Error Tracking

Airflow can be set up to send errors to Sentry.


First you must install sentry requirement:

pip install 'apache-airflow[sentry]'

After that, you need to enable the integration by setting the sentry_on option in the [sentry] section to True.

Add your SENTRY_DSN to your configuration file e.g. airflow.cfg in [sentry] section. Its template resembles the following: {PROTOCOL}://{PUBLIC_KEY}@{HOST}/{PROJECT_ID}

sentry_on = True
sentry_dsn =


If this value is not provided, the SDK will try to read it from the SENTRY_DSN environment variable.

The before_send option can be used to modify or drop events before they are sent to Sentry. To set this option, provide a dotted path to a before_send function that the sentry SDK should be configured to use.

before_send =

The transport option can be used to change the transport used to send events to Sentry, and possibly other Systems. To set this option, provide a dotted path to a Transport class that the sentry SDK should be configured to use.

transport =

You can supply additional configuration options based on the Python platform via [sentry] section. Unsupported options: integrations, in_app_include, in_app_exclude, ignore_errors, before_breadcrumb.





Dag name of the dag that failed


Task name of the task that failed


Start of data interval when the task failed


End of data interval when the task failed


Operator name of the task that failed

For backward compatibility, an additional tag execution_date is also available to represent the logical date. The tag should be considered deprecated in favor of data_interval_start.

Impact of Sentry on Environment variables passed to Subprocess Hook

When Sentry is enabled, by default it changes the standard library to pass all environment variables to subprocesses opened by Airflow. This changes the default behaviour of airflow.providers.standard.hooks.subprocess.SubprocessHook - always all environment variables are passed to the subprocess executed with specific set of environment variables. In this case not only the specified environment variables are passed but also all existing environment variables are passed with SUBPROCESS_ prefix added. This happens also for all other subprocesses.

This behaviour can be disabled by setting default_integrations sentry configuration parameter to False which disables StdlibIntegration. However, this also disables other default integrations, so you need to enable them manually if you want them to remain enabled (see Sentry Default Integrations).

default_integrations = False

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