field(description='Additional queues to be added to worker.')][source]
remove_queues: Annotated[list[str] | None, Field(description='Queues to remove from worker.')][source]
class airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels.PushLogsBody(/, **data)[source]

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

Incremental new log content from worker.

log_chunk_time: Annotated[datetime.datetime, Field(description='Time of the log chunk at point of sending.')][source]
log_chunk_data: Annotated[str, Field(description='Log chunk data as incremental log text.')][source]

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