Source code for airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.datamodels

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from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
from typing import (

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from airflow.models.taskinstancekey import TaskInstanceKey
from airflow.providers.edge.models.edge_worker import EdgeWorkerState  # noqa: TCH001
from airflow.providers.edge.worker_api.routes._v2_compat import ExecuteTask, Path

[docs] class WorkerApiDocs: """Documentation collection for the worker API."""
[docs] dag_id = Path(title="Dag ID", description="Identifier of the DAG to which the task belongs.")
[docs] task_id = Path(title="Task ID", description="Task name in the DAG.")
[docs] run_id = Path(title="Run ID", description="Run ID of the DAG execution.")
[docs] try_number = Path(title="Try Number", description="The number of attempt to execute this task.")
[docs] map_index = Path( title="Map Index", description="For dynamically mapped tasks the mapping number, -1 if the task is not mapped.", )
[docs] state = Path(title="Task State", description="State of the assigned task under execution.")
[docs] class JsonRpcRequestBase(BaseModel): """Base JSON RPC request model to define just the method."""
[docs] method: Annotated[ str, Field(description="Fully qualified python module method name that is called via JSON RPC."), ]
[docs] class JsonRpcRequest(JsonRpcRequestBase): """JSON RPC request model."""
[docs] jsonrpc: Annotated[str, Field(description="JSON RPC Version", examples=["2.0"])]
[docs] params: Annotated[ dict[str, Any] | None, Field(description="Dictionary of parameters passed to the method."), ]
[docs] class EdgeJobBase(BaseModel): """Basic attributes of a job on the edge worker."""
[docs] dag_id: Annotated[ str, Field(title="Dag ID", description="Identifier of the DAG to which the task belongs.") ]
[docs] task_id: Annotated[str, Field(title="Task ID", description="Task name in the DAG.")]
[docs] run_id: Annotated[str, Field(title="Run ID", description="Run ID of the DAG execution.")]
[docs] map_index: Annotated[ int, Field( title="Map Index", description="For dynamically mapped tasks the mapping number, -1 if the task is not mapped.", ), ]
[docs] try_number: Annotated[ int, Field(title="Try Number", description="The number of attempt to execute this task.") ]
[docs] def key(self) -> TaskInstanceKey: return TaskInstanceKey(self.dag_id, self.task_id, self.run_id, self.try_number, self.map_index)
[docs] class EdgeJobFetched(EdgeJobBase): """Job that is to be executed on the edge worker."""
[docs] command: Annotated[ ExecuteTask, Field( title="Command", description="Command line to use to execute the job in Airflow 2. Task definition in Airflow 3", ), ]
[docs] concurrency_slots: Annotated[int, Field(description="Number of concurrency slots the job requires.")]
[docs] class WorkerQueuesBase(BaseModel): """Queues that a worker supports to run jobs on."""
[docs] queues: Annotated[ list[str] | None, Field( None, description="List of queues the worker is pulling jobs from. If not provided, worker pulls from all queues.", ), ]
[docs] class WorkerQueuesBody(WorkerQueuesBase): """Queues that a worker supports to run jobs on."""
[docs] free_concurrency: Annotated[int, Field(description="Number of free concurrency slots on the worker.")]
[docs] class WorkerStateBody(WorkerQueuesBase): """Details of the worker state sent to the scheduler."""
[docs] state: Annotated[EdgeWorkerState, Field(description="State of the worker from the view of the worker.")]
[docs] jobs_active: Annotated[int, Field(description="Number of active jobs the worker is running.")] = 0
[docs] queues: Annotated[ list[str] | None, Field( description="List of queues the worker is pulling jobs from. If not provided, worker pulls from all queues." ), ] = None
[docs] sysinfo: Annotated[ dict[str, str | int], Field( description="System information of the worker.", examples=[ { "concurrency": 4, "free_concurrency": 3, "airflow_version": "2.0.0", "edge_provider_version": "1.0.0", } ], ), ]
[docs] maintenance_comments: Annotated[ str | None, Field(description="Comments about the maintenance state of the worker."), ] = None
[docs] class WorkerQueueUpdateBody(BaseModel): """Changed queues for the worker."""
[docs] new_queues: Annotated[ list[str] | None, Field(description="Additional queues to be added to worker."), ]
[docs] remove_queues: Annotated[ list[str] | None, Field(description="Queues to remove from worker."), ]
[docs] class PushLogsBody(BaseModel): """Incremental new log content from worker."""
[docs] log_chunk_time: Annotated[datetime, Field(description="Time of the log chunk at point of sending.")]
[docs] log_chunk_data: Annotated[str, Field(description="Log chunk data as incremental log text.")]
[docs] class WorkerSetStateReturn(BaseModel): """The return class for the worker set state."""
[docs] state: Annotated[EdgeWorkerState, Field(description="State of the worker from the view of the server.")]
[docs] queues: Annotated[ list[str] | None, Field( description="List of queues the worker is pulling jobs from. If not provided, worker pulls from all queues." ), ]
[docs] maintenance_comments: Annotated[ str | None, Field(description="Comments about the maintenance state of the worker."), ] = None

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